How Did you Get Into a Routine?

Hello all!

I have been on MFP for a while now, but I constantly struggle to stay motivated and keep up with the exercise and also eating healthy.

I typically at least eat very healthy during the week, but I don't always workout & I would like to maintain working out at least 3x a week minimum. Another area I struggle in REALLY BADLY is during the weekends -- I always sabotage myself.

I am not saying these are excuses, but it does make it hard to stay eating healthy on the weekends when the in-laws currently living with us buy and cook all the food & ALL they buy/make is always typically very heavy foods that really aren't cooked very healthily at all. What gets cooked is always the most richest way to make it -- like seriously, we go through a pound of butter in like 3 days. It's disgusting. I have no clue where it all goes, and I'm not sure I want to know -- all I DO know is that I am ready for them to find their own place so I can start making my own healthy foods without getting shamed with that "I spent all day making this" ...yada yada yada speech. I mean I am grateful I don't have to go grocery shopping for the most part & don't have to cook dinner when I get home, but I am just ready for a change in a more healthy direction.

Anyways -- if I could remember to just go buy weekend healthy food stuffs that would be fine -- but I either forget or we don't have enough space in the fridge for all the food that is in the house. It's like a jigsaw puzzle trying to put anything new into the fridge.

...sorry, now I'm ranting lol....

But I really want to know those of you who struggled with getting past the initial difficulties or a new daily routine -- what made it easiest for you? Any advise you've learned over your journey?

Any help is appreciated! Thanks!!! :flowerforyou:


  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    It is tough to keep track of calories when someone else is making the meals. You could try your best to monitor the contents and try to diligently portion it. Easiest way is obviously getting your own stuff to eat instead of that so you know exactly what you eat. ♡ The key to weight loss is keeping a deficit, try to remind yourself of this when you feel that urge to self-sabotage.

    As far as routine, find an exercise you enjoy. That way, it doesn't feel like a chore. I find I resist exercises I hate and even if I do them at first, weasel my way out of being committed. It took a few weeks to get a routine and I'm just now finding a permanent routine to continue into maintenance.

    You can do it! You just have to keep telling yourself that you are stronger than the doubts in your mind say. Maybe take a before picture, if you haven't already. Just for you. It helps me see how far I've come. In the beginning, only I noticed a difference but the further I got, the more obvious it was to others around me. Do it for you because you're beautiful and strong. You matter!!
  • gmthisfeller
    gmthisfeller Posts: 779 Member
    I enlisted the help of my spouse. Since your BFF has stuck by you through "thick and thin" he will stick by you as you go from thick to thin. Get his help. Wheedle, cajole, entice, all those things to get his aid in getting you fit and eating well. My wife has made it have a golden guy, use him!
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    It is great that the IL's are cooking but is there a reason that you can not make your own meals? I know ti will prolly come off wrong but I am sure that if it is been known that you want to eat better they should be understanding... if not then tough $h!t... I am not going to sacrifice my well being / health because someone is offended that I will not eat what they make on a daily basis that is filled with items that do not line up with my goals.
  • schonsdragon
    schonsdragon Posts: 102 Member
    For logging in food, I had to make myself log it in before I could eat it and then adjust if I didn't eat it all. This way I knew what I was getting ready to eat and it made it a habit. Now I tend to log right afterwards but I still do it to hold myself accountable.

    For excerising, I make myself get out and do it first thing in the morning. I lay my excerise clothes the night before so I can't use an excuse for not getting my tail in gear. I am not a morning person but by doing it first thing in the morning I can't use the excuse I am too busy, it is too late, etc. and I am holding myself accountable.

    There are times I have to have a hard talk with myself, which do I want more habits that lead me to better health or habits that lead me to bad healthy. I want the habits that lead me to better health.
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    Prelogging. It got me into healthy routines.

    I'd plan out the days food and leave 500 cal aside for 'incidentals'. I never used all 500 so rounded things out with peanut butter etc.

    I also prelogged exercise for a while just to challenge myself to meet what I'd logged.
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    I'm still struggling for a routine and I've logged on here for 395 days in a row.

    In regard to the food your in-laws cook, just use portion control.

    Buy yourself some healthy food/snacks that don't need to be refrigerated and keep them in your room.

    I'm doing a Challenge starting January 1 and told my husband that prior to that date, I am going through all the cupboards in the house and throwing away/donating/giving away everything and if there is something he can't part with that isn't a perishable, it's going in a tote and in his office.

    One way to incorporate healthier stuff into meals, if you don't already, start buying frozen veggies instead of canned and steam or bake them. It's a tiny step for them and healthier for all.
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    The in-laws are living with you? Then I would tell them that you appreciate them making the food, and let them know you do enjoy what they make, but at the same time, it is really hurting your goals. This is your home they are living in and you need to feel as though your home is a healthy place. Having a heavy meal once a week or so won't hurt. Is there a reason they feel compelled to purchase and cook all the food? If it's becuase they want to help you out, then there is nothing wrong with suggesting healthier meal options.
  • Its_My_Time
    Its_My_Time Posts: 156 Member
    Gosh, I hear you!! Somewhere I feel I derailed and my weekends are at times could be my worst enemy. I've been having a tough day today thinking about my areas of improvement, acknowledging my mistakes and where I need to begin again. I've decided that I need to take it each meal/step at a time. And I know we have that motivation in us..deep down, we just need to pull it out and start shinning!!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    first, that is a lot of butter.

    you want a routine? just decide that you want it. for many people, myself included, the later it gets in the day, the more time they have to make excuses to not work out in the evening.

    so that is why i started working out in the morning, at like, 5:30am when the gym opens. no excuses. i have a big dinner so i'm not starving when i wake up, i have my coffee pot set up to go off automatically. i have an alarm set with a motivating song (Eye of the Tiger) and i leave my gym clothes out and my gym bag pack.

    i've decided that i want to go work out in the morning. it's something i HAVE to do.
  • bumblebreezy91
    bumblebreezy91 Posts: 520 Member
    Consistency across time (at least a couple of weeks) has been the best way for me to get into a routine regarding my dietary changes. I enjoy walking and swimming, so I mostly do those things. Still looking to make it as routine as the dietary changes, though.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    also, don't overwhelm yourself by trying to make it to the gym at 5am every day, seven days a week. four days a week is great. and then on saturday sleep in a little and go for a long run.

    a friend of mine has an awesome gym schedule. mon, tues, thur, fri she lifts, at the gym about 6am. walks like 3-5 miles a day to and from work. on saturday she has a long cardio day. it used to be the bike, but it's gotten colder so i think she gets a run in. rest on wednesday and sunday.
  • karlospiklington
    karlospiklington Posts: 143 Member
    For the first week or so after deciding I wanted to lose weight I pretty much forced myself to do at least 30 minutes of some form of exercise every day at roughly the same time. After a couple of weeks I got used to the idea of doing exercise at this time and it began to form into a habit. i built it up from there with the same system for food and increasing my exercise levels. It's pretty mundane but that's just how I did it.

    If you really don't have the motivation to get outside and exercise then you can't beat a workout video. Chris Powell and Jillian Michaels have a few of their videos on youtube and they are always more of a full workout than I expect, but usually in a short space of time. It's a good way to feel like you accomplished something on a lazy day.

    I can't seem to find any full length Mr Motivator videos on youtube. When I do that will be the best day ever.
  • karlospiklington
    karlospiklington Posts: 143 Member
    i have an alarm set with a motivating song (Eye of the Tiger)

    THIS! I keep telling people the Rocky theme tune is the key to all weightloss. It's not a fact, but the point still stands.