New Arrival *waves*

Hi All

Decided to join MFP since I use it daily for food calorie lookups. :wink:

After retiring this year I started focusing on this old body.
It's long past time to start shedding the accumulated pounds, ailments, etc.
So far I am down 99 pounds since May (that is a long story in itself).

Joined a local gym a month ago and am liking all the equipment. They have become a second home.

Working hard to reach my major weight loss goal (200) by December 31.
Still deciding/researching what the next steps will be.


  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Waving back! I used MFP for over two months before I realized there was a community.:laugh: Welcome to MFP and above all else, have fun!
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Oh, and congrats on the huge weight lost! Are you sure you shouldn't be posting this on the Success Board? :wink: Seriously, have fun and I'm sure with your experience, you will have a lot of good info and advice to share.
  • Jacson53
    Jacson53 Posts: 62 Member
    What's the Success Board *scurries off to snoop around*

  • browneyes97
    Welcome! And fabulous job!

    You are on the "Introduce yourself" part of the forum. There is another one with success stories. Just click on "message boards" and you should see a bunch of different ones to choose from.
  • Jacson53
    Jacson53 Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks, hehe, found it.

    FYI, dropped another 1.5 today.
    Just 20 more then the fun really starts.