Headache Survivor

Since Oct 26th, 2010 I have had a headache 24 hours a day. Needless to say this has not done my body, mind, or spirit much good.
Things have improved to the point most of the time it is just like having a rock tied to your left occipital lobe. Sad to say this is much better than before :( My "about me" highlights my health ailment roller coaster of the last three years. I am not sure if I should cut-n-paste it here?

This is my first time being part of an online community. I don't even do facebook. I love reading so many people's stories. I gained insight from every posting I read. I am looking for friends to support and to support my up & downs on this journey. Are you one of them?

At this point in my life I am putting things back together. Working to get fit, get my Md in physical therapy, and back to enjoying life. I hope to hear from headache (chronic pain) survivors and those who have gone to grad school later than the traditional plan. I am thrilled to be back on the road to health and 32lbs below my all-time high.


  • shadowkat57
    shadowkat57 Posts: 151 Member
    O hai! I also have a constant headache, for some years now. Diagnosed as cervicogenic migraines, meaning "migraines cos my neck sucks," I'm now on medication so they're not quite as bad as they were... but still there, all the time. Bleh.
    On the whole, I find regular exercise does help to keep me fitter, more endorphined-up etc, but sometimes new exercises can seize my neck which buggers my head. Also, if I keep my weight down there's less pressure on my neck/shoulders/back, so that's good (and I need to remember that when I'm chowing down the chocolate!)
    Welcome on board :)