If one more person tries to sell me training...

smc864 Posts: 570 Member
I am going to SNAP. At least twice a week I have either a personal trainer or sales associate at my gym try to sell me training. Not only have I lost 40 pounds and 9% body fat since I started there but I go religiously 4-5 times/week. Have I mentioned that I was a trainer for over five years at Gold's and 24 Hour. I clearly know what I'm doing... yet anytime I even make eye contact with one of them they pounce on me and tell me why I need training. REALLY?!?! Then sometimes they get tricky and make conversation like they are genuinely interested in my progress, only to tell me about the recent training specials. When I worked at Gold's I NEVER harassed people.

Has anyone else experienced this??


  • BigDaddyRonnie
    BigDaddyRonnie Posts: 506 Member
    Wow, someone's cheerios didn't taste right this morning! :laugh:

    Yeah, they hit me up too even though I go very often to the gym. That's how they make their money these days. May be different from what you did, or had to do...dunno.

    Hey, by the way...I got this new venture you might be interested in...an underwater bridge...want in? :wink:
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    May I interest you in some oil wrestling training?

    Jokes aside, I had these guy years ago try to do it mid set, like he will walk by and volunteer tips and then be like "if you would like I can give you more personal time". And in my head I'm thinking is, the only reason we are still talking is because I'm trying not to be rude and hope you go away.
  • smc864
    smc864 Posts: 570 Member
    Wow, someone's cheerios didn't taste right this morning! :laugh:

    Yeah, they hit me up too even though I go very often to the gym. That's how they make their money these days. May be different from what you did, or had to do...dunno.

    Hey, by the way...I got this new venture you might be interested in...an underwater bridge...want in? :wink:

    I totally get that... they have to approach people, make money, etc. But I have told the same two girls at least 3 times each that I am not interested. I don't know why it annoys me so bad, but it does. I'm the type of person that doesn't like to tell people no and when I have to do it repeatedly for the same thing it gets old and maybe, just maybe, I'm HANGRY.
  • angie007az
    angie007az Posts: 406 Member
    No, thank God. Next time cut them off and say, "Hey, I am a trainer". They are just trying to make a buck.
  • smc864
    smc864 Posts: 570 Member
    No, thank God. Next time cut them off and say, "Hey, I am a trainer". They are just trying to make a buck.

    The crazy thing is I have told them I am a trainer... many times. They are under the impression that you cannot be successful without them and it's ridiculous. One even went so far as to belittle my weight loss. She said, "Oh 40 pounds... I guess that's pretty good considering you did it on your own." Pretty good? :angry:
  • TheFangsKittie
    TheFangsKittie Posts: 117 Member
    No, thank God. Next time cut them off and say, "Hey, I am a trainer". They are just trying to make a buck.

    The crazy thing is I have told them I am a trainer... many times. They are under the impression that you cannot be successful without them and it's ridiculous. One even went so far as to belittle my weight loss. She said, "Oh 40 pounds... I guess that's pretty good considering you did it on your own." Pretty good? :angry:

    I would have flipped heehee :explode:
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    How about a free taster session?
  • Ainar
    Ainar Posts: 858 Member
    I just put my headphones on and listen to music when I work out. Somebody should literary grab my hand or poke me to get my attention. And they don't usually do that, at least nobody did it to me yet, who wanted to sell stuff. So that's how I avoid distractions at gym - people who wanna sell me stuff, people who wanna chit-chat while I try to focus on working out, etc.

    So I basically ignore everybody, I'm in a gym to work out not socialize, I got other places for that. So unless person is newbie at gym and asking for a help with something or question about something I don't mind to put my headphones back on and ignore them, I do it in a polite-rude way, lol. Works for me. ^^
  • smc864
    smc864 Posts: 570 Member
    I just put my headphones on and listen to music when I work out. Somebody should literary grab my hand or poke me to get my attention. And they don't usually do that, at least nobody did it to me yet, who wanted to sell stuff. So that's how I avoid distractions at gym - people who wanna sell me stuff, people who wanna chit-chat while I try to focus on working out, etc.

