Can you critique my diet and workout plans?



  • alyhuggan
    alyhuggan Posts: 717 Member
    Everything else seems fine..I would focus more on compound lifts, but I guess that makes me a "Muppet" or whatever...
    Nope, you didn't say to cut out isolations completely like almost everyone does on this forum. I think compounds are the most important lift of that day which is why I always do mine at the start of my workout.
    I hit legs yesterday and there is no way I could run seven miles today..I will do an HIIT sprint session and some ab work after work though...
    The day after legs I can barely walk up 20 stairs, let alone do a seven mile run haha!
  • scimitarslash
    scimitarslash Posts: 9 Member
    As some have already said you have no rest days!! your body needs at least one day where you do next to nothing for recovery, or you end up losing your muscle due to fatigue. A good setup is the old three day a week standby, doesn't neccisarilly need to be monday, wednesday, and friday, but some form of it. Also best measures for your eersize/diet program. Ask yourself these questions. Muscle gain/weight gain. Are you gaining weight? Are you gaining muscle? Are you progressively increasing weight at the gym. If you can answer yes to all of these then you have a functional program. if your answer to any of the questions is no, then somethings got to change.

    And the definition of progressive overload, or rather an example. Bench press- Sets 3 Reps 6-8. If you fall within this rep range for all three sets, its time to increase the weight. Same for all lifts. To many people think you have to wit till you hit that magical 8, but you take longer to progress this way, or if you're like me you don't progress at all

    hope it helps, best of luck.