Dieting and Vacation

I'm trying to loose weight, like many here, and will be going on vacation next month. I don't want to undo all of my work with loosing, bud I'd like to have a good time too and not be resigned to salads all the time.

We're intending on hitting the theme parks, so I should be doing a lot of walking while I'm there (I've read online that the average person tends to walk 10-12 miles a day at the parks). I'll probably be splitting most of my meals with someone, both as a means on saving cash and because theme park foods tend to be so huge and/or calorie laden. As per my norm, I'll probably only drink water.

No gym at the hotel, but there is a mile-long jogging path, which I intend on at least walking each morning, depending upon how my feet hold up (I get the worlds worst blisters).

Any other suggestions on how not to kill your diet when on vacation?


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    in all honesty i have never given any consideration to trying to lose weight, or even maintain it while i am on holiday... i just enjoy myself! i usually end up walking loads anyway which helps balance out the copious amounts of food and drink but i figure its a couple of weeks out of the year, life's too short to eat salad on holiday!
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    in all honesty i have never given any consideration to trying to lose weight, or even maintain it while i am on holiday... i just enjoy myself! i usually end up walking loads anyway which helps balance out the copious amounts of food and drink but i figure its a couple of weeks out of the year, life's too short to eat salad on holiday!

    This... I REFUSE to "diet" on vacation, track food, log, or worry... I earned my vacation am going to enjoy it. I am usually way more active on vacation so it balances out and I have never gained weight on one (no matter how many drinks I have :laugh: )
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    I recently went away for a week and although I was very active I also ate all the food and drank all the drink - see profile picture and imagine watching the sun go down with several glasses of champagne!

    Came back 6lbs heavier - wan't all fat obviously (despite my efforts with knife, fork & glass). A week later the weight has gone and I've still got the tan and good memories of a really good & relaxing break.

    I would say enjoy the holiday - don't stuff yourself to excess and keep busy.
    But the primary objective should be to enjoy the holiday without guilt.
  • Diet_Soda
    Diet_Soda Posts: 124 Member
    Try not to worry too much. It sounds like you have a plan in place, so just stick with it as best you can, and indulge a couple of times while gone too. I always give myself one "free for all" day on vacations and try to keep it under control the other days while still giving myself permission to relax a bit with eating and exercise.
  • Mandy165
    Mandy165 Posts: 17 Member
    I do not restrict myself on vacations. I just recently went on a girl's week long get away to an all inclusive resort. Ate and drank like everyone else. I did offer to get the drinks more often than anyone else. The trip to the bar is exercise, right? Came home and did not put on any weight. Had a blast and some good memories, which made it easy to get back into routine once i came home. Another all-inclusive Carribean trip with the family in February 2014. I will have the same mentality!
    Have a fantastic vacation!!:drinker:
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I think as long as you keep your activity level up, you should do fine. I generally watch my calories, but don't "deprive" myself when I am on vacation, but almost all of my vacations are centered around lots of physical activity like walking, jogging and bicycling.
  • Sassyallday
    Sassyallday Posts: 136 Member
    I agree that you should be fine if you keep moving!

    You could also get some fresh fruit and bottled water for your room. Sometimes I get hungry in my hotel room with no food nearby. That way I don't have to wait until I am out and about again. Plus, it infuses some healthy, fresh items into a diet that, for a few days may not include many. :) Nothing wrong with a bit of nice along with the naughty.
  • maffff
    maffff Posts: 72 Member
    Enjoy yourself. Worry later.
  • Marymoe138
    Marymoe138 Posts: 68 Member
    I agree with the above statements in regards to being a little lax. However, if I were going to a theme park as you are, I would pack a few of my own snacks to avoid eating all of the foods they offer there. I find that something like peanut butter crackers are easy to pack and easy to grab if you find that you start to find yourself hungry. I make sure to get a workout in before heading off for the day so I feel better that I sweat a little during the trip! There are a few videos on youtube that offer quick exercises for working out in a hotel room and take no more than 10-15 minutes at the most. I try to eat a healthy breakfast so that if I indulge later I do not feel bad. I have an upcoming vacation and while I am not going to eat any and every unhealthy option that is placed in front of me, I will sample in moderation. Have a great time!!
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    I spent a week at Disney in August along with a week in the Tampa Bay area visitin Family before that. I ate what I wanted and honestly came home and weighed the same. When you are at the theme parks, you are on your feet all day walking around or standing in line. You will probably not even need that morning walk.

    I am going back to Florida next month again and I have decided just to enjoy it the week. One week is not going to derail me and I just want to get through the holidays at the same weight I went into them with.