rest day?

Should there be a rest day during the week? I feel like im slacking if I don't work out.


  • minuz5
    minuz5 Posts: 256 Member
    Should there be a rest day during the week? I feel like im slacking if I don't work out.

    Rest day??? What does that mean????
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I think as long as you aren't doing the same workout/working the same muscles every day with no rest, its ok. Sometimes I do yoga or Pilates on my "rest day" because it helps me stretch out and relax, but still be active. I also walk my dogs a little more.
  • D8vidFitness
    Morning, your sleep IS your rest.

    Most people consider rest days because they don't focus on the whole package. Rotate your workout to target different muscle parts on various days, in-turn you'll get plenty of "rest days" and repeat.

    Good luck.
  • marielloyd737
    It sounds like shame (I feel like a "slacker" if I don't work out) is driving some of your exercise. If that's the case, I think it's REALLY good for you to opt out now and again. Your own good health is a good reason to exercise. Don't let shame push you around. Don't bully yourself!! Enjoy your life and your exercise.
  • bjkinkade
    bjkinkade Posts: 6 Member
    it all depends on if you have other underlying conditions like hypothyroid like I am. I have to work harder than the average but what do you do for your workouts? cardio and weights I hope. Remember a nice walk or even working in the yard all adds to getting fit. If you are needing a rest day make it the day you do not eat as much so you stay on track. If you are tire and sore and not used to daily activity then definitely listen to your body and rest before you end up injured.
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    My trainer friend that I work out occasionally at the gym with, basically told me to listen to your body. If you hurt too much, take a day. If you feel like going, keep going. If your having a day that you cant get your HR up and your tired, leave early. If you want to go 3 hours...that's okay too.

    Its up to you. It sounds like you are mentally motivated so try to focus on how your body feels.

    If its "easy" without Doms, change up your routine.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I go for one rest day a week ...usually saturday or sunday...
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    My "rest day" consist of 45-50 minute Power Yoga and taking my dog on a nice long walk, which is mostly for her benefit, since I just pretty much hold the leash, wait while she checks her pee mail and pick up her poop.
  • csl625
    csl625 Posts: 10
    I do cardio and weights, I also run, I pulled a muscle training a horse, weights really hurt right now, I had planned to go for a jog but I do that every day.
  • emblu
    emblu Posts: 272 Member
    I have a rest day, but thats due to being battered and bruised from the rugby game the day before lol
    listen to your body, if it says ouch then rest........saying that I tend to do stupid amounts of walking on my rest days oops:laugh: