I have no ide how I gained 20 lbs in 24 hours!



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,910 Member
    The candy nullified your birth control pill, so now you're pregnant.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • QuincyChick
    QuincyChick Posts: 269 Member
    You guys keep saying her scale is off, but no. It can't be. It's gotta be more complex than that. You see, she ate these super high calorie candies that are like, 5,000,000,000 calories per piece. I know the math don't work out because that's like 1,428,571 pounds worth of calories, but this is no ordinary situation. You see, the candy actually made calories after she ate and it put on the weight. How this happened is a government test on the people that's top secret and you can't even gain access to this classified information. Just be careful, it's scary that the government is doing this.

    Pssh, and you guys thought it was something as simple as the scale being off. Jeez.


    Tim and Eric for the win!
  • _TastySnoBalls_
    _TastySnoBalls_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    What time did you eat said candies ? Was it after 7:03pm? You're welcome.
  • So either my scale is broken or my morbidly obese cat joined me on it. The school scale says I weight 178 (I am a student-doctor so scales are easy to come by at least).

    As for the person who mentioned meds, I have been on my medication for OCD for a few months and haven't changed in a while. I was worried about weight gain from them at first but they haven't been an issue. I got treatment for my OCD because I finally did something dumb enough with my dieting to actually black out (walked 5 miles in 101F weather without drinking or eating anything that day)...so nope my cat has not been eaten my meds are not an issue I just need to buy a new scale.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I recommend a good bowel movement. Make sure you have home owner's insurance, this one could be earth shattering.
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    wow.. thats a huge gain...

    I once lost 35lbs in three days.. best diet ever..

    it required a lot of pain... and the delivery of an almost 11lb baby.. but seriously.. best diet ever. ;)

    but never the reverse?


    This made me spit coffee on the guy across from me...HE is NOT super happy with me right now...LOL
  • So either my scale is broken or my morbidly obese cat joined me on it. The school scale says I weight 178 (I am a student-doctor so scales are easy to come by at least).

    As for the person who mentioned meds, I have been on my medication for OCD for a few months and haven't changed in a while. I was worried about weight gain from them at first but they haven't been an issue. I got treatment for my OCD because I finally did something dumb enough with my dieting to actually black out (walked 5 miles in 101F weather without drinking or eating anything that day)...so nope my cat has not been eaten my meds are not an issue I just need to buy a new scale.

    It is scary to see such a large gain even if intellectually you know you could not possibly have gained that overnight (even factoring in water/waste). And to have it be your own scale (versus some random scale you have never weighed on before) makes it even more unnerving. I am glad you got a second opinion at school.

    Add a history of OCD...I think that adds to the irrational fear the scale could be right.
  • janicelo1971
    janicelo1971 Posts: 823 Member
    I recommend a good bowel movement. Make sure you have home owner's insurance, this one could be earth shattering.

    I think I just peed on myself a little while laughing ....you cant beat stupid...:laugh:
  • babyblooz
    babyblooz Posts: 220 Member
    Most ludicrous thing I've read on this forum. And that's saying something.

  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    ......I am a student-doctor so scales are easy to come by at least.......

    And you're on an internet forum asking if it's possible to gain 20lbs overnight? :indifferent:
  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
    Most ludicrous thing I've read on this forum. And that's saying something.

    No kidding. WTH?

    Honestly, this post frightens me....
  • slimster1970
    slimster1970 Posts: 65 Member
    The OP should just remember to take the motorcycle helmet off before going on the scales next time, and put the bowling ball down.

    Should just about take the 20lb off I think.
  • Most ludicrous thing I've read on this forum. And that's saying something.

    No kidding. WTH?

    Honestly, this post frightens me....

    I freaked out because my scale told me something that was completely crazy and it was totally normal last night...I overreacted not that horrible.
  • AleciaG724
    AleciaG724 Posts: 705 Member
    Have you seen your cat this morning? I went to bed and dreamed of eating giant marshmallows one night & in the morning my pillow was gone... just sayin'!
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    not possible. look at my diary and see what i ate last night which is the first time in 4 months eating crazy. i was on a date with my ex. anyways long *kitten* story but the moral of the story is my scale is only up 3 pounds this morning and I KNOW ITS BECAUSE THE sodium was off the charts from dinner. im not going to die. im going to be alright. and so are you. go get a new scale btw.

    edit: to LOL @ have you seen your cat omg lmao!!!!
  • gmthisfeller
    gmthisfeller Posts: 779 Member
    You will want to report this to the CMS researchers at super-collider center in Cern, Switzerland. During their last Hiigs boson run, they inadvertently created and then lost a microscopic black hole. I feel confident that it is lodged under that scale.
  • redmapleleaf
    redmapleleaf Posts: 56 Member
    Whoa! I've gained 20 lbs in a cross country road trip vacation in two weeks. Yikes.
  • HannahInHawaii
    HannahInHawaii Posts: 173 Member
    Better hit the gym!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Silly, your scale is out to get you. :laugh::bigsmile:

    You are joking, right? :wink:

    Seriously, you know you didn't gain all that weight overnight. Either change the batteries or get rid of the scale, or tell us the joke is on us.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Time for a nice modern digital scale .. with batteries. Promise they will not hurt you. Though the scale might make you cry.

    But honestly ... time for a new scale.