Insanity now or later (over 100 lbs to lose)

Hi all,

I know there are probably a few conversations about Insanity so go easy on new :)

I have over 100 lbs to lose, do you think Insanity would be good for me or not?

What have been peoples results?

I am not sure if I should it now or wait until I have lost weight and use Insanity to tone up?

Opinions please :)


  • Hi there,

    I would say leave insanity till later as it is very intense...

    Why don't you do a circuit in your house or outside?

    I'll write you one if you like.

  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    depends on your fitness level really... what exercise do you currently do?
  • Michellekrywycz
    Michellekrywycz Posts: 1 Member
    Its very intense and depends on you fitness level. If your a member of a gym try some different classes to see what you enjoy the most and mix them up in the week. You need to enjoy the exercise make friends and laugh otherwise you will egt bored and give up. Good luck
  • sjones215
    sjones215 Posts: 18 Member
    I do H.I.I.T. twice a week and it is ROUGH, I have to do a lot of modifications right now, for me I think if I tried to do Insanity I would get discouraged and quit. You don't want to try to take on a routine that will cause you to get discouraged and quit. With that said I haven't tried Insanity so I could be wrong. BTW I also have around 100 to lose.
  • I have about 50 lbs to lose... some baby weight included. My son is 3.5 months old. I'm 24 and a former athlete.

    I've started with Turbo Jam to ease into the Beachbody programs, and I'm loving it so far. Down 6+ lbs in 3 weeks, and I can notice the inches leaving too, but I'm not measuring until the end of week 4.

    Insanity and P90X are both hard on the joints, which is why I'm putting those programs off until I've reached a better level of fitness. I might be able to pull those off with the modifer once I get some of the weight off, but I really don't think my knees will hold up, even using the modifier, right now. My Beachbody coach recommended that I try the Chalene Johnson programs to start... Turbo Jam, Turbo Fire, Chalean Xtreme.
  • crobl
    crobl Posts: 380
    This is actually a tough question for me - I have 2 answers for you, so pick your poison

    1. Wait a bit - it's called insanity for a reason. It's not easy. I know many people who have tried it and barely made it through the warm-up. That can be depressing to some people (albeit motivating to others). Insanity relies on a version of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). You can do similar things without a dvd. Tabata training does similar things. Here is a sample classic lower body Tabata workout.

    Tuck Jumps - Work 20 seconds:rest 10. Do 8 times total (4 minutes)
    1 minute rest
    Squats - Work 20 seconds:rest 10. Do 8 times total (4 minutes)
    1 minute rest
    Lunges - Work 20 seconds:rest 10. Do 8 times total (4 minutes)
    1 minute rest
    Side shuffles - Work 20 seconds:rest 10. Do 8 times total (4 minutes)


    Or an upper body Tabata...

    Burpees - Work 20 seconds:rest 10. Do 8 times total (4 minutes)
    1 minute rest
    Push-ups - Work 20 seconds:rest 10. Do 8 times total (4 minutes)
    1 minute rest
    Pillars to planks (Up/downs) - Work 20 seconds:rest 10. Do 8 times total (4 minutes)
    1 minute rest
    Davies Test - Work 20 seconds:rest 10. Do 8 times total (4 minutes)


    You can do any combination of exercises that can curtail to your fitness level. But it's all about pushing yourself and keeping moving - example - if you are too fatigued to do normal push-ups, drop to your knees. If that is too hard - push-ups on a table. If that is too hard - on a wall. You will get better!!

    Here is an example that I showed my mom (almost 60)

    Step-ups (onto a stair) leading with right leg - Work 20 seconds:rest 10. Do 8 times total (4 minutes)
    1 minute rest
    Wall Push-ups - Work 20 seconds:rest 10. Do 8 times total (4 minutes)
    1 minute rest
    Step-ups (onto a stair) leading with left leg - Work 20 seconds:rest 10. Do 8 times total (4 minutes)
    1 minute rest
    March in Place with torso twist - Work 20 seconds:rest 10. Do 8 times total (4 minutes)


    The possibilities are endless! Just don't stop moving!!

    2. Why wait until later? Didn't waiting/procrastinating get us all in the position to need to lose weight in the first place?
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    I guess the only way to find out is to throw in a video and try it. You might find modified Zumba to be easier with a good burn.
    If you are starteng from scratch, I would suggest starting with a walk building up to intense exercises as you can handle it.
  • Insanity is for people who are already fit and are ready to reach that next level. I would recommend building up your base fitness level before trying to take it on.
  • Denise1224
    Denise1224 Posts: 150 Member
    In my area there are Insanity group classes... I take those because they have 2 instructors (1 who is doing the full workout 1 who is demonstrating the modification exercises). I do some of the regular some modified I get a great workout and there are instructors there to motivate me!
  • Its do able if your carefull, I saw a guy on you tube rather large man and he was giving it all he got!
    Filmed every workout as far as I know... I asume it helped him keep hes motivation going
  • LunaInverse
    LunaInverse Posts: 109 Member
    I think Insanity is too much high impact on your knees. It's really for people who are already in shape looking to reach the next level. I wouldn't reccomend it to you :(
  • Mtfd02
    Mtfd02 Posts: 239 Member
    I would start with something like T25 then move up to Insanity, i did Insanity along with running and hockey, lost 24lbs but I 'm at a different fitness level, so I'm doing T25, hockey and running now then back to Insanity etc.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    It'll mess up your joints unless you're already fit enough to keep perfect form.

    It won't make you fitter any faster if it sidelines you with an injury. It's tempting to think you need to train balls-to-the-wall to get "results". What really makes the difference is being methodical, patient and honest with your logging. All you need is time and a calorie deficit to lose weight.
  • Thanks guys, I have come to the decision that I will lose the weight and get fitter by doing some local gym classes and swimming.

    I may try this when I am super fit and can handle the intensity of the workouts :).

    Thanks for helping with my decision :)
  • mfleeg
    mfleeg Posts: 137 Member
    I started with 30 Day Shred from Jillian Michaels to help get my fitness level up for insanity

    just another thought :)
  • markpmc
    markpmc Posts: 240 Member
    Everyone is a bit different. Insanity is actually a full body calisthenic program!
    From memory the workout flow is:
    9-10 min warmup - pace yourself here.
    5 min stretch
    25 min circuit workout
    5 min stretch

    I took the push play and try to keep up approach. Never paused the dvd. Simply did the best I could do that day.

    The circuits are baiscally (in no particular order)...
    1. Cardio - run in place, etc
    2. Upper body - pushups, dips
    3. Cardio
    4. Body weight squats or jumps

    Plan on doing pushups on your knees.
    Sub squats for the jumps.
    You'll do fine.

    My first rotation was just the month one workouts!

    Good luck
  • bbthetwn
    bbthetwn Posts: 8 Member
    I say GO FOR IT!

    I have over 100 lbs to lose and I am doing a lot of stuff I never thought I would be able to do!

    You may have to modify at may even have to modify a lot of it and you may not get through whole work outs right away but you'll work up to it! It's something to work towards.

    I know when I first started it was hard and I could only do so much and as I was able to go longer and do more it was such a good feeling and a great way to track progress.

    Have fun and good luck!
  • Nope don't do it. Insanity is not for people that are just starting out. You might want to try T25, it's made by the same person that created Inanity. The main difference being that the workouts are only 25 minutes and they have someone doing modified version of all the moves for people that are beginners.