Visual Motivation

Do any of you have suggestions on a visual way of keeping up with your weight loss? Like maybe checking off a calendar every day you work out, or some way that you can visually see your progress or the work that you are doing to lose the weight? I feel like I need something I can visually see that shows the progress (not like lbs off the scale but like evidence that I've been working hard and actually sticking to it) I hope that makes sense. :/


  • agcarden1
    agcarden1 Posts: 35 Member
    You could do a "workout jar", where every time you work out, you pay yourself a dollar. Use the money you collect for new, smaller clothes!

    Or a spin on a common "pounds lost, pounds to lose" jar, Add one marble to the jar for when you make good healthy decisions (could be just for working out, or when you are able to resist your cravings and go for something healthier instead!). Draw a line on the jar that when you fill it up to that point, you get some type of reward.

    Another one is a weekly/biweekly goal of working out x number of times. Keep track each day to determine if you meet your goals. And throw in a nice reward if you do!

    (I'm definitely for rewarding yourself for the hard work you do!!)

    Good luck!