elliptical gave up the ghost

I am at a total loss as to what to do with myself now! I have a nice routine that I found I could stay motivated enough to stick to and that i have no excuses to not do. Come home from work, do my 25 mins of 30 day shred, 40 minutes on the elliptical, dinner, bath, bed, rinse and repeat.

Today my hard working elliptical broke! I am now at a loss with what to do with myself for cardio. (I have bad knees so running is a no, plus I dont like running anyway)

I am also one of those people that if I have an excuse to not exercise, I'll take it. So I'm also now worried that I'm going to fall off the exercise wagon. Buying another machine is not feasible, especially this time of year and I can't do gym membership as the ones near me are expensive.

Not sure why I'm posting, other than to vent my sadness that the machine that got me started is now gone, and sharing that I'm a little worried the change in my routine will be the undoing of me.


  • RoyBeck
    RoyBeck Posts: 947 Member
    I take it you have no guarantee for it?

    Try some youtube videos. You can do 1-5 mile walks totally free! Walk outside longer the better. Could you afford a 2nd hand exercise bike!?
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    I don't know what the 30 day shred entails, but could you do the video twice? You could go for a walk, or a bike ride if you have a bike.

    Like RoyBeck said, youtube could give you some ideas.

    Depending what's wrong with it, you may be able to find someone to repair it, that would be cheaper than replacing it.
  • Mistraal1981
    Mistraal1981 Posts: 453 Member
    Sadly no, no guarantee. I got it off a friend. As for repair, I think its too far gone. The belt is all frayed and where the pedal bar meets the arm lever s the metal join has sheared. On the one hand I'm proud that I exercised so much that I actually wore out a machine!!

    RoyBeck, walking is a good idea, but it is so easy to make excuses not to especially in winter when its pitch dark by the time I get home. ShibaEars I will spend some time looking for YouTube videos. To you both, I will probably spend time looking to see if anyone local is looking to get rid of another machine. :)

    Thank you both for your useful input to this thread. It is very much appreciated!
  • RoyBeck
    RoyBeck Posts: 947 Member
    Glad to help I hope you find the right workout for you. As for motivation just remember:

    No one is going to do for you. You are the one in control and you can become whoever or whatever you want.

    Good luck!
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    Try looking on craigslist for a "new" (used) elliptical. Be careful about meeting people to buy anything but don't forget that you can find some great things on there!
  • psych0kitty
  • Mistraal1981
    Mistraal1981 Posts: 453 Member
    Big hugs!!