How do I lose 25 pounds?

I want to be 150 pounds. I know it's about calorie-limits and exercising but no matter what I do I fail. My planning is just bad.
How did you guys lose weight? What kinds of foods did you eat? How much did you work-out? How did you feel full on so little calories?

I seem to eat all of my calories by 2. Crazy right? My calorie goal is 1300-1450. That's one to one and a half pounds a week. I know a lot of people eat at this calorie deficit.

I know fruit and veges are of course always good for snacks. I know that I need proteins with my meals like lean chicken and what not.

How did you get control? I know this is my mind and my body but I still can't seem to grab onto control.

I eat when I'm bored, lonely, sad, happy, normal mood, ect. Only time I don't eat is when I'm mad. Maybe I should get mad more often ;) Haha just kidding.

But I seriously need tips & support at that.. I just made this MFP account the other day and only have a couple friends on here.


  • Hello Dear, I'm elder than you (50 y) and logically more difficult to lose wt. I lost 23.3 pounds over 2 months. I was the first to amaze among others.
    1. you need to be motivated enough, otherwise your start will become enthusiastic and eventually ends in failure. chose a right moment to start.
    2. the secret as I found is the whole wheat or bran fortified bread. the bran content causes slower absorption of sugar and for longer periods of time. thus there is enough sugar to stop hunger over longer time. the situation is different in case of simple sugar, where rapid absorption enforce the pancreas to secrete insulin in larger amounts to halt sudden raise in sugar. insulin causes the sugar to fall rapidly and it converts some into fat to be stored. after few hours you feel hunger again.
    3. Exercise, to me (50 y) was walking and I stopped car using nearly totally. goes and come back home by feet. sometimes wt lifting.
    4. with help of the bread I told you, very small amounts of food with low calories became enough and day after other the amount made me full is smaller.
    Hop that help.
  • Kennesaw24
    Kennesaw24 Posts: 50 Member
    Go here, read her story, buy the book "Hormonal Timing", do it. Make your own "Success Journal" if you need to (hers is too confusing for me -- you'll see it when you buy the book). Don't be a stripper -- it's demeaning. I don't care how much money you might make -- work hard at a respectable job, be on time, you will eventually make the money you need. Good luck. Oh, and squats and dead lifts for the booty.:smile:
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Not by making multiple posts :laugh:
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Eat at a deficit of 500 cals/day, and give it 25 weeks.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    FOR ME, eating keto helped my body shed weight. I went from 165 in July, to 136.6 as of today(been gaining and losing three lbs for the past couple of weeks. SO ANNOYING). Keto doesn't work for everyone, but if you want to give it a try, go ahead.

    I honestly hope you're not a troll though. I did read your post about wanting to be a stripper. Why not apply to a craft store like Michaels or AC Moore? I work replenishment at Michael's. It's a very active job, so I get a workout every shift. That helps. Plus, the money is decent. You won't be rich, but you will get a steady paycheck and you don't have to lose weight to work there to begin with.