Anyone else experience this?

I went back to school tis fall and started working out again. I going easy doing 3 sets of 10 reps.
When I realized I will never get stronger doing this I upped my weight and lowered my reps.
Now that I started lifting heavier I have developed pain in my elbows whenever I work my triceps, Ex tricep pull down or tricep press. This pain lasts for days. I feel pain when I extend my arms, not flex them.
Anyone ever experience this? Any ideas as to the cause? I'm hoping and praying its not arthritis. I'm due for my yearly physical in a couples weeks, but just wondering if anyone else has experienced this.


  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    I's a sharp pain right? :tongue:
    It'll go away after a while. If it doesn't, you'd have to check with your doctor, but I doubt very much it's due to arthritic changes.

    Arthritis is usually something you 'warm' out of if you can get over the hump, at least that's what I've heard.
    Anyhow...just wanted to say I've had that pain you're talking about & if it's in both elbows, it's more likely to be due to the increase in weight training load.

    ETA: I also felt the pain with extension vs flexion, it didn't last for days though...try NSAID's and see what happens.
    Weight training not only works your muscles but your tendons and ligaments as well.

    I would try the NSAID's for now but decrease weight a bit, and ease into the increase. It may be more than your connective tissues can handle.
  • jsukhan
    jsukhan Posts: 149 Member
    I's a sharp pain right? :tongue:
    It'll go away after a while. If it doesn't, you'd have to check with your doctor, but I doubt very much it's due to arthritic changes.

    Arthritis is usually something you 'warm' out of if you can get over the hump, at least that's what I've heard.
    Anyhow...just wanted to say I've had that pain you're talking about & if it's in both elbows, it's more likely to be due to the increase in weight training load.

    ETA: I also felt the pain with extension vs flexion, it didn't last for days though...try NSAID's and see what happens.
    Weight training not only works your muscles but your tendons and ligaments as well.

    I would try the NSAID's for now but decrease weight a bit, and ease into the increase. It may be more than your connective tissues can handle.

    Yes its sharp and in both elbows. I haven't increased the weight by much. I was doing tricep press at 60lbs plus bar and now I'm at 90. But maybe it is too much of an increase. I would rather avoid medication for now. Thanks for your input.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Yep, I know it well :laugh:
    It did eventually go away though, pulleys & lateral pull downs sometimes make it happen too. I experimented a bit with hand position and then just dealt with it till it eventually didn't happen anymore. Good luck & I hope it gets better for ya :drinker:
  • grantdumas7
    grantdumas7 Posts: 802 Member
    Take a deload week. When you resume normal lifting, see if doing different tricep exercises aggravate your elbow. Some people find that lying tricep ext cause pain but close grip (hands about 12-15" apart) doesn't cause pain. Also supplement with a glucosamine/chondrotin supplement and/or turmeric
  • KyliAnne26
    KyliAnne26 Posts: 209 Member
    I'm going to disagree with folks telling you to push through the pain. Your body is trying to tell you that something is too weak to do the exercise you're attempting, which could result in really screwing up your elbows.

    Isolation exercises like that are common causes of that sharp elbow pain. When they started for me, a personal trainer pointed out my poor form. Be sure your elbows aren't flaring out (When doing skull crushers or other tricep exercises). It was recommended to me to hold my elbows as if a rope was attached to them keeping them from going further than shoulder width apart, so it was almost as if I was pinching my head with my upper arms. Does that makes sense?

    If that doesn't help, you may just need to find exercises that indirectly hit your triceps, like cable rows and dips. ( FYI, I'm not a certified anything, just someone who enjoys reading and avoiding injuries, lol). Hope this is helpful.
  • jsukhan
    jsukhan Posts: 149 Member
    Its only hurts when I do tricep press (or as someone called them skull crushers :) ) and tricep pull downs with the cable. Overhead extensions does doesn't hurt.
    I keep my elbows in, and arms straight when I do tricep press. I've probably working off and on for 20 years and have never had any kind of pain like this.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    I'm going to disagree with folks telling you to push through the pain. Your body is trying to tell you that something is too weak to do the exercise you're attempting, which could result in really screwing up your elbows.

    Isolation exercises like that are common causes of that sharp elbow pain. When they started for me, a personal trainer pointed out my poor form. Be sure your elbows aren't flaring out (When doing skull crushers or other tricep exercises). It was recommended to me to hold my elbows as if a rope was attached to them keeping them from going further than shoulder width apart, so it was almost as if I was pinching my head with my upper arms. Does that makes sense?

    If that doesn't help, you may just need to find exercises that indirectly hit your triceps, like cable rows and dips. ( FYI, I'm not a certified anything, just someone who enjoys reading and avoiding injuries, lol). Hope this is helpful.

    I agree, this is what I did too, experimented with positions & yep, elbows flaring can be problematic.
    ETA: just re-read responses, no one 'recommended to work through the pain' :blushing:

    I honestly don't recall it lasting after the exercises were complete & yes, with skull crushers I had that pain too. I do recall it happened from time to time, as I also have been lifting on and off for about 15ish years...

