Ladies of MFP.

So just wondering what the scale does to you when your wonderful monthly visitor comes by?
And how do you get through it without eating everything in site?!?


  • CroakerNorge
    CroakerNorge Posts: 165 Member
    Lots of women experience a temporary gain during their period.
    Willpower, it's all about willpower.
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    I never feel like exercising at TOTM, but if I get on and do it anyway it doesn't affect the scale. If I take it easy and do little or no exercise then I gain as much as 5lbs of water weight. Its soon gone, but I hate seeing it on the scale!
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    I made a topic about this a few days ago. My weekly reading said I only lost .5 pounds. That never happened to me, usually it's at least 1. LOL but THEN when I was completely off my period the next day, 1.5 pounds went down. I was super happy, same weight today.

    When you are on your period, your body keeps a lot of water!! Don't let the scale on your period discourage you.

    I don't have cravings during my period, so guess I am lucky there.
  • IbettR
    IbettR Posts: 139 Member
    So just wondering what the scale does to you when your wonderful monthly visitor comes by?
    And how do you get through it without eating everything in site?!?

    My TOM (time of month) is a traitor!! :mad: But I must say I try to control the over-eating by drinking more tea. I've read that the more you 'flush' out the wastes in your system (toxins via urine and #2), the quicker and lighter your TOM's are ::crossing my fingers:: LOL. So, I drink more tea (as a diuretic) and that also helps me with controlling the appetite.

    Good luck to you :smile:
  • bubblez_x3
    Thank you so much for the input! I am now addicted to MFP!
  • gettinfitby30
    I go through that too, and I crave mostly sweet treats, I go ahead and indulge but in moderation, our bodies need the sugar during PMS, however, I don't go hog wild, raisins are a favorite for me, it may not be exactly what I want but thats what I eat, also watermelon or pineapple, low calories and natural sugars. As far as the chocolate part of the ordeal goes, I keep a bag of Special Dark Hersheys chocolate morsels in the fridge and as I crave chocolate I grab a couple morsels. I crave white frosting too and I have found that I can fend those cravings off with a handful of marshmellows. If you don't give in a little you are more likely to binge later, therefore I like to control the amount as I go. Then I work it off in activities, burn off all that sugary bliss :-)

    I don't know if anyone else is like me, I currently have my monthly visitor and its weird but 2 days after it starts I lose interest in food all together. I don't want anything. nothing sounds good.
  • ♡MyCurves
    ♡MyCurves Posts: 104 Member
    Girl...I was so p* barely off of mine and I haven't lost another D#mn pound! :( I honestly stayed within my calories..and I did great, I think. I've done 2 zumba and 1 kickboxing class this week..and I'm going to do some weights and arc trainer on sat (which is my weigh in) and IDK what's going on with my body. Maybe I've already hit a plateau :( I just have to do intervals and more weights I think. But just make sure you don't get overly hungry by eating 3 meals and 3 snacks..and LOTS of water (love drinking mine with ice chips! :)) and you should be fine :)
  • bubblez_x3
    Lol You sound just like me! But Thank you for the advice! and you will overcome your plateau u can DO IT! By the way your still beautiful the way you are!
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    Drink more water than you are. No matter how much you're drinking start increasing it a couple of days before your period. Exercise and keep eating normally (I allow myself one treat of chocolate then even if it puts me over) and I don't sweat it. The scale goes back down (and then some) afterward.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I could eat the fridge door, and rip someone's face off while doing it...I am in the b!tchiest mood for 2 days...seriously it's a battle to look at someone without wanting to beat them senseless. I also hate when people eat infront of me...I really focus on what i'm eating so i don't binge, but eating infront of me is almost an insult. I gain at least 3lbs when I have my period, and almost an inch everywhere...but you get through apologize to those that have crossed your path, and you become lighter and happier as the days go by. Don't weigh's just depressing...take that week off from the scale or the tape measure...i promise it will be beneficial to your sanity...other than that, drink tea lol
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    I could eat the fridge door, and rip someone's face off while doing it...I am in the b!tchiest mood for 2 days...seriously it's a battle to look at someone without wanting to beat them senseless. I also hate when people eat infront of me...I really focus on what i'm eating so i don't binge, but eating infront of me is almost an insult. I gain at least 3lbs when I have my period, and almost an inch everywhere...but you get through apologize to those that have crossed your path, and you become lighter and happier as the days go by. Don't weigh's just depressing...take that week off from the scale or the tape measure...i promise it will be beneficial to your sanity...other than that, drink tea lol
    All of this.