Any tips for fighting off sugar cravings/emotional eating?



  • YoungIronG
    YoungIronG Posts: 125 Member
    when im about to emotionally eat.... i jump rope bare foot.

    i must concentrate on what im going instead of emotion because that rope hurts a lot when it hits your foot full speed.

    THIS WORKS, im an emotional eater
  • joeysfacts
    joeysfacts Posts: 83 Member
    You need to go cold turkey on all sugars/junk food. The longer you go without, the less you will crave them. It's hard at first, but once you get over the hump, the craving literally disappear.
  • FitNurseLex
    FitNurseLex Posts: 66 Member
    I am with you! The sugar cravings are REAL and I am certainly an emotional eater!..always will be. That is by far the hardest part of losing weight for me. My body seems to love carbs and refined sugars, but the fat that accumulated when I indulged in those foods clearly tells a different story. I've always been told that the first craving should be ignored and replaced with water, or a stick of gum, or something that will otherwise get your mind off of it. If the craving doesn't go away in 15-30mins then you should allow yourself to have it. I practice this and I think it long as you don't go overboard. In other words, if you're craving chips buy the 35 cent bag of chips from the convenience store and not the $2 family sz bag from the grocery store. Buy the mini serving of Haagen Dazs & not the whole pint, or for other brands- a half-gallon (YIKES!). I have to use that method because I do not have the control to stop once I hit the serving size. I will eat until the package is finished.
    I found myself in a similar situation last week as I let myself make the mistake of buying a full-sized bag of my favorite snack. (Honey Nut Chex Mix). I inhaled the entire bag in one sitting..literally 10 mins, and a whopping 900 calories, wasted on a sweet treat. To make matters worse, I got nauseous afterward and I felt so bad about eating it that I didn't even go to work out as planned prior to the mishap, which resulted in a calorie surplus for that day. :( I then found myself wanting it again then next day...and the next day...and the next...but I refused to succumb to it and remembered how this vicious cycle occurs. Just remember, you have come much too far to take instructions from a cupcake, sir!
    Maybe you can also start trying to use exercise when you become emotional as opposed to food. Everytime you become sad, do 10 burpees or jumping jacks, or squats.It works for me! Mind over matter & Best of luck!
  • Erin_goBrahScience
    Erin_goBrahScience Posts: 1,215 Member
    I am a complete sugar addict. I sort of lied to myself and made excuses why it was okay that I ate things I knew were bad for me. But over the past few weeks, I have really cut my sugar cravings to very little if any.

    It seems that for me soda is a trigger. If I have it, than I want other things too. It basically is like a gateway to a binge. I feel a little lucky that I do like water, black coffee and unsweetened iced tea. So it’s not like I’m giving anything up. But to get over the “hump” when I cut soda, I drank a lot of sparkling mineral water (Pellegrino, Trader Joe’s sparkling etc).

    I also tried to go a few days low carb. Not no carb, I just avoided white flour, rice, potatoes. Once I got the sugar monster off my back I seem to be fine. I even indulged in some sweets this weekend and I didn’t have the same craving that I had been having.

    I can't do the "fake" sweet. I don't like splenda or diet drinks. So really I just have avoided sweets as much as possible. It's been a little over a month since I tried this approach, and for me it seems to be working.
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    Dont buy it..Haha so easy i know..its not but.force ur self to go home eat some pb and veggies. If l see a.sweet i will eat it.. Its harder in the cold winter months for sure. Ive been buying more fruits n veggies which to my surprise my kids are eating more of.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I have found that for many, many things we enjoy, the same thing can be made raw vegan. The taste is very similar but because the food is raw you fill up faster.

    Please tell me 3 things that taste like a Porterhouse, or glazed jelly donuts, or .....

    Tofu, tofurkey, to...whatever
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I have found that for many, many things we enjoy, the same thing can be made raw vegan. The taste is very similar but because the food is raw you fill up faster.

    Please tell me 3 things that taste like a Porterhouse, or glazed jelly donuts, or .....

    Tofu, tofurkey, to...whatever

    The day something raw and vegan tastes as good as a fresh warm gooey chocolate chip cookie straight from the oven, alongside a tall frosty glass of the day I go raw vegan.

    Spoiler: I've had vegan cookies. I was not amused.
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    I have found that for many, many things we enjoy, the same thing can be made raw vegan. The taste is very similar but because the food is raw you fill up faster.

    Please tell me 3 things that taste like a Porterhouse, or glazed jelly donuts, or .....