    Good news is, it probably won't last :drinker:
  • Anita_hoar12345
    this happens to me too it's like my elbows are going to crack off from the weight. It happens when I use more weight after I get used to that weight it stops. If I do lots of pushups or body weight exercises that target my upper body it happens too because I am overweight and my arms can't hold my fat up
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    Sounds like tennis elbow =)

    Try doing the skullcrushers with dumbbells
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    Any ideas as to the cause?

    Probably from doing too much too soon. Try easing up on the weight, reps, and/or sets for a few weeks to give your body more time to adapt.
  • jsukhan
    jsukhan Posts: 149 Member
    I have lifted this heavy before, but it was probably 7-8 years ago. The only way I'm going to get stronger is to up the weight I lift with.
    Thank you for all your advice. Hopefully the pain doesn't last much longer.
  • angelzprophecy
    try these elbow friendly tricep movements
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    I have lifted this heavy before, but it was probably 7-8 years ago. The only way I'm going to get stronger is to up the weight I lift with.

    Working through the pain will probably prolong it and keep it from healing. Sometimes we have to take a step back to move forward. Your doctor is probably going to tell you rest it next month.

    Also, when it comes to building strength, compound lifts are far more important than isolation exercises like tricep extensions. Do you get elbow pain on the bench press or shoulder press?
  • farmgirlrrt
    farmgirlrrt Posts: 168 Member
    I's a sharp pain right? :tongue:
    It'll go away after a while. If it doesn't, you'd have to check with your doctor, but I doubt very much it's due to arthritic changes.

    Arthritis is usually something you 'warm' out of if you can get over the hump, at least that's what I've heard.
    Anyhow...just wanted to say I've had that pain you're talking about & if it's in both elbows, it's more likely to be due to the increase in weight training load.

    ETA: I also felt the pain with extension vs flexion, it didn't last for days though...try NSAID's and see what happens.
    Weight training not only works your muscles but your tendons and ligaments as well.

    I would try the NSAID's for now but decrease weight a bit, and ease into the increase. It may be more than your connective tissues can handle.

    Yes its sharp and in both elbows. I haven't increased the weight by much. I was doing tricep press at 60lbs plus bar and now I'm at 90. But maybe it is too much of an increase. I would rather avoid medication for now. Thanks for your input.

    You increased the weight by 33%. Do the bars only go in 30lbs increments? I would have added slower if that option is available.
  • jsukhan
    jsukhan Posts: 149 Member
    I have lifted this heavy before, but it was probably 7-8 years ago. The only way I'm going to get stronger is to up the weight I lift with.

    Working through the pain will probably prolong it and keep it from healing. Sometimes we have to take a step back to move forward. Your doctor is probably going to tell you rest it next month.

    Also, when it comes to building strength, compound lifts are far more important than isolation exercises like tricep extensions. Do you get elbow pain on the bench press or shoulder press?

    No I don't really feel any pain with bench press. I did today, but I was probably still sore from last week.
  • jsukhan
    jsukhan Posts: 149 Member
    I's a sharp pain right? :tongue:
    It'll go away after a while. If it doesn't, you'd have to check with your doctor, but I doubt very much it's due to arthritic changes.

    Arthritis is usually something you 'warm' out of if you can get over the hump, at least that's what I've heard.
    Anyhow...just wanted to say I've had that pain you're talking about & if it's in both elbows, it's more likely to be due to the increase in weight training load.

    ETA: I also felt the pain with extension vs flexion, it didn't last for days though...try NSAID's and see what happens.
    Weight training not only works your muscles but your tendons and ligaments as well.

    I would try the NSAID's for now but decrease weight a bit, and ease into the increase. It may be more than your connective tissues can handle.

    Yes its sharp and in both elbows. I haven't increased the weight by much. I was doing tricep press at 60lbs plus bar and now I'm at 90. But maybe it is too much of an increase. I would rather avoid medication for now. Thanks for your input.

    You increased the weight by 33%. Do the bars only go in 30lbs increments? I would have added slower if that option is available.

    Its just a stardard curl bar, with plates. Ever since I started working I've added or subtracted 10 lbs for 2 reps. So if I was was going to from sets of 10 down to sets of 6 that's 20 lbs (or going from 60 lbs up to 80lbs) but that was too easy so I added 10 more lbs. I won't use 2.5 lbs plates so I have to add 5lbs per side minimum
  • jsukhan
    jsukhan Posts: 149 Member
    Pain used to last only a couple days, then it was almost a week. Now its constant. I feel pain when I do any type of lifting, not just triceps. Happily I have my yearly physical tomorrow. Hoping I can find out what is wrong with my before I do any major damage.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    The movement when you experience it is similar for the exercises you say you feel it. The elbows probably don't like the way the force is applied compared to the bench press. Perhaps focus more on benching for a while and to work the triceps more, only do the higher end of the movement as I understand that's when the triceps are required most.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I have been having this problem, and I have also been told that it's tennis elbow. It has been bothering me for about a week, but it is easing up now.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    I have had pain in my right elbow. It's due to tight muscles in my arm. Been working with the chiropractor to release the muscles, by using quick-release massage unit they have there. My joint was feeling sore due to the muscles pulling so hard.....maybe something similar in your case? Try massaging out the muscles there, see if they are tight.