
Hi, my name is Mike. I made a good amount of progress a few months ago and then slipped after a couple of weeks. I figured that it is time to start again. I have a long road ahead of me and I hope that I can reach my goal this time around and I would also like to put on some muscle.

I am 261 pounds and would like to reach my dream of 180. I have put this off for far too long but it is always better late than never!


  • Hi Mike. Just think if you would have stayed on mfp how close to your goal you would be. That's how I look at it. You said long road. I don't think the road is very long. Hell, you could probably do that in 6 months easiely. I signed up to mfp a year ago and did nothing. Went away and came back and now I look back and say damn if I would have stuck with it then, I would already be at my goal. I have a weight loss goal similar to yours. 2 months and 40 lbs already. I was thinking it would take me 6 months to reach my goal and that was ambitious but bam, I only have 25 pounds to go. So I know I can do that in 2 months. It really makes all the difference logging your meals and just doing a lil exercise. Good luck and if you need a friend you can add me.
  • Thanks! It feels great to be in good company on here.
  • dawn139
    dawn139 Posts: 14 Member
    hi Mike im a bit the same been here ages but not really got to where i want to be mainly because i would put the effort in for a bit and then drift back into old habits. Im trying to do it properly this time and put more effort into traking everything and swapping ideas and supporting others. Good luck on achieving your goal :)
  • buckwheat30us
    buckwheat30us Posts: 62 Member
    Hi Mike
    I started at 263 and I am 44 years old but just being here a month has taught me a lot and I'm doing a lot better than I imagined I would. Just watching my intake is working better than any other diet I have tried and failed at