Not feeling Full!

I suppose I'm not eating the right "filling" foods, but with the stuff i have been eating I just don't ever really feel full. I could continue to eat WAY more than I do now, but i stop after i've eaten whatever the serving is. I find i want to snack all the time between meals. I pre-plan my day so I know what I'm eating and don't eat more. I'm (by coincidence) doing the IF lifestyle. I work the night shift, so i end up eating all my food between 9p & 5a.

Took my kids out to eat on Sunday to Sweet Tomatoes, added all the foods that i could find in the database, and found that i had eaten a lot of calories, so i didn't have much for the rest of the 'day'. But i still felt hungry! I find myself wanting to snack, then not wanting to log anymore because i hate the number in red!

Protein is another thing i have a hard time reaching. The more exercise i do, the higher the number goes! I have it custom set to 40/20/40, but i'm thinking that may not be quite right?

I need some ideas for high protein, low calorie, filling meals!!


  • ghiagirl893
    ghiagirl893 Posts: 69 Member
    I was very surprised at how few calories are in pork sirloin. Its also super delicious. Protein and fat will help you stay full longer (info from my nutritionist).
  • sanfly
    sanfly Posts: 207 Member
    I normally have a low fat yoghurt (careful it's not high sugar instead!) and a med - large carrot in the afternoon to help me get through to dinner. I think the protein in the yoghurt helps, as does cutting the carrot into sticks so it takes longer to eat.

    Bulk up mealtimes with veges - steamed green beans and broccoli are two of my favourites. Put some vinegar or lemon juice on to boost flavour

    Drink plenty of water too.

    It's hard to know at first if it's just that you're getting used to eating smaller (reasonable) portions or if your body really needs more cals. If you're consistently hungry still, try bumping up your calories by 100-200 for a couple of weeks and see if that helps without impeding too much on your goals. Or maybe you'll have to adjust your goals for a slower loss - it better to take a wee while longer to get there than to get frustrated at feeling hungry and give up altogether .
  • I was very surprised at how few calories are in pork sirloin. Its also super delicious. Protein and fat will help you stay full longer (info from my nutritionist).

    Me too! About the pork sirloin. i was really shocked at how few calories it had. I ate a 1.5lb roast today...not all at once, it was spread out all day. I kept me full and going all day long.
  • FP4HSharon
    FP4HSharon Posts: 664 Member
    Your diary looks like you're getting pretty healthy foods most of the time. As another poster said, studies have shown that if you eat a high protein (usually Greek) yogurt before the end of your eating day (whenever that is w/your schedule), then it helps you feel fuller & eat less. I'd recommend the Fage Greek Yogurts, I didn't like them until I tried Fage. Also, definitely have a food cut off, usually 2-4 hours before you go to bed.

    I also found myself getting hungry before my cut-off, but found if I eat a couple of cups of popcorn (make sure you get the ones without trans fats) each night, that keeps me satisfied. Light in calories, but high in fiber, so it makes you feel full.

    Finally, are you exercising? I really find that when I'm exercising, I feel satisfied w/whatever I'm eating most of the time. But if I slack off on exercising, then it seems I'm hungry more often. I usually just exercise in the morning, but the effect carries over throughout the day.

    All the best to you.
  • I find porridge good for breakfast and as a snack. It's warm, low calorie and nourishing.

    Soya yogurt is filling and tastes great with frozen berries that have been heated up.

    In the winter I definitely get hungrier and I suggest soups made with lentils and vegetables. Even spelt or rye bread is filling but not as calorific as wheat bread.
  • My protein goal is 190g/day. I eat lots of eggs, chicken breast, canned pink salmon, and kangaroo mince (plus some protein from milk, yoghurt, pumpkin seed bread, oats etc).

    I eat lots of protein to feel full and maintain muscle mass. My goals are 25/40/35. Fat and protein for breakfast definitely help.
  • ikearch
    ikearch Posts: 32 Member
    Start your day with a good amount of fiber. Bake some sweet potatoes and eat one every day. It's the first thing I eat after waking up and working out. They're about 150-175 calories and are extremely filling. With fiber comes a lot of water, so be sure to drink at least a full glass of water with a sweet potato. Training your mind and will are the other things it seems like you should work on. Thinking about food is natural. If you decide to give into a snack or eating more (or all of your calories in a sitting), then you're more likely to repeat this behavior.
  • Bluizflame
    Bluizflame Posts: 151 Member
    I get "cravings" that i can't figure out what it is i'm craving for. I'll eat a piece of this, or that and it doesn't sedate the craving.

    It's hard to explain. I'm not hungry all the time. It's more that when i'm eating, my brain doesn't tell me to stop because i'm full. I stop myself from eating more than i've measured out. The only thing i've found that makes me go "UGH too much" is pasta or pancakes.

    I also drink at least 64oz of water a day. I bring a container with me to work and make sure i finish it. The bathroom and i are best friends haha
  • grdaze
    grdaze Posts: 195 Member
    when I don't have a lot of calories left but I want something to FILL my belly, I snack on popcorn.

    I start off my day with an egg (with cheese) and it keeps me full a lot longer than oatmeal/porridge/cereal ever did.

    Fish is high protein and low cal. 4oz of tilapia, for example, only has 100 cal. 4 oz of shrimp has 90. I parboil frozen shrimp and just eat them plain sometimes - super yummy, low cal, high protein, easy pease.
  • Try protein shake with fiber.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Your protein numbers look okay, but your fat is very low. I would be hungry too with that little.