T25 Anyone else want to join me?



  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I really have no idea how many calories I am burning with T25, just been guessing. I bought a $8 watch on eBay that was supposed to tell calories burned but doesn't work. What do you all recommend on a budget to figure out how many calories you burn on each workout?

    I usually burn between 180-220 depending on which workout it is.
  • themtron
    themtron Posts: 57 Member
    I'm about to complete my first week of Gamma Hybrid so I'm fairly close to being done with the program, but it would be nice to have some T25 buddies. I plan on starting T25 over in January...
  • jennicole4
    jennicole4 Posts: 90 Member
    I really have no idea how many calories I am burning with T25, just been guessing. I bought a $8 watch on eBay that was supposed to tell calories burned but doesn't work. What do you all recommend on a budget to figure out how many calories you burn on each workout?

    I usually burn between 180-220 depending on which workout it is.

    I bought a Mio Motiva Petite. They're around $100.00, but I found a store sample on eBay for about $35.00. It was still brand new. They just used it for display. I'd look and see what they had on eBay and then google reviews on that brand/model. That's what I did with mine. It doesn't monitor my heart rate the entire time, but I check it a few times during the workout, average them together, and come up with a rough estimate. I think the only way to get a super-accurate result is to get one with a chest strap. HTH
  • jennicole4
    jennicole4 Posts: 90 Member

    Hi, welcome! Sorry to hear it affected your supply! Were you eating enough calories? I'm a BFing mom too so I know how it can be trying to lose weight and make sure you are eating enough. Such a delicate balance! My daughter is 20 months old now so if my milk dries up I am not concerned.

    Sounds like the program gave you great results in those 2 weeks! That is awesome! Nice to meet you!

    I agree it's tough to lose weight while BFing. I lost all of my pregnancy weight pretty quickly, but still had about 40 pounds to go. I am not one of those women that the weight just "falls off" because of BFing. So frustrating! My supply didn't go down as a result of T25. It was more like there wasn't enough fat/calories in my milk and he just wasn't gaining despite the fact that we were nursing nearly around the clock! I had MFP set to 1200 calories and added 300 for BFing and ate back some of my exercise calories. It may not have been enough. I don't know for sure. This time, I did an online calculator to figure out the maintenance calories for my goal weight. I'm eating those calories plus 200 for BFing (I'm going by the 20 cals per oz rule and just did the math based on how much an average baby consumes minus what I supplement with formula). I've been doing this for almost two weeks so far and have lost 1.5 pounds, so it seems to be working. Just slower than I'd like. Lol.

    If you end up with the same problem (low fat/calorie milk), your daughter should be good to go since she's eating a variety of other foods to make up for it. Kudos making it to 20 months! I plan to start weaning around 6 months by slowly cutting out a feed every week or so until we're finished. He's still nursing 10+ times per day and I feel tied to my couch. I'm very pro-BFing and did it with my other two children as well, but this time has been such a challenge. I'm glad to have made it this far.

    Will this be the thread for the T25 group or are you going to start a new one? Should we post our stats/pics? I'm not really sure how all of this works yet
  • How Important do you feel the rest day and stretch day's are? I feel bad not doing the work on those days, but don't want to do more harm than good. I know many say rest is just as important as the workout. I lost 8 pounds my first week, but only lost 1 pound last week. I really am hoping for 5 pounds this week and I was wondering if it would help to go ahead and work out Sat and Sunday too this week? Before, I noticed everyone doing STATurdays, I started by weighing every monday morning.
  • jennicole4
    jennicole4 Posts: 90 Member
    How Important do you feel the rest day and stretch day's are? I feel bad not doing the work on those days, but don't want to do more harm than good. I know many say rest is just as important as the workout. I lost 8 pounds my first week, but only lost 1 pound last week. I really am hoping for 5 pounds this week and I was wondering if it would help to go ahead and work out Sat and Sunday too this week? Before, I noticed everyone doing STATurdays, I started by weighing every monday morning.

