Has anyone taken phenedrine before?

I plan on going down this route, only by talking to a doctor first and getting the go ahead.

I've also seen a nutritionist and have joined a gym. I'm slowly taking the steps to introduce the right way of eating and becoming more active.

I just generally need that first boost to get me started which I think I could get from phen. After putting on a lot of weight in a short space of time I'm getting more depressed and stuck in a rut about weightloss.

I do understand it is not a miracle pill and I will take one and wake up a size 6 and I do understand you can very easily gain the weight back (however I do plan on changing my eating, exercise and mpf so hopefully this won't happen)

Also if I do experience bad side effects I would of course stop.


  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I had horrible side effects but have heard of success stories also. You are doing it the right way by bring all the components together.
    good luck
  • I started taking it about a month ago, for the same reasons that you mentioned. My doctor recommended starting with 1/2 a pill in the morning to see how it affected me. I didn't really notice any side effects until I upped the dose to a whole pill. Then I had a headache and really bad dry mouth. I just cut back to 1/2 a pill again, and it seems to be helping.
  • kristina_m
    kristina_m Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you so much for the replies - it's so encouraging :)

    I'm slightly worried about going to the doctor because I'm not obese but definitely overweight (13.7 stone with a height of 5"6).
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Thank you so much for the replies - it's so encouraging :)

    I'm slightly worried about going to the doctor because I'm not obese but definitely overweight (13.7 stone with a height of 5"6).

    Have you considered looking at the types of food you eat instead of taking a pill... lean proteins + high fiber foods = extremely full. This way you teach yourself through your weight loss. Also, if you properly fuel your body, then you can eat enough calories to keep yourself full, aka 1 lb per week goal and eat some exercise calories. Heck, most women I know eat 1700-2100 calories during weight loss.
  • My Doctor had me stay away from those types of medicines and instead has me taking Alli.
  • kristina_m
    kristina_m Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you so much for the replies - it's so encouraging :)

    I'm slightly worried about going to the doctor because I'm not obese but definitely overweight (13.7 stone with a height of 5"6).

    Have you considered looking at the types of food you eat instead of taking a pill... lean proteins + high fiber foods = extremely full. This way you teach yourself through your weight loss. Also, if you properly fuel your body, then you can eat enough calories to keep yourself full, aka 1 lb per week goal and eat some exercise calories. Heck, most women I know eat 1700-2100 calories during weight loss.

    Yeah I did, I had an hour appointment with a nutritionist (I'd kept a food diary for a week before the appointment) and she showed me where I was going wrong - putting myself through starvation in the morning to overfeeding in the evening and eating badly. I've already started making changes, I have a shake in the morning (recommended by the nutritionist), I eat mostly protein filled meals such as turkey, fish with veg etc. It's hard because I do still feel hungry but I think my stomach just needs to shrink.

    I'm thinking of phen to give me that kick start. I was only thinking of doing it for a month under doctor supervision.
  • kristina_m
    kristina_m Posts: 11 Member
    My Doctor had me stay away from those types of medicines and instead has me taking Alli.

    I have heard of Alli, but haven't done much research into it. How are you finding it? Has it helped you to lose weight?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Thank you so much for the replies - it's so encouraging :)

    I'm slightly worried about going to the doctor because I'm not obese but definitely overweight (13.7 stone with a height of 5"6).

    Have you considered looking at the types of food you eat instead of taking a pill... lean proteins + high fiber foods = extremely full. This way you teach yourself through your weight loss. Also, if you properly fuel your body, then you can eat enough calories to keep yourself full, aka 1 lb per week goal and eat some exercise calories. Heck, most women I know eat 1700-2100 calories during weight loss.

    Yeah I did, I had an hour appointment with a nutritionist (I'd kept a food diary for a week before the appointment) and she showed me where I was going wrong - putting myself through starvation in the morning to overfeeding in the evening and eating badly. I've already started making changes, I have a shake in the morning (recommended by the nutritionist), I eat mostly protein filled meals such as turkey, fish with veg etc. It's hard because I do still feel hungry but I think my stomach just needs to shrink.

    I'm thinking of phen to give me that kick start. I was only thinking of doing it for a month under doctor supervision.

    It's possible you just need to balance out your meals. Some people are fine with little in the morning and a lot of food in the afternoon or night. Personally, my calories are evenly spread out through the day (about 700 calories per meal). If you are comfortable with your diary, you can open it for more suggestions to bring to your nutritionist.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    My Doctor had me stay away from those types of medicines and instead has me taking Alli.

    I have heard of Alli, but haven't done much research into it. How are you finding it? Has it helped you to lose weight?

    Alli prevents you from breaking down fat... one major side effect is anal leakage... The worst part is, dietary fat is extremely healthy for you and can improve satiety.
  • icyeyes317
    icyeyes317 Posts: 226 Member
    I haven't taken phenedrine, but am currently taking phentermine. I originally took it to help with my blood pressure, and had a happy effect of weight loss. I took it for eight months before coming off it to see how I did without the medication. Now I'm back on it, but I seem to be a little more sensitive to the side effects this time....like the caffeine jitters. As long as I can get a steady hand for a moment to start and IV, I'm good. Lol.

