VERY annoying!!!

I'm fed up of people saying "You've lost weight!" Promptly followed by "Are you ill?" And there by assuming that its taken no effort what so ever. Grrr! Yes I've lost weight, no I'm not ill, it taken a huge amount of effort to get like this. I'm 5ft 9and a half and I weight 156lbs Giving me a BMI of 22.something.THIS IS WHAT HEALTHY LOOKS LIKE!!!!! I know that these people are concerned for me but honestly its driving me nuts!
Anyone else get this?


  • BrendaKayS
    can't say I'm there yet BUT I do believe our society has lost the idea of what "healthy" looks like. My children are at a perfectly healthy weight for their height and ages (their pediatrician has confirmed this each and every well-check) however people are constantly commenting on how thin they are, asking do I feed them etc? And for my 10 year old daughter I have to admit that when you look at her friends and classmates she is the thinnest one. So, I asked their pediatrician about it one more time and she said the sad thing is that most of the other kids are probably overweight it's just that we've gotten so use to seeing overweight! So I know I went OT a bit there but you get my point :) I am 5'9 and hoping to hit 159 - a tone lean 159 :) So, I have to say GREAT JOB on your weight loss and on having a HEALTHY body :)
  • Sharonbed4d
    Not everyone will be happy with your weight loss! It's sad that society has changed it's thinking on what a healthy weight is. In my previous job, there were a few people that hinted that I had a eating disorder which is totally absurd. I think some of it is jealousy but no matter what, you do what makes you feel good!
  • mario284
    I hear you!! I am the same height as you, but I weight 176 pounds, so my BMI is 25.3 sightly overweight, however I get the same comments from people how I look too skinny and look sick. I feel healthy and wonderful and that's all it matters :-)
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Having read my post back it comes acrosd a bit more narked than I meant it to. Everyone that has asked has either been a family member or close friend etc, so I understand that they are just looking out for me, and want to make sure I'm ok. but still its very annoying!

    BrendaKayS -b Yes I think your right, we do seem to have lost sight of what healthy looks like.
  • deshaine
    deshaine Posts: 195
    I can understand where you're coming from completely!

    I lost 50+ pounds 4 years ago... I was modeling, and I felt AMAZING!

    Yesterday one of my co-workers mentioned I was too skinny back then... uhm, exqueeze me? 110 lbs on a 5 foot frame is NOT too skinny... check out my profile pics for before's and after's...

    I'm with ya... it's annoying and makes me wonder if they are jealous inside because they're not as thin??? I'm just sayin'...

  • MsElphaba
    MsElphaba Posts: 432 Member
    That kind of attitude from my friends is what got me obese in the first place. 'You carry it well." "You look 'healthy'". Was not! Now people ask me when I am going to stop and I think are worried I will become anorexic. Like you said, Hello... this is healthy! And more important, we did it in a healthy way without crash diets, pills, or potions.
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    People see me and ask what I've been doing and "what's your secret" .. Ummm diet and exercise. Sorry, no magic pills here. Which is probably what they are expecting to hear.
    I am no where near being at a healthy weight YET and as much as the comments will be be annoying I'm going to revel in my success as I know you do. Congrats on the loss!
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    I think sometimes folks just aren't used to seeing you slimmer. I know some folks are jealous, but others just need to get used to the newer, slimmer you. Just smile and say "No, I'm great. But thank you so much for your concern." And smile:bigsmile:
  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    say yes..... and then lick their cheek and run
  • hallswan

    Yes it is very annoying but people keep at it!

    My mother regularly says that I must be ill to be as thin as I am - I need to see a doctor. On the other hand when I was bigger she was the first to tell me that I was getting rounder and rounder!

    I think you need to be happy in yourself - also - don't chase numbers just be happy. Ignore everyone

  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    Sorry that the people around you are irritating and don't understand your efforts.
    But I think Hambitsgirl has the right attitude - you can only worry so much about what they are thinking!!
    Your job is to live your life and live it well. :flowerforyou:
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    I understand your feeling...when I lost weight a couple of years ago counting calories I was between 119-123lbs (I'm 5'1") I had some people tell me that I need to gain weight and that I looked anorexic--I didn't-I was at a healthy BMI and was happy with the way I looked.

    Its frustrating after all the hard work you put in to getting fit and healthy to hear that people think otherwise. I just brushed it off and enjoyed myself and the new weight. Don't let them get to you they may be jealous of you and think that you lost it in an unhealthy way etc...just be happy with yourself and don't worry about what others say!
  • 2BaNewMe2
    2BaNewMe2 Posts: 102 Member
    say yes..... and then lick their cheek and run

    OMG - that is too funny!!!!
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    I got mostly "you look so good!" when I dropped my first 15 lbs. But a couple people at work did ask me "are you losing weight on purpose? Are you sick?" I was surprised...I mean, I was 5 ft 1 and 155 lbs, and you think that my losing weight was because I was sick? Helloooo! THAT was not healthy!
  • iamstaceywood
    iamstaceywood Posts: 383 Member
    I spose im still too big for the "are you ill" comments, but, i do not take compliments well and i get alot of 'how are you doing it??'
    when i say i count calories dilligently and im a number nazi, people think im lying or its way too much work. I finally snarked out on a bigger lady at work with "you know wahts alot of work?? being fat. Thats alot of work!! I went ot buy a sweater today and just grabbed a large and got on with my day, bet u can't do that" and then i felt badly. But, its her fault for instigating it.
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    say yes..... and then lick their cheek and run

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Rissa1428
    I completely agree with you. I have put on 25-30 pounds since my profile pic I have people telling me how much better I look now that I am "thicker" and that I was too skinny and sick looking then. I've lost 5 pounds since I starting dieting and just hit a healthy BMI.
  • lfondots
    lfondots Posts: 216 Member
    say yes..... and then lick their cheek and run

    OMG!! I actually laughed out loud at work on this one!! Too funny!
  • Thetera
    Thetera Posts: 49 Member
    i am originally from California, and most people there know their bmi, and worry when it gets too close to overweight. its no wonder five of the healthiest cities in America are in California its culturally okay to worry about weight and diet there. Ever since i moved to Cleveland though its completely different, people here dont beleive in the bmi measurements and frequently cite the example of body builders having high bmi's like their sedentary 250 pounds is secretly made of muscle. After i gained the freshmen 15 (more around 30 honestly) i decided i needed to watch what i ate, and i've been doing it for a year now and have comfortably maintained my new weight of 140 at 5'6''. people accuse me of being anorexic though even though i'm not actually loosing any weight anymore because when people share that they are going on a diet, i tell them that im on one too. i was normal back in California but my new friends look at me like im a freak of nature or im "naturally" this way. i don't think i believe in naturally thin people anymore, only people who are aware of how much food they put in their bodies compared to how much exercise they get. i don't think im fat but people here assume that i do because of the word diet... this diet is maintaining my weight and i'm okay with it becoming a way of life for me because its healthy and not unmanageably restrictive. it makes me feel good to be healthy! i wish people would stop making such a big deal out of it. They want to loose weight, they do things like go vegan for a month in the hopes that it will be harder to eat so they wont do it as much, or they cut out random preservatives and sugar substitutes in the hopes that a "natural" diet will help them loose weight. but they never cut calories, and they don't know how many they need in a day and im afraid to tell them what i do because they will think its unhealthy, even though medically speaking, its the healthiest thing i could do for myself.