so im bored and hungry, what can i eat?

somedays i eat an early dinner and get bored after i finish homework so i get hungry again. i know probably fruits and vegetables ( like carrots or strawberrys) would be good to eat but i do not always have them around. plus usually when this happens i always crave candy or ice cream or any kind of sweets (which sucks!!!) any suggestions??


  • soze
    soze Posts: 604 Member
    Try exercising or drinking water. Sometimes we think we want sweets when our body really wants water or activity.

    Another little trick I use is I don't sit down and just finish the meal. I get up, look at the computer, maybe do some dishes and then go back to eating. Even if its just a minute or two it can make a difference between being hungry or not.
  • mamxo22
    mamxo22 Posts: 84
    i thought exercising would be good tooo like you said !! thanks for the advice!!! <3
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    The trick is to not get bored. If you find that you're craving something because of boredom, drink a glass of water and do a chore for 20 minutes. If you are still needing something and have the calorie allotment still available, then I say have something. Try and keep healthy choices in the house. If you give in to your sugar cravings, you just crave more sugar. Your best bet is the veggies or maybe peanut butter (or light cream cheese) & crackers. Fruit late at night is not a great option because the sugars in it convert quickly to energy meaning you will have trouble sleeping. Keep whatever you have light so that you sleep well and aren't still digesting when you go to bed.
  • suzie1983
    my addiction is apple kills my sweet tooth esp when i put a little bit of caramel in it....i get the all natural unsweetened...i know my friend gets the one with cinnamon and loves it or will add her own...dont know if it will help you any but thats how i get over my sweet tooth
  • rocko123
    rocko123 Posts: 14 Member
    You can never go wrong with greens like lettuce, celery or, well, greens like collards, mustards, or spinach. That natural fiber will fill up your stomach without a lot of sugars or caleries and will clean out your system over night. It's like an aspirin for your system, reducing overnight swelling and pushing out the toxins you ingested during the day. At the instruction of my trainer, I end every day with at least 4 cups of romaine or spinach and it has accerated my loss rates. Plus, you wake up feeling great!
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Slice an apple, sprinkle with a tiny bit of sugar and cinnamon, microwave until soft and moist.... and, if it's not sweet enough, add a teaspoon of caramel sauce.

    You could also slice a banana, microwave it, then add a tiny bit of caramel.

    Sweet, yummy and, in the case of the apple, great for you.
  • mamxo22
    mamxo22 Posts: 84
    thanks you guyss!!! this is all really helpful
  • emgi
    emgi Posts: 15
    Making myself tea helps a little. For one thing, it's a bit of an activity, and it takes time to boil the water and steep the tea and then wait for it to cool enough to consume. It appeals to me more than water. So, that's my suggestion.
  • navy4you2
    navy4you2 Posts: 31 Member
    One other thing is that if you are wanting something more than water, get some ginger gizer that will help with the taste and just splash a little in a cup and see how you like it. it could be better or worse with the amount you use. Just an idea.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Try Blue Diamond flavored almonds. They are super indulgent, while still being a healthy option. My favorite is cinnamon sugar, followed by dark chocolate, and finally butter toffee.

    EDIT: Wanted to add new fetish of mine: Dole crisp fruit crumbles. They are divine! It's like eating pie.
  • sewele
    sewele Posts: 27
    If you are looking for something sweet try Jello Mouse Temptations they are only 60 cals.. also apples always help me curb cravings and strangely so does a glass of OJ. I like Trop 50 cuz it has low calories!