T25 Anyone else want to join me?

Hi! I'm starting T25 tomorrow and I'm looking for workout buddies! Anyone else doing it and want to join in?


  • stages95
    stages95 Posts: 39 Member
    I am interested.

    Not too sure what T25 is, I've only read a little about it!
  • ctlinj7
    ctlinj7 Posts: 151 Member
    I'm starting the week of Thanksgiving! Motivation!! :)
  • lisalisa27
    lisalisa27 Posts: 75 Member
    T25 is a high intensity workout program by Shaun T, he is the guy that invented Insanity. Which... looks insane. ha.

    The biggest thing that drew me to the program is getting it done in 25 minutes a day!
  • lisalisa27
    lisalisa27 Posts: 75 Member
    I'm starting the week of Thanksgiving! Motivation!! :)
  • karlospiklington
    karlospiklington Posts: 143 Member
    Ahh so that's what the T25 work out is. Shaun T does look insane in those Insanity infomercials. Although that could be because I'm usually watching them at 2am..

    Is the video available on youtube? I think I need a change from Jillian Michaels' face in 30DS.
  • Count me in. Trying to find my motivation again.
  • inksyrup
    inksyrup Posts: 81 Member
    I'd love to! I started the program last week - super challenging, but a lot of fun. :)

    Feel free to add if you want!
  • vahine03
    vahine03 Posts: 214 Member
    Are there any places that show all the workouts for t25? I haven't yet purchased it. There's a 5am class every weed day. But I can't go out of my way to wake that early.
  • Bikini165
    Bikini165 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm on day 10 of the Focus T25 program and it is most definitely a challenge. You will be amazed how fast you will feel yourself getting stronger.
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    If I could budget it in, I'd so be on board. Good luck!
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member

    The biggest thing that drew me to the program is getting it done in 25 minutes a day!

    Yes, 25 minutes. 25 minutes of pure torture! :laugh:

    I do T25 sometimes, but haven't done it regularly, the way the program was designed. One of these day I should...
  • I am on week 3 and really enjoying it. Would love to still be apart even though I started earlier, just for the extra motivation and encouragement.
  • Glampinupdoll
    Glampinupdoll Posts: 234 Member
    I'm on day 3 today!!! Definitely tough but when I'm done I'm so happy :)
  • I am on my second week of T25 and love it. Please feel free to add me :-). I took a before picture so I can view my results when finished.
  • I really have no idea how many calories I am burning with T25, just been guessing. I bought a $8 watch on eBay that was supposed to tell calories burned but doesn't work. What do you all recommend on a budget to figure out how many calories you burn on each workout?
  • lisalisa27
    lisalisa27 Posts: 75 Member
    Yeah for buddies! Sure, all are welcome :)

    I did Day 1 and that was pretty crazy! I am just coming off of 90 days of Chalean Extreme, so I kind of thought I was getting in shape... Shaun T worked me today! LOL!

    lweflen1985, did you take measurements of yourself too? I found that to show some real progress!

    Glampinupdoll, yes, so happy when the counter gets to 00:00!!

    ryankevtoml, join in! Everyone needs friends to help them through!

    I_Will_End_Yo , LOL
  • lisalisa27
    lisalisa27 Posts: 75 Member
    Count me in. Trying to find my motivation again.
    Challenge yourself to wake up and do a workout tomorrow, I bet you will be more motivated once you start.
  • lisalisa27
    lisalisa27 Posts: 75 Member
    Here is a video if you are not familiar with the program...

  • jennicole4
    jennicole4 Posts: 90 Member
    I did about 2 weeks of T25 back in August. I started as soon as my OB/GYN approved exercise after the birth of my son. Unfortunately, it had a major effect on my milk and my son stopped gaining weight - he was "failing to thrive". I stopped T25 at that point. He never really caught back up until we started supplementing a little formula each day (per doctor's orders). Now that he's almost 5 months, the doctor suggested feeding him some rice cereal each day and soon some vegetables and fruits. I plan on re-starting T25 on Monday since he's not exclusively getting nutrition from me anymore. I hope things go better this time.

    Anyway, I really enjoyed the 2 weeks I completed last time! I was covered in sweat after each session and I felt like I had really accomplished something in those 25 minutes! I also lost about 2 inches off my waist, an inch off each arm, and 2 and a half inches off each thigh. Some of that can be attributed to being newly postpartum, but I still think the results would have been great if I had finished!

    I'd love to join the group!
  • lisalisa27
    lisalisa27 Posts: 75 Member
    I did about 2 weeks of T25 back in August. I started as soon as my OB/GYN approved exercise after the birth of my son. Unfortunately, it had a major effect on my milk and my son stopped gaining weight - he was "failing to thrive". I stopped T25 at that point. He never really caught back up until we started supplementing a little formula each day (per doctor's orders). Now that he's almost 5 months, the doctor suggested feeding him some rice cereal each day and soon some vegetables and fruits. I plan on re-starting T25 on Monday since he's not exclusively getting nutrition from me anymore. I hope things go better this time.

    Anyway, I really enjoyed the 2 weeks I completed last time! I was covered in sweat after each session and I felt like I had really accomplished something in those 25 minutes! I also lost about 2 inches off my waist, an inch off each arm, and 2 and a half inches off each thigh. Some of that can be attributed to being newly postpartum, but I still think the results would have been great if I had finished!

    I'd love to join the group!

    Hi, welcome! Sorry to hear it affected your supply! Were you eating enough calories? I'm a BFing mom too so I know how it can be trying to lose weight and make sure you are eating enough. Such a delicate balance! My daughter is 20 months old now so if my milk dries up I am not concerned.

    Sounds like the program gave you great results in those 2 weeks! That is awesome! Nice to meet you!