    My husband tried Alli, he was not impressed. It didn't help him lose any, and the side effects were crazy.

    If you want to try it, and your doctor says ok. Try it. But do understand it is temporary, and that you need to do a whole-life change to lose weight and keep it off. These types of pills are very short-term.
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    I did Phen-fen in the 90's lost a lot of weight of course it came back. I was in my twenties then and had little to no side effects. After my last baby in 2008 I started taking Phentermine, my hair started falling out and it wasn't really helping me anyways so I stopped taking it, what is the point of losing weight if your bald right!?
    EVERYTHING works different for everyone this was my experience.
  • JaxDemon
    JaxDemon Posts: 403 Member
    From a quick look it's like an Ephedrine from what I can tell and as a user of Ephedrine and this is like it make sure you stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day, Should help with any headaches you get as well. Might be best to cycle it as well because if it's like Eph your body will get used to it and then you will find you will need to up the tabs to get the same effect so 2 weeks on 2 weeks off something like that. But as I have no real clue on Phenedrine and only Eph I can't really advise much more.
  • shining_light
    shining_light Posts: 384 Member
    From a quick look it's like an Ephedrine from what I can tell and as a user of Ephedrine and this is like it make sure you stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day, Should help with any headaches you get as well. Might be best to cycle it as well because if it's like Eph your body will get used to it and then you will find you will need to up the tabs to get the same effect so 2 weeks on 2 weeks off something like that. But as I have no real clue on Phenedrine and only Eph I can't really advise much more.

    This is me too. I think that's the case for a lot of stimulants. Ephedrine helps quiet my incessant thoughts of "FEEEEED MEEE WANT TO BINGE" (seriously, it's all in my head and I know it) but it gives me this thirst that I just cannot quench.
  • Before starting my workout rutine and countine calories I took something with phenedrine in it and it made my heart tate crazy. I had to stop and later found out that I have tachycardia. But it may work on someone who's healthier.
    I plan on going down this route, only by talking to a doctor first and getting the go ahead.

    I've also seen a nutritionist and have joined a gym. I'm slowly taking the steps to introduce the right way of eating and becoming more active.

    I just generally need that first boost to get me started which I think I could get from phen. After putting on a lot of weight in a short space of time I'm getting more depressed and stuck in a rut about weightloss.

    I do understand it is not a miracle pill and I will take one and wake up a size 6 and I do understand you can very easily gain the weight back (however I do plan on changing my eating, exercise and mpf so hopefully this won't happen)

    Also if I do experience bad side effects I would of course stop.
  • JaxDemon
    JaxDemon Posts: 403 Member
    From a quick look it's like an Ephedrine from what I can tell and as a user of Ephedrine and this is like it make sure you stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day, Should help with any headaches you get as well. Might be best to cycle it as well because if it's like Eph your body will get used to it and then you will find you will need to up the tabs to get the same effect so 2 weeks on 2 weeks off something like that. But as I have no real clue on Phenedrine and only Eph I can't really advise much more.

    This is me too. I think that's the case for a lot of stimulants. Ephedrine helps quiet my incessant thoughts of "FEEEEED MEEE WANT TO BINGE" (seriously, it's all in my head and I know it) but it gives me this thirst that I just cannot quench.

    Yea Eph is great at making you not hungry which is great it's just not something you want to abuse by upping the tabs to get same desired effect one tablet can do. After 8 months of 3 x 30mg x 3 times per day I found myself suffering from depression as Eph can cause this from reports I've read and some studies I read a few years back.
  • phoebejeeby
    phoebejeeby Posts: 62 Member
    I havent taken phenedrine...but it is supposedly similar to ephedrine, which I did try. I tried it for 4 or 5 weeks. I did help a lot with appetite suppression. But i stopped taking it because of the side effects. I was taking a much lower dose than a lot of people. . I didnt notice them very much, but my boyfriend eventually had to tell me that I needed to quit it. I was very moody and depressed. I had mild headaches for a few days after quitting.
  • kristina_m
    kristina_m Posts: 11 Member
    I did think about doing an ECA stack (Eph, caffeine and aspirin) but then I heard about phen and thought that sounded better.

    I too get the binge thoughts :(
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I plan on going down this route...

    Why settle for half measures? If you want to use drugs for weight loss, go all in and jump straight to heroin. Ain't nothing going to be as effective as mainlining....
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    My Doctor had me stay away from those types of medicines and instead has me taking Alli.

    I have heard of Alli, but haven't done much research into it. How are you finding it? Has it helped you to lose weight?

    Alli prevents you from breaking down fat... one major side effect is anal leakage... The worst part is, dietary fat is extremely healthy for you and can improve satiety.
    Exactly. Alli is a train wreck.
  • kristina_m
    kristina_m Posts: 11 Member
    I plan on going down this route...

    Why settle for half measures? If you want to use drugs for weight loss, go all in and jump straight to heroin. Ain't nothing going to be as effective as mainlining....

    Very rude and unnecessary.

    I think I've made it perfectly clear in my OP that I'm not expecting miracles and just want to do it as a kick start whilst making huge lifestyle changes.

    Thought this was a place I could turn to for honest and helpful advice. Obviously I was very much wrong.