A spare tire's worth of excuses...

My kids are too needy.
I work 10 hour days.
I work two jobs.
The days I work both jobs are 18 hour days.
My husband is gone a lot.
I get bored of home videos.
I don't live close to family.
I'm too poor to pay a babysitter regularly.
I'm 5'8" and my ceilings are only 5'11".
I HATE doing squats with a fiery passion.
I want something for nothing.
I'm lazy.
I want to eat chips and sour cream ALL DAY.
I like Kraft Dinner.
I have the unfortunate luck of being best friends with beautiful ladies who are skinny without having to work out or watch what they eat. Like...really skinny.
I let my jealousy get the better of me a lot.
I'm the "ugly friend" when we go out.
I'm shaped like a marshmallow with sticks for legs and arms.
I have a long, horse face.
My husband is an athlete and a firefighter and is always in "OMG THE BEST SHAPE EVER LET ME GRATE CHEESE ON THOSE ABS!"
I have to work REALLY hard to achieve results.
I gain muscle quickly and lose fat slowly. Uuuuuuuuuugh.
Did I already mention how lazy I am?


I just got a 4 month gym membership and I LOVE the elliptical and row machine!
I know a bodybuilder who is giving me GREAT tips on how to maximize my lifting and cardio with my weekly allotted gym time!
We're moving in 6 months to a house with higher ceilings.
Wii Fit U comes out on December 13th and I am SO EXCITED.
I'm giving myself a year to reach my goal so that I don't set myself up for failure, depression, and setbacks.
My husband is VERY supportive and motivating.
My daughters deserve a Mom who ISN'T lazy, who wants to run around with them and isn't parked on the couch watching Rio for the 80th time because she's too tired to do anything else.
My youngest is THISCLOSE to sleeping through the night and then I ACTUALLY won't feel so tired.
My Mom is in her 50's and in the best shape of her life because she bought an elliptical.
I will save up and buy an elliptical to put into our new house. ;)
And maybe a Bowflex too.
I've been consistently eating healthy for the last 3 months! YES! (with the occasional cheat day.)
I started using salad plates instead of regular plates to help with my portion control and it is SERIOUSLY working.
I'm trying to ignore my "flaws" and focus on my assets instead. A defined leg muscle here, being able to lift a certain weight without falling over, running up the stairs without losing my breath, not getting sweaty for NO reason. Ha. All successes.
Logging into MFP more often and reading all of these motivating posts about not letting excuses get in your way.

Thanks guys.


  • tatd_820
    tatd_820 Posts: 573 Member
    I love your excuses. They are all very valid. But, what I love more is your list of reasons you CAN get back to it. You deserve it, and your family does too. A 30 min workout adds up over a weeks time. Every little bit counts. You don't have to go to a gym for 2 hours to make changes. What are your goals? Sort term and long term?
  • mamaboden
    Thanks! I think it's really important to acknowledge all the things that are getting you down. I've never been good at pushing aside the things that are bothering me and powering through (although I wish I was!). I work much better at facing my anxieties and setbacks head on, and then finding positives that aren't necessarily opposites, just things that I CAN work on that AREN'T getting in my way. :D

    Short term, I just want to be moving. I want to drink an extra glass of water a day and get up onto my feet even though I don't always feel like it. I want to go to the gym once a week and do as much as I can with the time that I have there. :) Last week I burned almost 600 calories in an hour between two machines. I felt pretty amazing afterwards.

    Long term I want to lose 20+ pounds, be a great role model for my daughters and have abs. Ha! But I know that the short term goals make the long term ones happen!