Calories burned in Focus T25 women?

Is there any 5ft 7 130lbs women in their 20s out there who can share with me how much calories they burn per workout? My cheap HRM was acting up and showing 140cals which I believe is SO impossible since my heart feels like it's jumping up to my throat in the middle of the workouts. I am just beginning the program so I have no basis for every workout. Help?


  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    Your HRM may not be acting up. I'm 5'4" and 170. I'm lucky if I break 250 on ANY of the workouts. I am busting my *kitten* and it feels like so much more. Sadly, T25 is not the burn it is advertised to be.
  • lauraspberry
    lauraspberry Posts: 655 Member
    Your HRM may not be acting up. I'm 5'4" and 170. I'm lucky if I break 250 on ANY of the workouts. I am busting my *kitten* and it feels like so much more. Sadly, T25 is not the burn it is advertised to be.

    But the feeling I get is the same as I was getting with an hour of Insanity, given that I don't even finish the workouts straight without taking longer breaks lol and I burned around 300 then
  • butcher494
    butcher494 Posts: 5 Member
    I don't think the calorie burn during the workout is that high however because it is such a strenuous workout you Will most defiantly continue after the workout is over!! So I would think you would burn at least 400 calories!!
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    Your HRM may not be acting up. I'm 5'4" and 170. I'm lucky if I break 250 on ANY of the workouts. I am busting my *kitten* and it feels like so much more. Sadly, T25 is not the burn it is advertised to be.

    But the feeling I get is the same as I was getting with an hour of Insanity, given that I don't even finish the workouts straight without taking longer breaks lol and I burned around 300 then

    You just answered your own question.

    In 1 hour of Insanity you burned 300 and in 25 minutes you are burning 140.
  • lauraspberry
    lauraspberry Posts: 655 Member
    I don't think the calorie burn during the workout is that high however because it is such a strenuous workout you Will most defiantly continue after the workout is over!! So I would think you would burn at least 400 calories!!

    It's so hard to be a broke college kid who cant afford a new HRM that actually works haha but thanks for your insight :D I am looking to lose 10lbs so I hope I'd be able to reach my goals with this program
  • deannakittygirl
    deannakittygirl Posts: 228 Member
    Its only a 25 minute workout! So 140 calories in that time is decent! I don't think your hrm is broken. I know since getting healthier my resting heart rate has reduced too, also resulting in a lower burn.
    I guess if you want to burn more then workout more. The workouts are for fitness anyway not for losing weight.

    Edited to add the most I burned doing T-25 was 220 calories and that was during the cardio in alpha phase no rest nothing modified
  • lauraspberry
    lauraspberry Posts: 655 Member
    Its only a 25 minute workout! So 140 calories in that time is decent! I don't think your hrm is broken. I know since getting healthier my resting heart rate has reduced too, also resulting in a lower burn.
    I guess if you want to burn more then workout more. The workouts are for fitness anyway not for losing weight.

    Edited to add the most I burned doing T-25 was 220 calories and that was during the cardio in alpha phase no rest nothing modified

    I dont take rests at all the workouts except the ab workouts those are asskikckers! :( Well for me fitness=losing weight since I have to get rid of around 5-6% bodyfat so to be fit I should be able to lose weight. And my fat accumulates on the stomach area, it's the most dangerous place to be filled with fat and I'm kinda scared for my health for when i get older :| but thanks for the good suggestion of adding workouts! I'm thinking of doing the elliptical for 15 mins after T25 :) THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR INSIGHT <3
  • deannakittygirl
    deannakittygirl Posts: 228 Member
    Its only a 25 minute workout! So 140 calories in that time is decent! I don't think your hrm is broken. I know since getting healthier my resting heart rate has reduced too, also resulting in a lower burn.
    I guess if you want to burn more then workout more. The workouts are for fitness anyway not for losing weight.

    Edited to add the most I burned doing T-25 was 220 calories and that was during the cardio in alpha phase no rest nothing modified

    I dont take rests at all the workouts except the ab workouts those are asskikckers! :( Well for me fitness=losing weight since I have to get rid of around 5-6% bodyfat so to be fit I should be able to lose weight. And my fat accumulates on the stomach area, it's the most dangerous place to be filled with fat and I'm kinda scared for my health for when i get older :| but thanks for the good suggestion of adding workouts! I'm thinking of doing the elliptical for 15 mins after T25 :) THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR INSIGHT <3

    When I say workouts are for fitness I mean we need to watch what we eat too. Not eat crap and expect to just workout like crazy people to make up for it. We shouldn't rely on our workouts to bail us out from an unhealthy diet.

