Calorie burned

My treadmill says i burned 120 calories while on myfitnesspal i entered the number of minutes (60) performed on slow pace (2mph) and it says i burned 242 and also i use another website for aeorobics and it says i burned for instance i burned x more calories than mfp? Which one should i believe?


  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Assuming you are trying to lose weight: always go with the lowest number.
  • nouranfayed
    Thanks :) i always do go with the lowest number yet i was wondering if there's another way to calc it and be absolutely sure about it
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Thanks :) i always do go with the lowest number yet i was wondering if there's another way to calc it and be absolutely sure about it
    Unless you are in a laboratory environment then no, you can't be absolutely sure.
    If your treadmill asks you to enter your weight and can display output in watts (power) I'd be tempted to go by that.

    As running has been so frequently studied then online calculators should be fairly reasonable. Have you tried this one?

    I use a HRM but that is just another estimating device - remember that it is a training aid that counts heartbeats not calories. Its main advantage is that it's a personal and consistent estimating device when used for cardio.
  • luckydays27
    luckydays27 Posts: 552 Member
    Buy and wear a heart rate monitor when exercising. It will give you the best estimate of cals burned when exercising. Get one with a chest strap add those are more accurate than one worn on your wrist alone.

    I use a polar ft60 but there are lots of then out there.
  • rach503
    rach503 Posts: 86 Member
    I bought a heart rate monitor and was pretty shocked at how far off the estimates of the equipment, MFP and the heart rate monitor were. The elliptical I was using was overestimating burn by up to 65%. I highly recommend investing in one if you are serious about wanting to know a more precise measurement on your activity level. If you want to keep going w/the equipment / MFP estimates, I'd defer to the lower number.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    The gym equipment is very inaccurate.

    The treadmill at the gym under estimates my burn according to my body bugg. I would go with whichever is lower though if going off the gym equipment.

    I'm hoping my body bugg underestimate calories.. cause man I work my butt off and i'm always looking for more. LOL

    None of it is really 100% accurate.
  • nouranfayed
    O thanks everyone maybe i should get one of those heart rate monitor i surely hope they are available here in egypt, ive been wanting to know at which rate when doing cardio i usually to stop the exercise as it seems impossible to jog or run. Thanks everyone for the advice :) feel free to add me