P90X, anyone?

I should be getting it sometime next week.
Any pointers or things I should know that will assist me in getting the most out of it?
I am excited.
Nervous, but excited.
Also, for the ladies, on the Fit Test you have to take before, how many pull ups could you do?
I fear I will not be able to do any...
Thanks in advance!


  • areay22
    areay22 Posts: 150 Member
    Stick with it and push play everyday! I couldn't do one pull up when I began, just keep with the program.

    To see real results, you must follow the nurtrition guide. Nutrition is just as important!

    Good luck!
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I should be getting it sometime next week.
    Any pointers or things I should know that will assist me in getting the most out of it?
    I am excited.
    Nervous, but excited.
    Also, for the ladies, on the Fit Test you have to take before, how many pull ups could you do?
    I fear I will not be able to do any...
    Thanks in advance!


    Good luck with P90X, it is an awesome program. Did you already order, or are you planning on ordering? As far as getting the most out of it. Prepare yourself to do it for a full 90 days. People tend to quit when they don't see results after the first 30 days. Heck, some people don't see results until the last 90 days. Go into the program knowing you are going to complete the full 90 days. Next make sure you follow the program as designed, this includes the nutritional guide! Last, but not least as Tony says "Do your best and forget the rest!" If you can't do an exercise modify! Just make sure you are trying your hardest and always use proper form.

    Don't worry about not being able to do any pull-ups. During the work out they show you how to do assisted pull-ups, until you can do an unassisted pull-up. If you need any help, don't hesitate to message me.

    Hope this helps,
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Make sure you eat enough, the workouts are pretty intense.
  • apeman
    apeman Posts: 82
    The two pieces of advice I could offer would be to eat plenty (as mentioned above) and when you get to the second month to stick it out. The working out at home thing can get a little boring but the results are fantastic if you stay motivated. It might help to join a group on here to get feedback from others who are doing it at the same time and see their results too. Staying excited past the first few weeks is key.
  • luvngirl
    I started P90X sometime ago but then stopped because I had to go for surgery and I plan to get back soon.......buuuuttttt....I thought it was a great program! I did it for 3 weeks and I could already see some results...I could only do about 1 full pull ups when I began so don't feel bad...you'll get stronger as you go. Make sure you get some protein power and recovery drink because you are going to need it. These workouts are intense and even though you wont feel sore at the time you do it...you will be DEAD the next day if you dont take these drinks. Make sure you drink plenty of water all day and that you follow a good diet (P90X diet is a good plan). The first week is the hardest because you are going to feel extremly soared...but keep focus on your goal and you will be fine. Let me know how it goes for you! Best of luck!!!
  • kmart20
    kmart20 Posts: 72
    I love my P90X...I use it pretty much everyday and with some of their workouts that are more weight lifting/push ups I also run for 30-40 minutes on those days. I haven't been following the nutrition guide, since I am on this but I can totally tell that my arms and body is getting more tone. But like the other people have said it is an intense workout.
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Just do your best, day after day you will get stronger and stronger. I dont have the facility to put up pull up bars, so I just jog in place for those routines, but I push harder at everything else.

    Goodluck, it is a hard routine, but it is amazing.
  • kuntrygurl
    Thank you, thank you, thank you!
    I ordered it on Sunday.
    I called yesterday and she said that it will be here in 4 business days.
    So, maybe Tuesday or Wednesday of next week, I should get it.
    I am very excited now.
    And, thank you for answering my pull up question.
    I believe I was most scared of failing that part.
    I will keep you all updated!
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    Take pictures. You don't have to post them or anything but if you take undie photos on day 0, day 30, day 60, and day 90 you will see some good changes that can help you stay motivated. Happy sweatin, :-)
  • kuntrygurl
    Like just me standing?
    Will I need to wear the same thing at 30-60-90?
    I am sort of hoping things will start getting to loose to wear.
  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    Hey there... congratulations on deciding to change your life! I am a p90x graduate and am now finishing up a round of Insanity. I will be starting a hybrid program in about three weeks... P90x weight training with Insanity cardio... can't wait!

    I created a blog about my reactions to the p90x program... feel free to snoop around and ask me whatever questions you have. I am not a Beachbody Coach just someone who loves the program and believes in it because it helped give me my life back!!

    Good luck and feel free to ask me whatever questions you have....

    p90xtremetraining (dot) blogspot (dot) com

    Make it a great day!
  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member
    Like just me standing?
    Will I need to wear the same thing at 30-60-90?
    I am sort of hoping things will start getting to loose to wear.