    Also we cannot spot reduce. Doing ab work ≠ ab fat loss! I burn waaaay less doing the ab workout in T-25 but it is still a sweat fest. Best of luck on your plan
  • hardenedheartx
    hardenedheartx Posts: 42 Member
    You aren't going to burn a lot with T25. I just completed Beta and starting Gamma tomorrow and never hit 200 unless it was a double day. However, the changes it made to my body are very apparent to everyone around me. I am losing inches and firming up. Don't think the lack of burn is going to mean a lack of results.
  • lauraspberry
    lauraspberry Posts: 655 Member
    Its only a 25 minute workout! So 140 calories in that time is decent! I don't think your hrm is broken. I know since getting healthier my resting heart rate has reduced too, also resulting in a lower burn.
    I guess if you want to burn more then workout more. The workouts are for fitness anyway not for losing weight.

    Edited to add the most I burned doing T-25 was 220 calories and that was during the cardio in alpha phase no rest nothing modified

    I dont take rests at all the workouts except the ab workouts those are asskikckers! :( Well for me fitness=losing weight since I have to get rid of around 5-6% bodyfat so to be fit I should be able to lose weight. And my fat accumulates on the stomach area, it's the most dangerous place to be filled with fat and I'm kinda scared for my health for when i get older :| but thanks for the good suggestion of adding workouts! I'm thinking of doing the elliptical for 15 mins after T25 :) THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR INSIGHT <3

    When I say workouts are for fitness I mean we need to watch what we eat too. Not eat crap and expect to just workout like crazy people to make up for it. We shouldn't rely on our workouts to bail us out from an unhealthy diet.

    Also we cannot spot reduce. Doing ab work ≠ ab fat loss! I burn waaaay less doing the ab workout in T-25 but it is still a sweat fest. Best of luck on your plan

    Yup I eat clean, no fast food, no soda for 2 years now :) My diet is pretty much good, balanced and high in fiber I take super food supplements too :) thank you I dont focus on abs mainly, I do cardio to burn the fats, I know we cant spot reduce but to lose the belly, a significant lost in bodyfat is needed and it's a large amt of weight too
  • Bethy1323
    Bethy1323 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 5'2" (ish), female and almost 30 years old. I use a HRM almost every time I work out. I have been doing T25 since October. Prior to this I had bouts with Insanity and played soccer 2-3 times a week. I have done T25 almost to schedule and have really stuck to the calorie tracking. I am trying to expedite the workout process in order to get into bride shape! My range with these workouts have been as follows:

    Speed 1.0: 221-238
    Lower Body Focus: 222-234
    Total Body Circuit: 229-253
    Cardio: 244
    Abs: 143-181
    Stretch: 72

    Keep in mind that the days where there were double workouts explains the more calories burned (since I was starting the second workout with a higher HR than any other day). Also, the more I progressed through the month, the more calories I burned since I was able to do more of the activities and at a higher intensity/capability. The calorie counts above also include the 2-3 mins of cool down/stretch. So far with Beta I have burned the following:

    Core Cardio: 255
    Speed 2.0: 255
    Rip't Circuit: 220

    When I started the program I weighed 113 (fairly consistently every morning). I just weighed myself this morning at 108.5. Even though your calorie count might seem low (though I do admit - 140 seems too low), keep in mind it is only for 25 minutes. Your little heart can only work so hard in 25 minutes! For a 50 minute soccer game, I usually burn around 500 calories but the workout is not as effective as T25+healthy diet has been for me the past month! Hope this helped!
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    You aren't going to burn a lot with T25. I just completed Beta and starting Gamma tomorrow and never hit 200 unless it was a double day. However, the changes it made to my body are very apparent to everyone around me. I am losing inches and firming up. Don't think the lack of burn is going to mean a lack of results.

