Fell of the wagon, but I'm back!

Hi, everyone! I'm Chelsea and I've been on MFP for a while but this is my first time posting on the boards. I recently came back to the site after a little, er, break due to a lapse in my self-control. I'm bound and determined to make my life changes permanent ones this time, though, and I'm hoping to meet some people on here who can help motivate me, and who in turn I might be able to motivate as well!

Anywho, just wanted to pop in and say something. Let me know if you wanna be friends! :D


  • bellydancefae
    Yay sis! Now, where's your fitbit? :D I'm here with you, trying to get back on the wagon. Teaching will help me a lot, at least.
  • OpalineRhapsody
    OpalineRhapsody Posts: 8 Member
    I've lost it again >.> I'll see if I can track it down, but for now, there's a 2.5 mile loop through the greenbelt that I've started walking. Once it's easier to walk it, I'll start jogging it and eventually I should be able to run the entire way :) Or at least, that's what I'm hoping!
  • dgeorgiadis
    dgeorgiadis Posts: 95 Member
    Feel free to add me. We can motivate each other.
  • Marsidote
    Marsidote Posts: 100 Member
    Anyone can feel free to add me! Im looking to lose 30ish but more importantly INCHES! Im on the Beta round of T25 and looking forward to maybe doing P90X next... we shall see. I eat like crap.... trying to get better with that. Im usually under my calories, but my food choices are bad lol I hate cooking, am not good at it.... and have to feed an 8 yr. old.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • asianmonkie
    Woo hoo!! More people! Feel free to add me!