    Your weight loss may slow down after an initial big loss. Unfortunately, average weight loss is only 1-2 pounds per week. I know, it sucks. As a male, you may see bigger results than us girls though. I've also read that while you're building muscle (or using ones you haven't in a while), that they hold in some fluid as they're rebuilding. This fluid can cause your weight loss to seem much slower than it actually is, but after a couple of weeks, once your muscles are used to it, you'll see another big drop. That's why the measurements are important. As far as the rest/stretch days go, I would continue on the regular T25 schedule. Your body might be able to handle 7 straight days of the workouts with minimum risk. Soldiers going through boot camp work out many hours per day, every day of the week. Contestants on The Biggest Loser work out like 8 hours per day. The human body can handle it. The problem is the mental commitment. 10 weeks is a long time to commit yourself to strenuous exercise and during the first couple of weeks, you're super pumped and just want to keep going and see results as quickly as possible. Not for everyone, but for me at least, my excitement starts to fade after a while and I mentally need that day of just a short stretch and some rest. Then I find myself surprised to miss the workout and am ready to torment myself...err...workout hard the next week! Just my two cents. Best of luck with whatever you decide! :happy:
  • How Important do you feel the rest day and stretch day's are? I feel bad not doing the work on those days, but don't want to do more harm than good. I know many say rest is just as important as the workout. I lost 8 pounds my first week, but only lost 1 pound last week. I really am hoping for 5 pounds this week and I was wondering if it would help to go ahead and work out Sat and Sunday too this week? Before, I noticed everyone doing STATurdays, I started by weighing every monday morning.

    Your weight loss may slow down after an initial big loss. Unfortunately, average weight loss is only 1-2 pounds per week. I know, it sucks. As a male, you may see bigger results than us girls though. I've also read that while you're building muscle (or using ones you haven't in a while), that they hold in some fluid as they're rebuilding. This fluid can cause your weight loss to seem much slower than it actually is, but after a couple of weeks, once your muscles are used to it, you'll see another big drop. That's why the measurements are important. As far as the rest/stretch days go, I would continue on the regular T25 schedule. Your body might be able to handle 7 straight days of the workouts with minimum risk. Soldiers going through boot camp work out many hours per day, every day of the week. Contestants on The Biggest Loser work out like 8 hours per day. The human body can handle it. The problem is the mental commitment. 10 weeks is a long time to commit yourself to strenuous exercise and during the first couple of weeks, you're super pumped and just want to keep going and see results as quickly as possible. Not for everyone, but for me at least, my excitement starts to fade after a while and I mentally need that day of just a short stretch and some rest. Then I find myself surprised to miss the workout and am ready to torment myself...err...workout hard the next week! Just my two cents. Best of luck with whatever you decide! :happy:

    Thanks for the detailed answer :)
  • lisalisa27
    lisalisa27 Posts: 75 Member
    I have a hard time resting on rest days too. I do have 1 complete rest day a week though. I usually do some running on the 2nd rest day.

    I started a T25 group in the groups area, I think it will be easier to keep track of that group than to find this thread.

    Here is the link to it.

  • jennicole4
    jennicole4 Posts: 90 Member
    Lol - I guess I do ramble on sometimes. Just trying to be thorough. :wink:
  • Hi Lisa, I started T25 yesterday (Monday). I just finished the Alpha Speed 1.0. I'm very motivated right now, but it is hard for me to stay that way. . .Would love to join you in supporting each other :smile:
  • deedee85
    deedee85 Posts: 28 Member
    count me in iam on day 2
  • FinallyFitMommy
    FinallyFitMommy Posts: 38 Member
    Today was day 3 for me! I am doing the 5 day jump start, so today was the total body workout. I'm loving it so far! Feel free to add me! I need some motivating friends. I am love T25!
  • Im on week 8 of the program and have lost about twenty pounds. It works but is difficult at times. I havent followed the routine 100% because of my work schedule. Feel free to add me!! i can always use the motivation as its getting harder and hard for me to keep doing it!!!!