Getting back on track

Hi guys. So, earlier this year I lost 60 pounds through learning how to eat properly, and exercise. I fell off the wagon for a few months and put on 11 pounds. I'm going to get back into the groove and get back to eating sensibly and exercising regularly. I could sure use some help and encouragement. I live in Heartland, Texas (near Forney, south east of Dallas) I'm a 46 year old male. I am into running, when I was at the height of my weight loss earlier this year I was running 3 to 4 miles at least 3 or 4 times a day. I'd like to mix it up and do running, bicycling, cross fit etc. So if there is any advice on how to get and sustain motivation when I'm largely doing this by myself, for myself, I'd appreciate it.


  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I just sent a FR :) Did you ever write down WHY you want to do this? When things get tough, you wanna refer back to why you started to begin with!
  • Hi. Well, first off I need to correct something, my post said I ran 3 to 4 times a day, I meant 3 to 4 times a week lol.

    Mainly I started this to just lose weight, which I think may have been part of the problem. Because the day I hit 170 (which was my goal weight) back in late August, I pretty much stopped. I worked my butt off, ate really well, tracked food on this site, and exercised about an hour a day almost every single day. I was losing 3 to 6 pounds a week at times. Then boom, hit my goal weight and it was like I forgot everything I learned over the last few months. 2 and a half months later and I just weighed in at 181.

    So I think my goal has to be something more than weight loss certainly more than weight loss for a bet, which is how it started in the first place (a bet I won big time!)

    I want to make it an over all healthy living goal. Perhaps set fitness goals at periodic intervals to have something to move towards. It is difficult to do it alone though, if my personal motivation wanes falling out is real easy, and falling completely is easy as well, witness the last two months of couch potato. I need to look for local groups I can join, but I have an odd work schedule.

    Anyhow, thanks for the encouragement! I do appreciate it and you keep it up too!