Help, motivation gone!

Hi all, new at this! Does anyone have any tips on how to stay motivated. I need to loose around 10 stone to be "healthy" weight. It's hard because I have got so long to go and there always seems to be something that seems to knock me back. Any advice/ help gratefully received! :smile:


  • BattyP
    BattyP Posts: 18 Member
    Every journey starts with little steps!! Dont look at the whole 10 st just take a pound at a time!!
    Good luck on your journey! xx
  • jennygeo1
    jennygeo1 Posts: 133 Member
    I clean out the fridge and stock up on healthy foods. I love cooking so having a house full of good foods inspires me to cook good wholesome meals and try new recipes.

    Also, starting out my mornings healthy keeps me motivated throughout the day. If i eat a nice healthy breakfast or sneak in a workout, i'm more likely to not be tempted later in the day. Carry some good snacks on you (apples and banana's are my 'go-to's) - grab these when you're feeling hungry instead of fastfood or processed snacks.

    I've found activities that I enjoy (jogging, lifting, hiking) and i think of doing them more for fun than "ugh, i have to work out now". Just enjoy how you feel after a good workout and ride out that high.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • phocid
    phocid Posts: 85 Member
    I like to find new blogs to follow - especially with recipes! Currently loving Lexi's Clean Kitchen recipes.

    Most important, I just keep doing it - even if I'm not motivated. And my motivation is definitely cyclical. But if you keep on keeping on, your motivation will come back around.
  • kcarter2203
    kcarter2203 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks ladies :smile: xx
  • schonsdragon
    schonsdragon Posts: 102 Member
    I have set up habits. excerising, portion control, and others, to keep me going when my motivation is gone.

    I have a saying I found:

    "Motivation gets you started. Habit keeps you going."

    So for me it has been deciding that I want and need healthy habits to keep me from going back to my unhealthy habits.
  • Brandolin11
    Brandolin11 Posts: 492 Member
    This is just my humble opinion, but the most motivating thing possible comes from a very deep part of yourself - and that is, to love and care enough about yourself that you'll do ANYTHING to get yourself healthy and keep yourself that way.

    EVERYTHING stems from this.

    If you love and care about yourself, then you won't sabatoge yourself by bingeing on junk food, leaving you in a state of craving and taking you further away from what you want most: to be healthy.

    If you love and care about yourself, you'll protect yourself yo-yo dieting (i.e., bingeing/restricting), which in turn protects your mind and heart from guilt.

    If you love and care about yourself, you'll eat things that benefit your brain, bloodstream, organs, hair, and nails.

    If you love and care about yourself, then you'll exercise your body so that your brain functions smoothly, your emotions stay even-keeled, and your muscles don't atrophy.

    If you love and care about yourself, you'll tell yourself you're beautiful, successful, worth-it. You'd give yourself hope, not tear yourself down emotionally.

    When we love ourselves like a parent loves a child, we'd do anything for them. Only abusive parents would deliberately feed their children cupcakes and ice cream and candy and pizza and fried foods to the point that the child gets "sick" (being overweight/obesity is a form of illness). Only abusive parents would lock their children in a prison of craving and bingeing and guilt. Only abusive parents would tell their child they're "ugly", "fat", "stupid", "worthless", "a failure".... I'd NEVER to that to my kid - so I choose not to do it to myself.

    When you can grasp these concepts - you will find STRONG internal motivation to do what's right for yourself and suddenly the practical "how-to's" seem so much easier.

    Just my thoughts.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Hi all, new at this! Does anyone have any tips on how to stay motivated. I need to loose around 10 stone to be "healthy" weight. It's hard because I have got so long to go and there always seems to be something that seems to knock me back. Any advice/ help gratefully received! :smile:

    Looking at your profile pic it is hard to believe you have 140lbs to lose....are you sure???

    Either way you can do it...make sure you keep your diary, that is the number one thing on your list of things to do. Log everything

    Be kind to yourself, take each day one at a time.

    Find people of a similar goal/age on MFP add them as friends.
  • kcarter2203
    kcarter2203 Posts: 4 Member
    I wish I was sure but yes unfortunately I do have a lot to loose to be within ny bmi. I think it's just the adjustment in having measure and weigh food that I find hard. I have such a busy life. Other than having tea in eve I do not get back hone until nearly 9pm! Atwhichppoint I am pooped and exercise and diet seem to be the last thing on ny mind. It's then not helped either by the fact that jnsit down all day in an office job where all I can think about is food!

    This isn't going to be an easy journey for me but I will continue to try and do my best.

    K x
  • kkmalay
    kkmalay Posts: 88 Member
    On days where im struggling I think if I dont do this i'm only going to stay the same or get bigger, you'll find ways to work it into your busy life, being really organised and planning your meals although a bit boring, really helps. Remind yourself you are worth the effort and visualize your end result, be it goal weight or a dress you really want to wear and look hot in etc, All the best, baby steps :)
  • littlecrystal
    littlecrystal Posts: 110 Member
    I do struggle to keep my motivation, but my own motivation tip would be – don’t overdue it! As soon as I fall into obsessing myself with diet, I run out of steam very quickly and fall of the track. I have to keep my way of eating on the back burner so it does not overtake my life. Find other things to do. Find hobbies. Find foods that you love and can eat in moderation, and exercises that you enjoy. I never liked sports or going to gym, but recently bought a mini stepper for home exercising which I do love - it only takes 30 mins while watching a short programme on my laptop.

    "Motivation gets you started. Habit keeps you going." < I love this say!
  • bugga814
    bugga814 Posts: 41 Member
    my sister is a night owl she has adjested her diet to fit her life style she sleeps late so breakfast is 3 pm snack at 530 6pm lunch at 8 pm snack agaain 10 diner at 12 or 1 am wierd but she has lost 45 lbs she walks in the evening and goes to bed around 4 or 5 in the morning what im saying is make it fit your life style. most people think you cant eat at night this is not true just work out your plan to fit your life style you can and will do this wishing you great success
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