Weighing more than I look :(

Lyndzo Posts: 142
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Does anyone else have this problem? I'm 5'3 and 236pds. People say I only look about 180-190. I am a size 14-16.

It's always been something that has upset me, especially when I see and hear of people my height who are only like 160. It's really frustrating!


  • I feel your pain I am 6 foot 2 inches and always looked thinner then what I am... I know the number.... and it is also a bit sad that I won't be under 200 pounds... just isn't healthy for me... but we gotta do what we gotta do!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Why does it upset you? It just means that you probably have a good deal of muscle and you carry your weight well.

    I don't look my weight, either. I wear a size 6 at almost 150 pounds (also 5'3"). Even *I* don't think I look my weight, based on some recent photos.

    But what does that matter?
  • I have the same issue. I'm 5'5" and weigh 186 lbs as of now. When I've told people my weight, they are shocked cause I even think I look like I weigh less than that. I try not to get caught up on the scale, but its really hard.
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    I always shock people when they learn my weight. I look like I weigh 15-20lbs less. I think it's really neat that I have that much muscle on me. I really don't care what the number on the scale says as long as I'm wearing the size clothing I feel my best in.

  • I get that too. I'm only 5'1 so I think that has a lot to do with it. Currently, I weigh 146(ish) and so many people tell me that I should stop losing weight, that i'm "shrinking away". They don't know though that for my height I'm still considered over weight. Even when I started and I weighted in at 189 a lot of people thought I should only lose 20 POUNDS!
    It's hard and frustrating but know that you are making a positive life change and if you only look 180 now imagine how fantastic you'll look when you actually weigh 180!
  • Lyndzo
    Lyndzo Posts: 142
    It upsets me because most people would think "Wow she's 5'3 and 236 pounds, that's fat".
    (Edit: I don't like that way that sounded. I guess I really shouldn't care what other think, only what I think.)

    If I'm carrying more muscle (didn't think I had any LOL) does that mean that I may always be more than the recommended weight for my height? Technically I should be aiming for 130-140, but right now I'm trying to get down to 170. I think I will look good at that weight.
  • donnak7
    donnak7 Posts: 14 Member
    Don't let the weight number be something you worry about excessively. I, too, tend to weigh more in pounds than other women who wear the same size clothes as me. I learned that you can't go by weight alone to determine if you are where you need to be. Every body is made up a little differently. If you are a size 14-16, then pick a SIZE you want to be, and shoot for that goal. The pounds will drop off, and when you reach your goal size, like size 8, 10, 12, whatever, then you can determine that your weight at that time is where you need to be and you can maintain that, even if it's more than someone else.
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    I have that issue as well but it doesn't bother me. I have muscle mass and that weighs more than fat. Not that I don't have the fat as well though, LOL
  • Lyndzo
    Lyndzo Posts: 142
    I never thought of aiming for a pant size goal. I like that idea - thank you :)
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I'm 5'10 and I weigh 170lbs. I get this all the time. Generally people think I weigh around 130-140. I carry my weight very well. I take this as a compliment!!!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I weight more than I look, and I don't see it as a bad thing at all!!! I've been working hard on building up muscle and reducing my body fat, so that even at 154 pounds and a size 8, I look smaller and more toned. Honestly, it means that I can get to a goal weight in the 130s (which is the top end of the healthy weight range for someone who is 5'3") and look like I'm in the 120s. And if I can get that low, I'll likely be a size 4, maybe a size 6 depending on my thighs. I don't want to try and force my body to a "socially acceptable" weight in the 110s or 120s for a short girl. I'd rather be comfortably maintaining in the 130s and LOOK like I'm in the 120s :) And you'll have muscle, which is sexy :) I've always looked less than I weight even at 215 (my highest). It's just from my hourglass shape. So embrace it!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i agree with the above poster....who cares if you weigh more than you look...that is a good thing....that means you look "good" on the outside right??? you just need to get where you feel you look "good" on the outside and feel good on the inside....

