Healthy dinner for poor gluten free student!

cupcakekate28 Posts: 31 Member
Hello everyone :3
I am a student and I live with my boyfriend and we don't have a lot of money between us so food is definitely something we have to budget! For him it's easy as he has a metabolism like a racecar and is quite happy eating pizza, frozen chicken (cooked obviously) fish fingers etc but for me it's harder as I'm trying to diet AND I am gluten intolerant :(
Fresh fruit is expensive and I don't really like canned fruit apart from peaches, chicken breasts are expensive, gluten free is expensive.....
Any ideas?
I am getting bored of cottage cheese with carrot sticks, and jacket potatoes with soup!

Thank you :)


  • burnski74
    Rice and quinoa are gluten free. Rice is cheap, although quinoa can be a bit more expensive. If you have access to a grocery with bulk bins, you can save money on these staples. You can do a stir fry of veggies-find the cheap ones at the store-and put those over rice. Eggs are a good protein source that should be ok for gluten intolerance. And they are not expensive. There are a lot of cheap foods out there that can liven up your menu and are gluten free. Do a bit of online research to discover which foods will work for your intolerance. There is a lot of information out there, as so many people are changing to a gluten free diet. Good luck to you!
  • Tinydancer91
    Tinydancer91 Posts: 17 Member
    hi, I eat mainly gluten free and I love cooking plain lentils and drizzling them with organic ketchup and dijon mustard and/or balsalmic vinegar too. super cheap and super yummy!! my go-to food for years ;)
  • Saree1902
    Saree1902 Posts: 611 Member
    As a vegetarian student, chickpeas became my best friend! Cheap and you can get a meal out of a can! Try making falafel (spicy chickpea burgers/balls) - there are loads of recipes out there and most of them are gluten free.
    Most tinned beans or pulses can easily bulk up a veggie stir fry to make it more filling as well.
    Eggs are also versatile and usually quite reasonable-frittata and Spanish omelettes are easy to make and filling.
  • BrittBrat1787
    BrittBrat1787 Posts: 136 Member
    I'm gluten free. Rice, I know you said you were tired of jacket potatoes but you could make oven fries or a healthy mash, beans, frozen veg on sale, seasonal fruit/veg- look for those sales!, if you like bananas they are usually pretty cheap and you can freeze them for smoothies. Eggs tend to also be pretty cheap and versatile. I buy brown rice in bulk and it's pretty awesome because you can change it up very easily. One day I might do brown rice with some beans and salsa and whatever veg i have on hand, or i do up some stir fry veg with it and go asian....ect. Also, if you can look at your stores ads in advance before you go shopping it can help you meal plan for the week and save some money :)