Does walking by it self help

I love walking so I walk roughly 2 hours a day 5 days a week if not more, I am trying to lose weight, not to much but just a little bit, so was just wondering if walking by it self helps as I am not interested in anything else, if you would like more information just ask, also can walking 30 mins after dinner do more harm than good. Thanks


  • saj9291113
    I would say it would depend on the speed and terrain of the walking you are doing. I walk about an hour everyday on my lunchbreak and every other day 45 minutes at 15 minute miles at the treadmill. My walks during my lunchbreak help get my juices flowing after sitting a couple of hours at my desk which is beneficial. But I also get sunlight which is said to be beneficial to the psyche/mental. My walks are usually good sweat making(good thing we have a shower at work) up and down hills. But you say you walk for 2 hours a day? Are you gingerly strolling threw the garden or power walking the 150 lb Great Dane threw the forest preserve?
  • diggedy
    Some will say it doesnt matter how fast you travel, its all about distance. Ie. a jogger will burn the same amount of calories as a walker over a mile, only the jogger will do it faster.
    I usually do a lot of cycling or running but when the weather is bad the only excercise I do is walking the dogs for a couple of mile and it definitely helps me with my weight loss. I believe the rough guideline is 100 calories per mile but this can vary depending on your weight and the terrain. You will burn more calories if your hiking rather than walking on a flat surface.

    There are several websites which have calculators to help you work out how many calories youve burned and if your unsure on the distance you can try or google earth. If you own a smartphone there are usually apps you you can download which uses the gps in your phone to track your walk and tell you how many calories youve burned.

    as for walking after dinner, it shouldnt do you any harm. Again theres mixed opinions on this as some will say you will burn more working out on an empty stomach but my personal preference is to walk after eating.

    hope this helps
  • beedezra
    walking does help. Especially for those who seldom exercise & it is a good way to begin a healthy lifestyle.
    Since you are not interested in anything else except walking, i suggest you increase your speed when you walk. Put on light ankle weights? or wrist weights? I don't know your body weight, but just make sure it doesn't strain your knees.
    what you eat during the day is also very important to loose the extra.
    Challenge yourself & start slow jogging & don't stick to just walking. : )
    Hope this helps.
  • LauraAkaTigger
    LauraAkaTigger Posts: 145 Member
    For the first couple of weeks of MFP all I did was walk and I lost the first stone!! My walking is really fast.. I push myself to wak as fast as I possibly can (my nickname is speedy at work!!) I walk at 5mph.. I do 2 lunchbreaks for 15-20 mins each straight after eating. Yes... I am starting to sweat but for only 15 mins a good deodrant keeps me fresh... And it's getting cold out!! I believe the walking had been the biggest factor in weight loss ad my system is constantly being revved up.. And 5 days a week (twice a day at work) adds up to alot of cals!!

    If you are walking for 2 hours... I would recommend to reduce it but to push yourself really hard to go at a faster pace for less time... Try and set goals to increase your speed each day/week..

    Good luck!!!
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    It's better than sitting on your butt all day!

    Even a little exercise is good. Eventually you can up your level of exercise.
  • joanneferrato
    joanneferrato Posts: 6 Member
    :smile: yes walking is great...Anytime, anywhere, any distance...just get out and walk at least you're doing something and you're not hurting yourself by running. I tried running and it hurts my hips and back side and the dr says walking is just as good and less strenuous on the body. So if the weather is bad, go to the mall and walk around it a few times. Park your car away from the entrance of the mall..This also stops others from dinging your car as well. This is a beautiful time of the year, from where I live where you can enjoy the 'fall' at its best from walking. If you have a dog, you'll have a great walking partner as well. Good luck to you on your walking. :smile:
  • lfholland
    lfholland Posts: 37 Member
    If you can get your heart rate in the 60-70% of maximum heart rate while walking, then it is great for weight loss. In fact, it will help your body burn fat reserves. I lost my first 20 pounds by eating right and walking my dog for 2 miles 6-7 days per week.

    I can no longer get my heart rate that high by walking, so I have started jogging now.
  • hotheadedguy
    Walking helps! But you have to have speed! I think about 4-5 mph helps a lot. I put in an hour of this walk everyday! I have lost 4 pounds in 3 weeks. Nut you have to watch your calories as well!
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    Doing what you love and what you're interested in is always best beacuse you'll actually DO it. So, yes, it ABSOLUTELY helps.

  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    I would say it would depend on the speed and terrain of the walking you are doing. I walk about an hour everyday on my lunchbreak and every other day 45 minutes at 15 minute miles at the treadmill. My walks during my lunchbreak help get my juices flowing after sitting a couple of hours at my desk which is beneficial. But I also get sunlight which is said to be beneficial to the psyche/mental. My walks are usually good sweat making(good thing we have a shower at work) up and down hills. But you say you walk for 2 hours a day? Are you gingerly strolling threw the garden or power walking the 150 lb Great Dane threw the forest preserve?

    I don't know what speed I am walking at so how do I work it out, I usually take my dog for a walk 5 or 6 days a week from any where between half an hour to a hour an a half. I walk to and from tafe 3 days a week so that takes me about 30 mins if I walk slower but 15-20 mins if I walk fast so I was wondering if walking fast is better or slow.
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    I would say it would depend on the speed and terrain of the walking you are doing. I walk about an hour everyday on my lunchbreak and every other day 45 minutes at 15 minute miles at the treadmill. My walks during my lunchbreak help get my juices flowing after sitting a couple of hours at my desk which is beneficial. But I also get sunlight which is said to be beneficial to the psyche/mental. My walks are usually good sweat making(good thing we have a shower at work) up and down hills. But you say you walk for 2 hours a day? Are you gingerly strolling threw the garden or power walking the 150 lb Great Dane threw the forest preserve?

    I don't know what speed I am walking at so how do I work it out, I usually take my dog for a walk 5 or 6 days a week from any where between half an hour to a hour an a half. I walk to and from tafe 3 days a week so that takes me about 30 mins if I walk slower but 15-20 mins if I walk fast so I was wondering if walking fast is better or slow.
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    also can walking 30 mins after dinner do more harm than good. Thanks

    What?! No way!! How could it do harm? One thing that the Mediterranean cultures tend to do is walk around every night after dinner. When I've been in Italy it is just what everybody does; there are more locals out at night strolling than during any other time of the day! And they are all very slim.

    And as for the more general question, of course walking helps! Anything helps; every little thing helps. Especially if you generally do not get much exercise.
  • LauraAkaTigger
    LauraAkaTigger Posts: 145 Member

    I don't know what speed I am walking at so how do I work it out, I usually take my dog for a walk 5 or 6 days a week from any where between half an hour to a hour an a half. I walk to and from tafe 3 days a week so that takes me about 30 mins if I walk slower but 15-20 mins if I walk fast so I was wondering if walking fast is better or slow.

    I drive the distance in my car, then divide by time it takes me to walk it!!
  • saj9291113
    Or if you have an smart phone; the runkeeper app is free and uses GPS to track. The free version does have a couple of bugs but nothing major that will effect what you are really looking for... Plus it works great in corn mazes here in Illinois. Was able to track were I was and how to get out.
