I have no ide how I gained 20 lbs in 24 hours!



  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member

    It's not the scale.
  • LishLash79
    LishLash79 Posts: 562 Member
    wow.. thats a huge gain...

    I once lost 35lbs in three days.. best diet ever..

    it required a lot of pain... and the delivery of an almost 11lb baby.. but seriously.. best diet ever. ;)

    but never the reverse?

  • samammay
    samammay Posts: 468
    Were you accidentally holding a toddler this morning? Dont laugh... it could happen.
  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member
    OP - You previously posted about considering eating your cat.

    Did you do this? Cause everyone knows cats are 90% fat and 10% carbs.
  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    Candy is extremely dangerous. Consider yourself lucky that you lived through the ordeal.:wink:

    LOL! :love:
  • bas2012
    bas2012 Posts: 5 Member
    Most ludicrous thing I've read on this forum. And that's saying something.

    I concur. The most I've seen within 24 hours has been in the single digits.
  • chatogal
    chatogal Posts: 436 Member
    What has happened to the OP is whst I DREAD happening to me!!! All that weight she "lost" has "found" her again!!!....arghhhhhh
  • CillitBang
    CillitBang Posts: 33 Member
    Gosh, people are so bloody mean here! I have to admit, that was pretty funny though :laugh:

    OP, you can't possibly have put on 20 pounds overnight. Calm down. Hopefully by now you've gone and checked out your weight elsewhere.

    It's more than likely your scales. Either that or you're body is busy brewing a megapoop. But then, it'd need to be pretty mega.
  • sway1080
    sway1080 Posts: 45 Member
    So I weigh myself every morning, same place same scale. Its a dial scale so I don't worry about batteries. Yesterday I weighed 178, this morning 201. How on earth did I gain more then 20 pounds in 24 hours. I will be very honest I cheated a bit yesterday, I had a few pieces of candy (about 5) and I added them. I ate about 1,500 calories (I usually eat about 1,100 and have been slowly working up to 1,300-1,400 so when I come off this diet onto maintenance I don't go from 1,100-1,200 to 1,800-2,000 over night). I am not low carb, and even they talk about a few pounds...not 20lbs! I can't see where this 20lbs went on. I have no idea what happened. What do I do now? How to I avoid being 221 tomorrow?

    Just a thought, how close are you to your monthly "friend"? One week before I can gain 5-7lbs...that won't go away until a day or two before it's over.
    Also, I suggest maybe not weighing yourself everyday. I'd go friggin nuts if I did that, my weight changes after I have 1 cup of tea lol.
    A few pieces of candy isn't going to make you gain 20lbs. Maybe try getting a digi scale?
  • MissKitty9
    MissKitty9 Posts: 224 Member
    I don't know why I'm even replying to this ridiculousness, but assuming it's real--- your scale is off. Like someone on the previous page said, step off of it & look at the dial... is it at 0? Because I bet it's not. It's probably around 20 (which is why when you step on, you're 20 pounds heavier than you normally are). There is usually an adjuster on the underside; just move it back to 0.
  • rb16fitness
    rb16fitness Posts: 236 Member
    Buy a new scale and pick up some common sense while you're about it!
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Sorry, this did make me smile :laugh:

    Either it's not "tared" (i.e. sitting at 0 when you get on it) or you've got a corner on some carpet/other surface to the one you're on. Did that once and gained 15Ibs. Kicked the scale for betraying me which made me realise my error :bigsmile:
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Did you take an iron tablet today? Iron is very heavy.
  • YoungIronG
    YoungIronG Posts: 125 Member
    put down the cats your holding before stepping on the scale
  • A185945
    A185945 Posts: 16 Member
    I gained 10 pounds in 24 hours due to water retention. I was drinking more than 8 glasses of water a day, believing it was good for me, but because my body has the ability to retain fluids, it turned out to have negative results. I would suggest speaking to your doctor about your weight gain in such a short space of time.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Did you take an iron tablet today? Iron is very heavy.

    I read on Wikipedia that iron weighs more than fat. :laugh:
  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    On a serious note, it IS possible to gain that much water weight in 24 hours, but the circumstances have to be mega extreme. I gained 18 pounds of water weight in less than 24 hours due to a medical problem (bled out for several days, ended up in the hospital getting 4 units of blood just to be safe enough to have the surgery to STOP the source of the bleeding). When your blood pressure gets dangerously low the body tries to increase it by increasing blood volume. It does this by adjusting the hormones responsible for fluid balance. Result? Massive water weight gain.
  • You guys keep saying her scale is off, but no. It can't be. It's gotta be more complex than that. You see, she ate these super high calorie candies that are like, 5,000,000,000 calories per piece. I know the math don't work out because that's like 1,428,571 pounds worth of calories, but this is no ordinary situation. You see, the candy actually made calories after she ate and it put on the weight. How this happened is a government test on the people that's top secret and you can't even gain access to this classified information. Just be careful, it's scary that the government is doing this.

    Pssh, and you guys thought it was something as simple as the scale being off. Jeez.