    Tofu, tofurkey, to...whatever

  • Sildwan
    Great post - awesome responses too, thank you all.

    Sugar cravings are my biggest weakness (I really overdid it on chocolate yesterday and still feel horribly guilty) and I really struggle with self-control once I start. I don't really buy it to begin with but my partner (who has much better self-control) likes to have chocolate always available for himself and tends to leave partially eaten blocks around the home which I find really tough to ignore, but hate asking him not to do it just because I'm a gluttonous piglet. "Everything in moderation" doesn't work as well for me, it's more like EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW WITH SPRINKLES ON TOP once I've tasted sugar. Although, I find if I go just a couple of days without processed sugar I don't really crave it anymore. I'm starting to think about just cutting it out and see if that works better. It sounds weird but often I'll have a tablespoon of raw honey after dinner if I'm desperate for sugar. It seems to satisfy the craving somewhat and is not quite as more-ish as I find cookies, cupcakes and lollies to be. Anyway good luck with finding something that works for you, and let me know what it is when you find it!
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I have found that for many, many things we enjoy, the same thing can be made raw vegan. The taste is very similar but because the food is raw you fill up faster.

    Please tell me 3 things that taste like a Porterhouse, or glazed jelly donuts, or .....

    Tofu, tofurkey, to...whatever

    The day something raw and vegan tastes as good as a fresh warm gooey chocolate chip cookie straight from the oven, alongside a tall frosty glass of the day I go raw vegan.

    Spoiler: I've had vegan cookies. I was horrified.

  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I have found that for many, many things we enjoy, the same thing can be made raw vegan. The taste is very similar but because the food is raw you fill up faster.

    Please tell me 3 things that taste like a Porterhouse, or glazed jelly donuts, or .....

    Tofu, tofurkey, to...whatever


  • gregpack
    gregpack Posts: 426 Member
    Alcoholics shouldn't hang out in bars. Along those same lines I don't go in convenience stores, or Chinese buffets for that matter....

    I think if you go "cold turkey" for a few days the cravings will subside a bit. Try eating a sweeter fruit or a satisfying protien to help take place. When you go to the store, pay for gas at the pump. You'll be less tempted and save a ton of money.

    It's a tough road many of us are on but it will probably get better. Ive had my weight off two years and finally think my body is starting to view my lower weight as the new normal. My cravings for sweets and desire to overeat in general have finally subsided to a manageable level. As much as I love them, giving up excess carbs played a role in that I think.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I have found that for many, many things we enjoy, the same thing can be made raw vegan. The taste is very similar but because the food is raw you fill up faster.

    Please tell me 3 things that taste like a Porterhouse, or glazed jelly donuts, or .....

    Tofu, tofurkey, to...whatever

    The day something raw and vegan tastes as good as a fresh warm gooey chocolate chip cookie straight from the oven, alongside a tall frosty glass of the day I go raw vegan.

    Spoiler: I've had vegan cookies. I was horrified.


    Heh. And yet, you aren't wrong.
  • afat12
    afat12 Posts: 178 Member
    I agree with the other posters... the less you have the less you will crave.

    Try something like a bar of dark chocolate or have one splurge on something really worth it like from a bakery but those little cupcakes don't even taste that great you're probably not feeling satisfied from them.

    Maybe even think about it like, is this crappy cupcake really worth an hour at the gym?

    It is hard at first but it will get easier!

    Good luck!
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I agree with the other posters... the less you have the less you will crave.

    Try something like a bar of dark chocolate or have one splurge on something really worth it like from a bakery but those little cupcakes don't even taste that great you're probably not feeling satisfied from them.

    Maybe even think about it like, is this crappy cupcake really worth an hour at the gym?

    It is hard at first but it will get easier!

    Good luck!

    Obvious solution: Don't eat crappy cupcakes.

    Eat good ones.

  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Well... i go to the gym or run or go for a hike. Anything to get away from the kitchen/grocery stores. If I've already caved, I go when I can finally walk away from the donuts. I don't do it often.. but man.. when I do.. it's epic... the worst part of it, is I don't even like the taste of most of what i'm eating, it's all about the sugar and the *i don't want to think about whatever is setting me off* thoughts..

