Twin Mom looking for other twin mom friends!



  • danibu98
    danibu98 Posts: 281 Member
    I have a 9 year old DD and 7 year old b/b frat twins. Anyone can add me, I'm on here daily!
  • kcallas88
    7yr old twins and 3 yr old twins!!!
  • tigger9759
    tigger9759 Posts: 55 Member
    Well as you can see in my profile pic, I actually have a set of all boy triplets but I still wanna join y'all! My triplets are 4.5 and I have another boy that rutns two this week :smile:
  • chrtyanderson
    Fellow twin mom here!!! Love to add a few new friends! I have a 5 year old and (almost) 2 year old b/g twins. Oh and how amazing there are a few moms with two sets! and triplet mom. You are so blessed! Also a minor fear/thought of mine, if I decide on another baby :) Sorry a bit off topic :)