    Couldn't agree more. I only lost 1lb, but lost 10 inches and went down a pant size. I'm now on round 2 of Beta and will be starting Gamma when I'm done.
  • lauraspberry
    lauraspberry Posts: 655 Member
    I'm 5'2" (ish), female and almost 30 years old. I use a HRM almost every time I work out. I have been doing T25 since October. Prior to this I had bouts with Insanity and played soccer 2-3 times a week. I have done T25 almost to schedule and have really stuck to the calorie tracking. I am trying to expedite the workout process in order to get into bride shape! My range with these workouts have been as follows:

    Speed 1.0: 221-238
    Lower Body Focus: 222-234
    Total Body Circuit: 229-253
    Cardio: 244
    Abs: 143-181
    Stretch: 72

    Keep in mind that the days where there were double workouts explains the more calories burned (since I was starting the second workout with a higher HR than any other day). Also, the more I progressed through the month, the more calories I burned since I was able to do more of the activities and at a higher intensity/capability. The calorie counts above also include the 2-3 mins of cool down/stretch. So far with Beta I have burned the following:

    Core Cardio: 255
    Speed 2.0: 255
    Rip't Circuit: 220

    When I started the program I weighed 113 (fairly consistently every morning). I just weighed myself this morning at 108.5. Even though your calorie count might seem low (though I do admit - 140 seems too low), keep in mind it is only for 25 minutes. Your little heart can only work so hard in 25 minutes! For a 50 minute soccer game, I usually burn around 500 calories but the workout is not as effective as T25+healthy diet has been for me the past month! Hope this helped!

    Thank you so much! And I believe 140 is pretty low for me :/ but thank you for sharing yours! You really helped me think about it a lot hehe :flowerforyou:
  • lauraspberry
    lauraspberry Posts: 655 Member
    You aren't going to burn a lot with T25. I just completed Beta and starting Gamma tomorrow and never hit 200 unless it was a double day. However, the changes it made to my body are very apparent to everyone around me. I am losing inches and firming up. Don't think the lack of burn is going to mean a lack of results.

    Couldn't agree more. I only lost 1lb, but lost 10 inches and went down a pant size. I'm now on round 2 of Beta and will be starting Gamma when I'm done.

    That is amazing! Maybe because you got muscles that's why you only lost a lb ;) great job!
  • I burn 250-300 calories on the workouts except for abs, I burned about 150 but the fat burn was much higher
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I don't have a HRM but I also feel like I am burning more calories than I actually am during the workout. I'm on the second week of Beta and am hoping the addition of weights will help kickstart some weight loss and shave off some inches. So far, I would say that athletically I've improved with the program but I am not impressed with the program in terms of the advertised weight loss. I'm not following the diet program (no time for that) or drinking shakeology (no money for that) but I am eating better and drinking more water, so I supposed I expected better results by adding in this program when I wasn't exercising before. Oh well, three more weeks to go, then I guess I'll try something else.
  • Bethy1323
    Bethy1323 Posts: 3 Member
    I don't have a HRM but I also feel like I am burning more calories than I actually am during the workout. I'm on the second week of Beta and am hoping the addition of weights will help kickstart some weight loss and shave off some inches. So far, I would say that athletically I've improved with the program but I am not impressed with the program in terms of the advertised weight loss. I'm not following the diet program (no time for that) or drinking shakeology (no money for that) but I am eating better and drinking more water, so I supposed I expected better results by adding in this program when I wasn't exercising before. Oh well, three more weeks to go, then I guess I'll try something else.

    I would definitely try to follow the diet program as closely as possible if you really want to see results! The workout sculpts your muscles, but the diet trims off the fat so your newly sculpted mucles can shine through! I was surprised by how many calories I was (unintentionally) eating until I started tracking my meals. Once you realize how quickly those daily calories go, you really put a premium on the super foods that will fill you up without making you go over your calorie allotment.

    A lot of the T25 recipes I make ahead so I have them for the rest of the work week and can quickly grab them before I run out the door for work. I also did not use shakeology, but instead bought Ideal Shape which got great reviews and is a fraction of the price. I have probably weighed the same for about 10 years now, but once I started following the T25 workout and meal plans daily I went from 113 to 106 in just over a month, which was right before my wedding! It takes crazy discipline, but for me, it is worth it!
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    OK, I don't match your stats (male/5'5/179lbs) but I did alpha cardio for the first time yesterday and I burned 426cals. Now I always run hot so I burn loads during HIIT but still, I would say 140cals is waaaaay low.
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    Depends on the workout. One day I'll burn 190, the next day on a different workout I'll burn 380. I'm 5'3, 120 lbs.
  • lauraspberry
    lauraspberry Posts: 655 Member
    OK, I don't match your stats (male/5'5/179lbs) but I did alpha cardio for the first time yesterday and I burned 426cals. Now I always run hot so I burn loads during HIIT but still, I would say 140cals is waaaaay low.

    IKR. I just got a new HRM and I burn around 200-300YAY i finshed alpha today! Only lost 3lbs though :/