Hi! I'm new here...

Hi All,

I just found out about this website from my sister. She says it is very helpful to know if she's eating too much or too little of something and when she has used it, she has lost weight.

I was told about 3 weeks ago that I was pre-diabetic and I've also been on cholesterol lowering meds. I really don't want to be overweight anymore! I have been since kindergarten. Once, I lost 50 lbs. by eating low fat foods and exercising, but it seemed like such effort, and I never really tried again until now. Not only do I want to lose weight to look better and experience life as a thin person, but I don't want diabetes (my whole family has it), high cholesterol and I want to alleviate my lower back and hip pain. I had a hip injury while dancing a year ago. I was losing weight by dancing and it's something I love and finally returned to. But my doc said to stop. Eventually, when I lose enough weight, I hope to return.

I started at 222 lbs and have lost 8 in 3 weeks. I have been eating low carb, which is super hard for me! I am the pickiest eater in the world. I don't really like meat, but I force myself to eat some because I don't like enough veggies to become a vegetarian. All I like is bread, and so that's why I have trouble. Nonetheless, I have scoured the internet and my supermarket for lower carb breads and other options and am forcing myself to eat more salads and veggies. So far, it isn't as hard as I thought. The only thing I missed one day was pizza, but then I got a Lean Cuisine pizza and it was pretty good, so that craving was satisfied.

I'm off from work for a month and a half more (I'm on sabbatical), so I have all the time in the world to work out right now. When I return to work in January, I'll have a max of four days a week if I'm lucky. My schedule as a teacher is so hectic with all the paper grading. Anyway, now I've been working out 1 - 2 hours a day at the gym and trying to convince myself I like it. I actually do like some parts and the music from my mp3 player makes it bearable. I decided to hire a personal trainer for eight sessions so he can advise me on how to exercise properly. He told me I was working out too hard; if my heart beats per minute weren't in a certain range, I was going to be burning muscle instead of fat! Who knew? Also, the treadmill and walking in general really hurt my back. He is helping me to strengthen my back, but in the meantime, he said of the cardio machines available, the treadmill burns the least calories anyway. So, I'm solely doing the arc trainer, which I love, and the bike.

I am also doing weight lifting for a half hour a day, but I'm alternating the muscles I work. He's advising me on what to do. It's overwhelming, all the options and what I see others doing. I'm just following what he says for now.

Also, I found free Zumba classes in my area three nights a week plus aqua Zumba on the weekend. I can't believe it's free, and I really love it. So, I'll try to go as much as I can. I felt it was such a workout! I went to three so far. It's good to have variety.

Also, I played tennis with a friend and against a wall. I am trying to get my bike fixed so I can go on long bike rides. I want to have variety in my workouts so I don't get bored. I also swam laps one day. I'm a terrible swimmer, but it was something different. Hurt my back a bit though.

Also, I entered how much I ate and worked out today, and apparently I'm not eating nearly enough. Problem is, I just don't know what else to eat. Normally, even though my eating habits aren't great, I just don't eat all day. I'm not hungry a lot in the day. Now, I'm forcing myself to eat breakfast and lunch, and I feel like I'm eating way more than I desire and it's still not enough! Suggestions?

So, that's what I've been up to. I hope to meet all of you and wish you all the best success in your weight loss efforts! I am more determined than I've ever been, and I really hope this site and your support help!

Also, I heard recently about the Garcina Cambosia stuff. Any thoughts on it? I'm considering it but am a little wary. I've been trying to research it more, but it seems a lot of the information online is all contradictory and all from various companies. If you recommend it, which brand? There are about a jillion!


Jen :)


  • lkh1234
    Hi Jen, sent a friend request. I started my journey last January at 225 lbs. Today I am 149 lbs. It can be done!!!
  • jensiegel39
    jensiegel39 Posts: 163 Member
    Can you all see my food diary? I think I changed the settings correctly, but I'm not sure. Any responses would be appreciated!
