Hello, do I need to keep losing weight or?



  • Thomaslol
    Also, you've done an AMAZING job with your weight loss! I just looked up stone to pound conversion. Are you eating any goodies on maintenance? With as much as you've lost, and if you are at goal, maybe a little ice cream or a fun size package of candy would fill the urge you are feeling.

    I understand looking at yourself and not seeing what others do. I'm 5 pounds from goal, but still see a lot of fat. Others don't see it because the clothes cover it and I pick things to wear that make me look good. But by all the charts and measures I am no longer overweight and I also have a normal amount of body fat. I just have to accept that my body is not ever going to look like the body I had at 16, or like what I THINK other people have.

    I lost the weight over a long period of time.

    Not recently, although I have been trying to lose weight. I always am though.

    I don't follow my maintenance/calorie intake. I just try to do exercise and eat healthy.

    I did start tracking my food on here at one point. Something I'm going to get back into so I know exactly how many calories I'm eating.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I personally don't think you need to lose weight. I would definitely look into lifting some weights, google new rules of lifting and then you can get a plan together of where to start. But I don't think you need to lose any weight, you look slim already.I hope it all works out for you :-)
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Do you have a friend who could be your gym buddy? Having a buddy makes learning the weight room less intimidating. Otherwise, working out at home can be great. I do it a lot. Body-weight exercises: push-ups, lunges, pistol squats, planks, pull-ups (I have a door-gym) done in sets, add weights when it gets too "easy."
  • scull611
    scull611 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi just looked at your photos you do not need to lose any more weight - try and be happy with where you are - remember you were once heavier you have done a fantastic job dont beat yourself up
  • Thomaslol
    Thanks everyone.

    I'm not sure I'll ever be happy with my body, but I can try which is what I do.

    At the minute I'd feel happier if I could find some sort of DVD or programme that I could do at home.

    I enjoyed Insanity the first time around, but I am just bored of it now. It is so high intense that waking up at 5 in the morning to do it before work doesn't help either.

    I'd like to incorporate some weights into my exercise. I do have some, but they're not very good.

    I'm thinking of starting Jillian Michael's 30 day shred tomorrow. Today is my rest day on Insanity, but come tomorrow I doubt I will continue and just change it up instead.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Don't be intimated by the gym, most people who lift are there for themselves and are not focused on you. Gym membership usually cost about the same as a reasonably priced latte (a day), would you give up one coffee a day to feel better about your self? I know I would and did.

    If your equipment is an issue consider body-weight training.

    Convict conditioning,You Are Your Own Gym etc time to ramp up the resistance training, develop and maintain that sweet LBM or muscles.

    I think you most probably have the blues because you are at or close to your goal weight and don't see what you expected to see, and with all the weight loss and cardio you have most probably lost a fair amount of LBM.

    Good luck OP
  • sophiauoa
    I agree, you shouldn't loose any more weight. We can actually see your ribs, so I say you're pretty thin. What you need to do, is tone your muscles, sculpt your body.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    You look great, IMO. If you want, eat at maintenance and try to bulk up some, but you look really good!
  • loneaffliction
    loneaffliction Posts: 81 Member
    Don't be intimated by the gym, most people who lift are there for themselves and are not focused on you. Gym membership usually cost about the same as a reasonably priced latte (a day), would you give up one coffee a day to feel better about your self? I know I would and did.

    If your equipment is an issue consider body-weight training.

    Convict conditioning,You Are Your Own Gym etc time to ramp up the resistance training, develop and maintain that sweet LBM or muscles.

    I think you most probably have the blues because you are at or close to your goal weight and don't see what you expected to see, and with all the weight loss and cardio you have most probably lost a fair amount of LBM.

    Good luck OP

    ^^^ This.

    I think you feel the need to lose more weight because you're still not happy with your appearance, even after coming so far, but as you said, some of it is just the result of the loss, loose skin, stretch marks, as you noted. Some, or possibly even all, of this will go away with time and continued work. I think you're feeling unmotivated because you know you don't really need to lose more weight, but you're not sure what to do next. Beginning weight training is intimidating for a lot of people. Listen to your doctor, as it seems you're at a healthy weight, but find something that you can do that you can enjoy.

    If you feel uncomfortable working out at the gym, invest in a set of weights for home, even if you just start out with a set of dumbbells of varying weights, a kettlebell, or resistance bands. You can probably purchase used weights to start. Check craigslist or some other local posting for someone selling their equipment. Even a few basic pieces could get you on your way and would probably be comparable to what you'd spend in a year at a gym.

