Hello. Pals.

Hi. I'm from St. Louis. I'm happy to run into this website while doing some research and decided to join it. I think it's great to get support and to provide support to each other and it's even better to make some workout friends :happy: Add me if you love running and other workouts :smile: If you are in the same city and know about some running or hiking events, please let me know, Thanks .


  • metalchic46n2
    metalchic46n2 Posts: 4 Member
    HI, I'm in the mid-coast region of Maine and have been on here a while (on & off) but haven't ventured out into the "friends" world yet. I've been lifting weights for a while (on & off too) and am looking at making some pretty big changes to make both nutrition and exercise a full time part of my life. Thanks Lefitc for posting this thread and hope I get to meet some great people here.
  • Flip4chan
    Flip4chan Posts: 23 Member
    Hello, I will be moving to the St Louis area in December. I am a runner too though lately have have been having troubles with my IT band and have been recuperating over the last few weeks. Feel free to add me.