    i do know what you mean though...when i was working at my last job the other girl in the office was like 120 lbs and stick thin....her name was bambi and she LOOKED like a bambi if you know what i mean...i think i weighed between 245 down to 190 when i worked with her (hit my highest wt back then as i started that job and then joined WW and got lots of weight off)....she always would say to me - noooooo, you can't weigh 225 or 230 or 240 or 220 or 200....you dont look like you weight that....it didnt matter what i weighed, she could never "see" it lol....i was always like, yeah bambi, i'm lying, i'm telling you i weigh this awfully heavy amount to amuse you, i really weigh 130lbs, does that make you happy? seriously it got annoying.....

    i can see what i weigh but it is hard to know what someone else weighs and not compare yourself - whether they are bigger than you, smaller than you or the same as you....we all carry out weight differently......

    it's about what you see and if you are happy with what you see....get to where you are happy and then re-evealute your goals...
    good luck with your journey...
  • DeepSeaDoc_Wife
    DeepSeaDoc_Wife Posts: 112 Member
    I am the same. I am a proportionate fat girl. Always has been. My fat is even dispersed through out my body. I wouldn't really say it's muscle either because when i did a body fat test it said over half of my weight was fat!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    It upsets me because most people would think "Wow she's 5'3 and 236 pounds, that's fat".
    (Edit: I don't like that way that sounded. I guess I really shouldn't care what other think, only what I think.)

    If I'm carrying more muscle (didn't think I had any LOL) does that mean that I may always be more than the recommended weight for my height? Technically I should be aiming for 130-140, but right now I'm trying to get down to 170. I think I will look good at that weight.

    The range for 5'3" goes all the way up to 141. For my frame (and I have a lot of muscle), that's still heavy for me -- too much flab. I'm aiming for 115, towards the bottom of the range.

    You'll have a better idea when you get closer, but personally, I think the BMI range is big enough to contain all body types of a specific height.

    Anyway, unless you tell people what you weigh, they don't know. So stop telling them. :-)

    I don't KNOW how much muscle you have, since I don't know you. But that's often a reason people look smaller than their weight says they are.

    When I was 166 (my highest) I was in a tight size 12 and very unhappy with my body. And I was muscular then, too.
  • Lyndzo
    Lyndzo Posts: 142
    Thanks everyone :) It's amazing how much better I feel already.
  • lfondots
    lfondots Posts: 216 Member
    I also have that problem that I tell people I want to lose 60 lbs and they are flabbergasted. They say that is too much. I think it is just a goal. When you get down to a weight that you are comfortable with and look good, then stop and maintain. The weight is a guide, not the end all amount. I have large shoulders and hips so I will never be considered 'thin' but smaller and thinner sounds good to me. Exercising will help with the toning and the smaller size cloths. I haven't lost much weight but I can feel my cloths getting a little looser. It is all about the total journey and not just a number. Pat yourself on your back that you are doing so well. Congrats!!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I'll also add that sometimes people say things they don't mean to be nice. I mean, if you come out and tell someone how much you weigh, who's going to say, "And you look every ounce of it!"?
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    it has to do w/ur body type. i'm the same. ppl think i weigh around 180 when i actually weigh abt 230.

    hourglass figures tend 2 look less than what they weigh.

    pear shaped/upside-down triangle figures tend 2 look more than what they weigh.

    rulers tend 2 look their weight.

    this is from my own personal observations.

    hourglass figure's tend to carry a lot of muscle so that's y they weight more than they look.
  • I've had several people seem very surprised when they find out how much I weigh - apparently I look about 20lb less than that. I wouldn't say I'm very muscular either... no idea where my body hides it.
  • Lyndzo
    Lyndzo Posts: 142
    That is true. Although, I've actually only told 3 people my weight (well until now - I'm in the open now I guess). My 2 best friends and my boyfriend. It was only after I had said that I wanted to lose 70 pounds and they were shocked and said it was too much.

    I am an hourglass shape and have a very large chest. I do a lot of lifting at work so I guess that's where my muscle has come from.
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