    The tip about bodyweight exercises is especially good. It would be an easy way to break into some strength training without going out of your way or spending a lot of money. You Are Your Own Gym, either the book or the app can help you with this, and also, you can find demonstrations of bodyweight exercises and various lifts using barbells/dumbbells/other equipment here by muscle group: http://www.exrx.net/Lists/Directory.html. Also, it wouldn't take a lot of time each day to start incorporating this. 20-30 minutes to start building some muscle and confidence.

    There is a plethora of information on the internet to break you into strength training. Do some research. There are tons of videos to show you proper form and sites that offer beginner routines to teach you how to start incorporating it without the use of a trainer. Though, if you are especially uncomfortable, it might not be a bad idea to work with one for a few sessions to learn some basic lifts and work on your form.

  • Thomaslol
    You look great, IMO. If you want, eat at maintenance and try to bulk up some, but you look really good!

    Thanks. I find it hard to believe, but thank you.
  • Thomaslol
    Don't be intimated by the gym, most people who lift are there for themselves and are not focused on you. Gym membership usually cost about the same as a reasonably priced latte (a day), would you give up one coffee a day to feel better about your self? I know I would and did.

    If your equipment is an issue consider body-weight training.

    Convict conditioning,You Are Your Own Gym etc time to ramp up the resistance training, develop and maintain that sweet LBM or muscles.

    I think you most probably have the blues because you are at or close to your goal weight and don't see what you expected to see, and with all the weight loss and cardio you have most probably lost a fair amount of LBM.

    Good luck OP

    ^^^ This.

    I think you feel the need to lose more weight because you're still not happy with your appearance, even after coming so far, but as you said, some of it is just the result of the loss, loose skin, stretch marks, as you noted. Some, or possibly even all, of this will go away with time and continued work. I think you're feeling unmotivated because you know you don't really need to lose more weight, but you're not sure what to do next. Beginning weight training is intimidating for a lot of people. Listen to your doctor, as it seems you're at a healthy weight, but find something that you can do that you can enjoy.

    If you feel uncomfortable working out at the gym, invest in a set of weights for home, even if you just start out with a set of dumbbells of varying weights, a kettlebell, or resistance bands. You can probably purchase used weights to start. Check craigslist or some other local posting for someone selling their equipment. Even a few basic pieces could get you on your way and would probably be comparable to what you'd spend in a year at a gym.

    The tip about bodyweight exercises is especially good. It would be an easy way to break into some strength training without going out of your way or spending a lot of money. You Are Your Own Gym, either the book or the app can help you with this, and also, you can find demonstrations of bodyweight exercises and various lifts using barbells/dumbbells/other equipment here by muscle group: http://www.exrx.net/Lists/Directory.html. Also, it wouldn't take a lot of time each day to start incorporating this. 20-30 minutes to start building some muscle and confidence.

    There is a plethora of information on the internet to break you into strength training. Do some research. There are tons of videos to show you proper form and sites that offer beginner routines to teach you how to start incorporating it without the use of a trainer. Though, if you are especially uncomfortable, it might not be a bad idea to work with one for a few sessions to learn some basic lifts and work on your form.


    Thanks so much. Will have a good look through the links tomorrow.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    You look great, IMO. If you want, eat at maintenance and try to bulk up some, but you look really good!

    Thanks. I find it hard to believe, but thank you.

    I will second this. I don't see loose skin at all. You are well on the way to Ottermode (swimmer's build) which is VERY attractive to some ladies (me included). BassNectar_3790563.jpg Lifting some weights is how to get there. You don't need to get huge at all and you don't have very far to go either. Stop comparing yourself to other people ;)
  • Thomaslol
    OKAY, so here are some more pictures.

    About to start the second month of Insanity.

    I haven't been eating great, but then I haven't been eating badly either. Have had some junk. It's hard with the hours I work
    to fit in food and then I just binge.

    I don't really feel like I'm getting anywhere. I think my back is stronger and my legs, but apart from that I can't really see. Weighed myself this morning and am 12 stone, 6.

    Want to finish Insanity. When I can as I am missing some days as not being able to fit it in with work....then I will look at weight training.

    I bought some creatine and milk protein powder. Already have whey.



    From looking at the pictures I actually look like I have put on weight I think. :(((

    I can keep wishing and trying for a body like Tom Daley, but it's very hard. lol.