The Bar Method question?

What other exercises should I incorporate with the Bar Method for optimal weight loss results?


  • Audeliz55
    Audeliz55 Posts: 3 Member
    Personally, my advice would be to try and stick to the Bar Method workout as many times per week as possible. Are you doing studio classes or the DVDs? If you're doing the classes, they are so varied each time you go that you should get a good cross-training workout that is a combination of strength and cardio. I was trying to run and do Bar Method when I first started but I found I only was motivated to go to Bar classes because running was so boring. So I just stopped worrying about running and started going to Bar 4-5 times per week and pounds started melting off. Bar has given me so much more core strength and an overall feeling of wellness than any other workout I've tried (yoga, running, spinning, pilates), and you get killer arm muscles that are fun to brag about :)
  • FerretBuellerr
    FerretBuellerr Posts: 468 Member
    Just writing to say that I've never heard of the Bar Method before, but now that I've looked it up, I REALLY want to do it!
  • A bit late here, but I agree with Audeliz55. You should really just focus on making your Bar Method workouts as intense as possible 4-5 times a week and let yourself have a break on the days in between (you don't want to overwork your muscles). Though, if you want to do a little cardio, I would recommend doing some intervals on a treadmill.