    Its not guilt, I don't feel guilty, i have learned to forgive myself.... it's the headaches and tummy aches that bother me the next day.. and the only relief to the sugar headache.. ha.. more sugar.. which only puts off the headache..

    i do find that sometimes extra protein with dinner will help quell the craving and sometimes I can do something healthy and sugar free that is sweet and ti works (not fruit that never works).. but usually I just have to distract myself until it passes. Usually i succeed, sometimes I do not.
  • mazmataz
    mazmataz Posts: 331 Member
    i just dont buy things i know i cant control myself with. so i dont buy ice cream, cakes, haribos, biscuits or anything like that. if i get a sugar craving it is not there so i just eat something else- a fruit or something.
    and if it doesnt go away and i can fit something little into my day i will go and buy something small in the shop- but only one portion, so like a snack pot of icecream, mini bag of sweets or anything in "fun size".
    its always good to keep yourself busy- go for a walk, chat to a mate or just read a book , do washing up. anythign to keep your mind occupied!
    Godd luck!!

    ^This is exactly what has helped me. Honesltly, I am a major sugar's like crack for me! I've chosen crack as the comparable drug as like crack, the hit is high but doesn't last very long before you crash and hate life! I've tried a few times to buy a packet of cookies, or even things like granola bars and keep them in the house, assuring myself that I'll 'only have one a day'. Nope. Doesn't work like that.

    Whenever I was in a convenience store or gas station I would automatically buy a little chocoloate for the journey/later...but that's just a habit you gotta break. I just stopped doing it one day, and now I don't even think about buying them...unless that's what I'm specifically there for! And on that note, yes I do treat myself from time to time, work it into my calories and macros and savour every bite!

    I'm really envious of people in my life who say 'I'm not really bothered by sweet things, I'm more of a savoury person'...if I didn't have a sweet tooth I swear I'd weigh like 100lbs by now ;)

    Anyways my advice would be the same as above, don't have it in the house! Have some sweeter fruit like strawberries or grapes on hand. I've been having strawberries, natural yoghurt with cinnamon on top recently...really hits the spot ;)

    Good luck!
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    The person who said carbs beget carbs was spot on. While I'm quite capable of eating carbs in moderation occasionally if I'm mindful that I'm eating them it takes a lot of willpower and awareness on my part to stop eating because even if I'm physically full there's just something that turns off in my brain and I can just keep eating non-stop.

    The good news is that when I eat a strict low carb diet I have a normal appetite. I eat -- sometimes overeat if the food is delicious -- get full, feel satisfied and don't eat again until I'm hungry. So if I've had a particularly high calorie meal I just naturally eat less later. You know, a normal appetite.

    But if I eat too many carbs -- it doesn't matter the source of the carbs healthy whole grains and fruit or chips and chocolate it all has the same effect -- my appetite just doesn't work properly. I easily over eat, even on low carb foods, because I just don't get full and I feel unsatisfied and hungry. Which is a terrible feeling so I eat until I don't feel that way anymore. Well, I used to.

    Now that I know the effect carbs have on me I still indulge when the occasion calls for it but then I'm aware that my appetite is going to be untrustworthy and I might have cravings but I need to be mindful of that and not let it get out of control. It helps to know that in a few days time if I just suck it up and don't give in I'll be back to normal.

    I've been messing around with this for almost two years now and if I allow "carb creep" and start eating too much fruit or have too many "occasions" without fail my appetite goes out of control. So I'm extra vigilant, occasionally count calories just to see where I'm at, weigh myself everyday (or try to) and anytime I go off plan even if it's something that seems relatively harmless calorie wise like eating a bunch of fruit that's in season I mark an X on the calendar. It's just another way to be mindful and on track but at the same time I don't have to freak out if my husband brings home ice cream or wants to go out to eat -- I can just enjoy.

    It's tough but you can get control over this it's just a matter of trial and error until you find what works for you and what you can stick to. Good luck, you can do this.
  • gypsycaravan
    gypsycaravan Posts: 12 Member
    I crave sweets SO badly when I'm trying to eat healthy.. I just have random thoughts throughout the day about running to the store and getting Ben & Jerry's.. sweets have always been my main vice. I never really crave savory things, just sweets. The only thing that really keeps me from splurging is keeping busy. I find that I only get close to binging when I'm bored and thinking too much about it. I've also noticed that exercising earlier in the day helps me stop craving things.. I don't know if anyone else thinks this way, but if I've already had my workout done for the day, I feel accomplished for the day and don't want to screw up my hard work. Sometimes if I'm dreading a workout, I start thinking about splurging.. probably subconsciously trying to get out of my workout (I never work out after I splurge, I end up thinking "eff it" and the day goes to hell). All of this is a struggle regardless.. it takes a crazy amount of self-discipline to keep myself from these old habits.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    dude... you're a six foot tall dude and you only eat 1500 calories a day?? why so little?