    So I basically ignore everybody, I'm in a gym to work out not socialize, I got other places for that. So unless person is newbie at gym and asking for a help with something or question about something I don't mind to put my headphones back on and ignore them, I do it in a polite-rude way, lol. Works for me. ^^

    I wear headphones every time I'm there. I wear all black and usually walk around with my b*tch face on and it still doesn't deter them. One time I was in the bathroom washing my hands and a trainer came out of the stall and started her sales pitch... I've decided I'm going to have to be rude next time or rip their manager a new one.
  • bohica36
    bohica36 Posts: 67 Member
    Just say "no thanks. I am a trainer so if you ever want me to give you some pointers, let me know. I'd be more than happy to help you out."
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    I just put my headphones on and listen to music when I work out. Somebody should literary grab my hand or poke me to get my attention. And they don't usually do that, at least nobody did it to me yet, who wanted to sell stuff. So that's how I avoid distractions at gym - people who wanna sell me stuff, people who wanna chit-chat while I try to focus on working out, etc.

    So I basically ignore everybody, I'm in a gym to work out not socialize, I got other places for that. So unless person is newbie at gym and asking for a help with something or question about something I don't mind to put my headphones back on and ignore them, I do it in a polite-rude way, lol. Works for me. ^^

    I wear headphones every time I'm there. I wear all black and usually walk around with my b*tch face on and it still doesn't deter them. One time I was in the bathroom washing my hands and a trainer came out of the stall and started her sales pitch... I've decided I'm going to have to be rude next time or rip their manager a new one.

    If you could, because people that feel like you don't say anything. I'm usually getting criticised by management for not bothering people during their workout.
    It's the people that go to the gym to socialise that take the time to leave a comment card.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    I don't find it offensive if someone asks and my reply is no. It does get offensive if after saying no the inquiry continues. Personally, I don't ask people if they want training sessions. I offer them a free one if I'm looking for a new client. I've given away lots of free ones and sometimes I have to do 3 to get 1 person to sign up. They know I'm going to ask them, but at the very least they get a free session first and also get to see if I'm the type of person they want to work with.
    But results speak the loudest and as of late, I haven't had to ask anyone if they need training. I have about 15 people waiting for an opening in my schedule.:smile:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ThePlight
    ThePlight Posts: 3,593 Member
    Lol, I'm lucky that no one has ever approached me at my gym.
  • oncmed
    oncmed Posts: 18 Member
    seems like some gyms have some really intrusive trainers. have you left a comment card with something along the lines of "the trainers at this gym are getting to be too much with selling, & i'm considering switching gyms"? sometimes when people just won't stop, you just have to be rude sometimes. can't be helped. sounds really frustrating and annoying. hope things work out.
  • robinsondel
    Between being over 400lbs and almost never going to the gym during staffed times, I never get approached at my current gym. I almost always work out after midnight, so I'm usually the only one in the building. But, at the times I've been in there during the day, they just kinda give me that look, like, he's fat, he doesn't need my help, he'll probably not be back anyway, then turn and quickly walk away. Which, from a marketing standpoint is sort of ridiculous. Extremely fat folks are notorious for being the biggest spenders on ways to lose weight or get in shape.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    yeh... sometimes really insignificant problems get me down and I think about posting them on the internet. then I'm like naah. haha.
  • smc864
    smc864 Posts: 570 Member
    yeh... sometimes really insignificant problems get me down and I think about posting them on the internet. then I'm like naah. haha.

    You're so clever, haha, hopefully one day I'll be just like you!

    It isn't insignificant to me because it's making me not want to go to my gym or switch gyms, which I cannot afford. This is a weight loss/fitness forum... I'm pretty sure this is a lot more relevant than the "kiss, bang, marry" threads that are on here all the time.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Do you tell them you were a trainer yourself? IDK, if I were in their shoes, that would stop me approaching you straight away, even if I had to try and hard sell everyone a training session.

    They probably hear "I'm not interested" a lot and are told to keep pushing by people higher up.

    If it continues I'd personally find a new gym. I can't stand that sort of thing. Oh, and if you do leave, make sure they know why!
  • lauraspberry
    lauraspberry Posts: 655 Member
    yeh... sometimes really insignificant problems get me down and I think about posting them on the internet. then I'm like naah. haha.

    You're so clever, haha, hopefully one day I'll be just like you!

    It isn't insignificant to me because it's making me not want to go to my gym or switch gyms, which I cannot afford. This is a weight loss/fitness forum... I'm pretty sure this is a lot more relevant than the "kiss, bang, marry" threads that are on here all the time.

    It may be a cause for her to stop working out! How can you call that insignificant when a certain something may cause you to stop on doing what you have to do? Don't say that her post is insignificant, she's telling it for a reason, it's because it matters to her. How rude.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Whilst this may be frustrating for you, top athletes and coaches are themselves (most of the time) coached.

    Dan John: "I always joke that the coach who trains himself has an idiot for a client"

    So, just because you are adept at training others doesn't mean you have nothing to learn yourself...