Need help! Switch goals from -1 pound/week to -1/2 pound...?

So earlier I mentioned to some MFP friends that I may switch my goals from -1 pound a week to -1/2 pound. Since I am already in the healthy BMI and don't have much to lose (only about 4-5 more pounds), MFP allows me 1200 cals a day, which is apparently the lowest. On my "rest" days, it is nearly impossible to eat just 1200 calories, plus, if I do manage to, I get the little message that I need to eat more. I know some people can put in a workout everyday and that rocks, but I am not one of those people. I need rest days where I can just relax and be with friends and family, low-key. So does that mean I am doomed to go "over" on all my rest days? Hmmm..

Maybe the better answer would just be to switch the goals. The only time I was losing 1 pound a week anyways was during the 30 Day Shred (I lost 4 pounds in 4 weeks). But this could be multiple variables. I was exercising EVERY DAY, which made me feel sort of like a recluse for a month.. and it was also the first 'intense' exercise regime I had done since probably last March, so that might've just been my kick start.

8/29/10: 128.5 lbs (Pre-30 Day Shred)
10/1/10: 124.5 lbs (Post-30 Day Shred)

Since then, and up to today (so for 5 weeks), I have been consistently losing 1/2 pound a week (not complaining here! haha) despite having my goals set at -1 pound. I am obviously always over at the end of the week, but I am always happy with -1/2 pound when it comes to Friday weigh-in!

10/1/10: 124.5 lbs (Post-30 Day Shred)
10/8/10: 124 lbs (-)
10/15/10: 123 lbs (-) TOM
10/22/10: 122.5 lbs (-)
10/29/10: 122 lbs (-)

Would it make sense to just switch my goals? If I did, I would allow myself more to eat on my "rest" days (and hopefully gain some energy). Or would this only cause me to eat more total and make me lose LESS than 1/2 pound a week....? I'm just not sure.

Other option is on days I know I'm not working out, I could just tell myself, okay, I can have X more calories today (the amount I would have if I was doing -1/2 pound a week, which is like 1,380), or something like that.

Ahh, I need some advice on this, not sure!

Thanks guys,



  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    I recently was feeling pretty good and went from 1 pound to 1.5 pounds a week, and I immediately regretted it. Almost simultaneousness, life happened and I found it impossible to stay within the calorie range. Going out always ruined it, and I was beginning to feel like a prisoner to my food.

    Since you're already so healthy, I would definitely stick to 1 pound a week. Life is way too short to starve yourself.

    PS: I definitely went back to 1 pound a week.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I recently was feeling pretty good and went from 1 pound to 1.5 pounds a week, and I immediately regretted it. Almost simultaneousness, life happened and I found it impossible to stay within the calorie range. Going out always ruined it, and I was beginning to feel like a prisoner to my food.

    Since you're already so healthy, I would definitely stick to 1 pound a week. Life is way too short to starve yourself.

    PS: I definitely went back to 1 pound a week.

    She is looking at going to 0.5 not 1.5.

    I think it is a good idea to switch, on top of giving you more to eat it will also help get you ready for maintenance. This way you want jump 500 cals/day once you hit maintenance but lets you ease into it.
  • laugustine
    Yes! You should totally switch. I just did the same thing, except I was on the track to lose 1.5 pounds a week and only eating 1200 calories a day and I switched to lose 1 pound a week and now can eat 1400 calories a day. It is so much better and makes me feel better that it doesn't say that I need to eat more yet I am still under my calorie goal of 1400 most days. Do it, you will feel much better eating a little bit more calories and will have more energy! Hope this helps!
  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    She is looking at going to 0.5 not 1.5.

    I think it is a good idea to switch, on top of giving you more to eat it will also help get you ready for maintenance. This way you want jump 500 cals/day once you hit maintenance but lets you ease into it.

    Doh. Good thing I'm a designer and not a math teacher. :/
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I'm not sure what to tell you about changing your goals, but I will tell you, I purposely overeat a little on my rest days (or sometimes on my cardio days). Not junk, but I do intentionally go over on calories - adding an extra serving of yogurt, or fruit or something. Having somewhat signigicant different calorie deficits for me, speeds up my weight loss (I'm about 1 lb per week) and just keeps my body guessing.

    Also- you are going to have to start looking into maintenence soon, so gradually upping your cals may be a good idea in the long run. Just dont freak out if you gain a lb or two back when you start- your body needs to readjust.