Fast Foodd?!?!?!

I know fast food is absolutely horrible for you, but with my job I just don't know when I will eat, or where for that matter. Looking for something that I can get from the menu that isn't a salad that won't ruin my daily food log?!? PLEASE HELP!!!


  • kiwitechgirl
    kiwitechgirl Posts: 145 Member
    Pack your lunch the night before and take it with you? That way you avoid fast food altogether.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Are you incapable of packing a lunch for the day for any reason?
  • rabblerabble
    rabblerabble Posts: 471 Member
    When it's fast food or nothing at all, at burger places I usually go for grilled chicken (on wheat if possible). NEVER get french fries (but will eat a plain baked potato from Wendy's) Sandwich shops like Subway have some reasonably healthy choices too.

    (But others above noted, I brown bag my lunch for work almost every day)
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Why is fast food "absolutely horrible" for you?

    McDonald's Premium Sweet Chilli Chicken Snack Wrap w/ Grilled Chicken, or a couple of small hamburgers Wendy's Chicken pecan salad is freaking amazing. Grilled chicken sandwiches from anywhere are usually a good lower calorie high protein choice.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Look at the online menus of the fast food joints you go to. Some foods are much better than others, and it's not always what you think.

    A quarter pound burger without cheese and a skim milk is not a bad lunch. I like the chicken wraps. Skip the cheese. Skip the sauces. Skip the soda.
  • laura0770
    laura0770 Posts: 161 Member
    If I have fast food it's usually Wendy's grilled chicken sandwich or subway roasted chicken sub with no sauce. :smile:
  • born2drum
    born2drum Posts: 731 Member
    uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh PACK A LUNCH!!!!!!!!! DUH!!!!!
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    I like the charbroiled chicken on wheat at chickfila, only 310 cals

    I also like the fresco menu at taco bell, tacos for 140 cals

    carls jr has a lot of turkey burger options on wheat for under 500 cals

    starbucks has an awesome spinach cheese and tomato wrap on wheat tortilla for I think 280 cals... super good!!!
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    How long before the fast food junkies jump on this thread :P

    self admitted fast food / junk food junky... proud to eat dirty, the dirtier the better... im lucky I can get into church, with as dirty as I eat :)
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    any chain fast food restaurant that has more than a couple of locations publishes their nutritional info online. Check it out and make your choice from there. If you don't want a salad and they don't have any other low calorie option you can make common sense choices to at least reduce the calorie content:
    - don't eat the bread
    - choose leaner meats (grilled chicken, turkey, ham)
    - pass on cheese and high calorie condiments like mayo
    - sub fries or chips for fruit and veggies

    It isn't rocket science and you can easily lose weight eating the right things at fast food places. It has been done a million times.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    You lost me at "fast food is absolutely horrible for you" I just cannot follow such a vast departure from reality.

  • stanggal05
    stanggal05 Posts: 5 Member
    When I don't have time to pack my lunch I usually resort to one of the following:
    1) Grocery Store Salad Bar (i.e. Market Street, Whole Foods, or Kroger Signature, or Tom Thumb). Usually around the same price as fast food and takes about the same amount of time to grab- just lots of healthier options and they always have pre-made salads/wraps/sushi for on the go if you don't want to take the time to make it on your own.
    2) Chipotle- Stick to salads or bowls (sans dressing-opt for salsa instead) and they have a cool nutritional calculator on their website where you can build your meal and it'll tell you the nutritional info. They offer brown rice, meats are primarily hormone free, and most other menu items are GMO free (if you care about that stuff).
    3) Subway- New Chopped Salads are pretty good and low in calories as long as you don't slather in dressing and in general you can get a decent sandwich (although the meat is processed if you're picky about that)
    4) Chic Fil A- Marketstreet Chicken and Fruit Salad, fruit cups, grilled chicken sandwich on wheat…. They've got a decent fresh selection
    5) Jason's Deli
    6) Grandy's Southwestern Grilled Chicken Meal
    7) Panera Bread

    In general, there are lots of options. Just search online. Hope this helps!
  • karlachula
    karlachula Posts: 9 Member
    That really is terrible that you don't have the option to pack a lunch. But usually where there's fast food restaurants there may be some smaller chains with healthier options, like rotisserie or grilled chicken with a side of veggies and plain white rice. I live in a suburb of Los Angeles and we are absolutely spoiled here with our food choices. We have kabob places and Latin chicken places everywhere. Look around and don't be afraid to try new things.
  • TheBoldCat
    TheBoldCat Posts: 159 Member
    i usually go for a chicken and salad or steak and veggies without fries.

    If am leaving home 5 am going to work and then directly to Uni and coming home 11pm i have just time to take a shower and sleep.
  • MizSookeh
    MizSookeh Posts: 106 Member
    I'm terrible at pre-planning meals, but I work on a popular tourist/shopping strip, so plenty of options for lunch, and a good number of them publish nutritional info online, so I stick to those.

    - Amazing spud place
    - Mexican (cheap Taco Tuesdays!)
    - Sushi
    - Subway

    Further down the main street are places like McDs, BK, KFC. Not really into those, but like others said, if I was absolutely stuck for options, I'd jump on their websites real quick and have a look at their options - or even find them listed here on MFP with a high number of user confirmations.
  • emilyisbonkers
    emilyisbonkers Posts: 373 Member
    kfc mini breast fillets, 4 for 508 cals, really filling :D and high in protein
    but skip the chips!
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    A lot of FF places are in the database - look up your items you're considering on the MFP App before you order. Become a collector of fast food nutritional information sheets. I have a stack in my desk drawer for every place around my work just in case.
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,787 Member
    Chicken , fish, or bean tacos with no or light cheese are a great option. Lots of places offer or at least can make veggie sandwiches or wraps. Local places usually do carry out and their salads are usually way better than fast food salads. Grocery stores offer premade salads, fruit bowls, veggie plates, etc. Any broth-based non-starchy soup from almost any restaurant would work.
  • s_light
    s_light Posts: 58 Member
    I try to pack my lunch everyday, but I work in a funeral home and get called away at anytime for many different reasons, and may or may not have remembered to bring my lunch with me when I got called, so on the way back to the office or if we got called out of town we usually swing through drive thru to grab something "quick" to "hold us over" until supper time.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Get a kids meal at any fast food chain and it will probably be under 500 calories, some are under 400. McD's kids meal with the apple slices instead of fries is a good option.