    With your purchase, you will be directed to create and account at www.teambeachbody.com. Go there and you'll see what we mean about pictures. It's a powerful motivator and you don't have to make them public. You can wear different close of course, but the idea is that you are displaying the bulk of you body that you want changed, so you can see those changes as you progress. Good luck I'm on the second phase now, P90X Plus.
  • kuntrygurl
    Like just me standing?
    Will I need to wear the same thing at 30-60-90?
    I am sort of hoping things will start getting to loose to wear.

    With your purchase, you will be directed to create and account at www.teambeachbody.com. Go there and you'll see what we mean about pictures. It's a powerful motivator and you don't have to make them public. You can wear different close of course, but the idea is that you are displaying the bulk of you body that you want changed, so you can see those changes as you progress. Good luck I'm on the second phase now, P90X Plus.

    I see.
    Thank you for clearig that up.
    And, at this point, they will not be public.
    But, and I promise this to myself, they will be on Day 90.
    So, I will keep you all updated on here.
    Thanks again to everyone!
    Wasn't sure I'd get any responses...
  • tondalea
    tondalea Posts: 67 Member
    Your diet is key!!! If you do the program and eat the way you should, you will have great results.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    I just ordered this today too ... for the OP we have a group starting on November 1 and we have a thread running in the forums.

    I just asked on my feed the following:

    I was told that I absolutely need is a pull up bar (need) and dumb bells (have 3, 5 and 8lb), a chair (have), yoga mat (have), yoga block (need).

    kay so my question is the following: Do I HAVE to buy bands or can I do the work outs with just weights. I plan on buying 10lb and 12lb weights to start to supplement what I have. What say you my P90Xers?
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I just ordered this today too ... for the OP we have a group starting on November 1 and we have a thread running in the forums.

    I just asked on my feed the following:

    I was told that I absolutely need is a pull up bar (need) and dumb bells (have 3, 5 and 8lb), a chair (have), yoga mat (have), yoga block (need).

    kay so my question is the following: Do I HAVE to buy bands or can I do the work outs with just weights. I plan on buying 10lb and 12lb weights to start to supplement what I have. What say you my P90Xers?

    You can do the work outs with the dumb bells 12lbs. should be good for you. You need the pull up bar. Now you can order the P90X Pull up bar or do what I tell all the people I coach and get the iron gym from a sporting good store. It will do what you need. You will also need a heart rate monitor and depending on how flexible you are a yoga block.

    If you don't hear from your Beachbody Coach with in a few days let me know.

    Hope this helps,
  • kuntrygurl
    What is a Yoga Block?
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Stu, thanks .. yeah I have a HRM (POLAR F6) and the pull up bar you are suggesting is the one I was going to get. I suppose I mainly wanted was the info on the bands. I would rather use the dumb bells if I can. I have nothing against bands but just prefer dumbells.

    Thanks for responding!
  • fitaliciag
    P90x made me lose 30 of the 40 pounds that were my initial goal. i couldn't do a single pull-up before it, and now i can still only do two full pull-ups without assistance. IT WILL WORK IF YOU STICK WITH IT!!!!

    dumbells are better. yoga mat is essential if you dont have carpet.
  • fitaliciag
    I should be getting it sometime next week.
    Any pointers or things I should know that will assist me in getting the most out of it?
    I am excited.
    Nervous, but excited.
    Also, for the ladies, on the Fit Test you have to take before, how many pull ups could you do?
    I fear I will not be able to do any...
    Thanks in advance!


    Good luck with P90X, it is an awesome program. Did you already order, or are you planning on ordering? As far as getting the most out of it. Prepare yourself to do it for a full 90 days. People tend to quit when they don't see results after the first 30 days. Heck, some people don't see results until the last 90 days. Go into the program knowing you are going to complete the full 90 days. Next make sure you follow the program as designed, this includes the nutritional guide! Last, but not least as Tony says "Do your best and forget the rest!" If you can't do an exercise modify! Just make sure you are trying your hardest and always use proper form.

    Don't worry about not being able to do any pull-ups. During the work out they show you how to do assisted pull-ups, until you can do an unassisted pull-up. If you need any help, don't hesitate to message me.

    Hope this helps,

    i lost 30 pounds in 4 months with this program and didn't even follow the nurtrition plan. who knows how much i would have lost otherwise. it works!!! stick with it. my first 30 days weren't that great. you have to keep going! my goal was only 40 pounds and i lost 30, so i would say that p90x is an awesome program even without the nutrition guide