need MFP friends! need help!

I have been on this site for a few years now and was seeing results. When i originally started myfitnesspal I wanted to lose 15 lbs or so... I was very healthy but I wanted to drop some to attain a do-able goal. I actually met that goal. But not sure why, (probably laziness) I gained it all back and then some! When I first started, I was going to the gym regularly ( about 4-5 times a week) and playing tennis at least 2x a week, running and eating very healthy. Keeping under my 1200 cal was fairly easy between my healthy lifestyle and cals I burned/earned at my workouts. With my most recent job change, it has altered my ability to go to the gym as often ( actually I am lazy about morning gym time and I dont know why when it used to be part of my routine) and I don't go on 1.5 mile daily walks since I no longer have the need to walk to and from the train station. I no longer have access to tennis courts and also with the winter chill in the air, even with access I wouldnt go, and same goes for my trail running. My eating habits have migrated to the most abhorrent scale of bad and its almost like I can't help myself. Even though I am the only one who can help myself I see what I am doing is bad for me but I cant stop and I dont know why this is happening. My clothes are getting very tight or unwearable..why isnt this will power enough? I also do some work that requires me to meet via webcam and someone actually mentioned that I looked like a gained weight! unprofessional..but true. Why haven't I received a quick swift in the behind with THAT comment??!!?! My diary is now public but I dont have a lot of friends on the even though i am accountable and can feel embarrassed when I pig out, no one really sees it. True, I shouldn't rely so much on others opinions but on this site I feel like we need to help out. Isn't that the point of this forum and making friends and making our diaries public :)? Please help! Let's be friends! and I'll take any suggestion.
When i was at my best, I stuck to a High Protein/Low Carb/Low Sodium diet.


  • deego14
    deego14 Posts: 79 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I was exercising 6x a week and changes in my life got in the way. I'm back now for good!!

    Add me as a friend. :)
  • amalin84
    amalin84 Posts: 12 Member
    Glad to know I'm not alone!!!!!
  • Llorry
    Llorry Posts: 46 Member
    I would love to be your friend..I have 23 pounds to lose :)
  • Hi. You can add me as a friend if u want to. My diary can be viewed by people who add me as a friend :).
  • Starting my healthy eating/weightloss today! Need friends so feel free to add me anyone xx
  • harry_syd
    harry_syd Posts: 13 Member
    High Protein/Low Carb/Low Sodium diet. - Thats what I'm trying to do!

    Feel free to add me :)
  • can you please add me im new so i dont know how the accountability works but sounds like its helpful?
  • High Protein/Low Carb/Low Sodium diet. - Thats what I'm trying to do!

    Feel free to add me :)

    welcome.. ^^ he pretty summed it all up
  • inspiredjen34
    inspiredjen34 Posts: 63 Member
    I felt the same way that you are feeling but I told myself that I have to be honest with myself in what I eat and let others see what I ate and every time that I posted what I ate I felt ashed in how Much that I ate the bad not what bad that I ate so I started shrinking the bad and adding more of the good plus I started making dinners and lunch's and Making time to work out. You have to push yourself every day to crawl out of bed and even if it's only 30 mins its better then nothing.

    You are more then welcome to add me as a friend, I will help push you in the right direction.
  • inspiredjen34
    inspiredjen34 Posts: 63 Member
    You can do it takes one day at a time.
  • Hi ! I would love to be friends and motivate each other, I'll add you. :)