Hello Again... please help!

JaenaM Posts: 251 Member
Hey everyone! So I am having the great debate of "to count calories on MFP again or not". I can't seem to stick with counting as I've been here like a bazillion times before. I stopped smoking last year and put on 60 lbs. I'm depressed, physically hurting, and miserable in the midst of a life that I have every reason to celebrate. I am so sick of the binge-eating behavior with food and I feel SO embarrassed in social situations. The pain, anxiety, and constant sense of being a failure is too much! And yet, despite how sick of it all I am, I still just want to tank a fu*king pizza. I am asking for friends, advise, *kitten*-kicking, loving support or WHATEVER you can share. Please help me do this (for real this time).


  • Anselee
    Anselee Posts: 62 Member
    Hi there! I just got back on to MFP as well over this past month, feel free to add me. I log daily, lets motivate each other :)
  • AH2013
    AH2013 Posts: 385 Member
    About half an hour ago, at the same time as you, I posted an almost identical message. I think it's time to get motivation back in our lives! I'll send you a friend request and we can give each other a kick up the *kitten*!
  • JaenaM
    JaenaM Posts: 251 Member
    Request accepted! Let's get on it!
  • k22389
    k22389 Posts: 5 Member
    I just recently made a vow to myself to stick with being strict about counting my calories. I find when I do it, weight loss is ALMOST simple. When I don't, as I have been slacking entirely the last few months, the weight creeps back on. Let's motivate each other and stay on point! I want to end 2013 on a positive note instead of letting it go to waste and starting fresh 2014.
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Hi, join us on the T25 Friends group. It just started and is a great group of people. What we did to start our weightloss journey first was:

    Went through every cupboard, fridge, nook and cranny and throughout all sweats, snacks (Chips, candy, snacks, etc) Anything that was unopened went to our homeless shelter, everything else went to garbage. We then replaced everything with popcorn, healthier snackk food, some bags of VegiChips from Sam's club, fruits, vegies, etc.

    We don't buy the bad stuff anymore. It was very hard to do and we put it off for months, once we did it we were happy.
  • oboeing
    oboeing Posts: 1,816 Member
    this is my 3rd day back. every day, my coworker and i talk about how we want to change our bodies. we met 5 years ago, and have both grown together. not a good thing. we talk about how we need to change and eat better and exercise... and then we end up at California Tortilla for nachos with extra queso..i hate everything about my body, but not enough to stop eating junk.

    so, i'm in the same boat.

    i read something online today that if you fall off and eat horrible, get back on at the next meal. don't wait a week.

    i'm trying to carry this with me, as the well, another week of this, then i'll get started turns into a year....

    i'm right here with you!
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    you can lose weight and still eat your pizza :) you just have to decide you really want to get the weight off first. If you really want to achieve it, you will :flowerforyou:

    ETA - I used to binge eat as well as go through cycles of behaving with food. It sucks and can be very hard to overcome but you can do it.
  • bama1momma
    bama1momma Posts: 21 Member
    I know how that is girly! I quit smoking when I got pregnant so it was a double whammy! I just have to remind myself that yeah, that pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream will taste amazing but I will feel like poo afterwards. No food is worth the shame. Let's do this together!!! :)
  • twistedbutterfly
    twistedbutterfly Posts: 61 Member
    I've been there. I've lost weight and gained it back- along with more than I'd lost- many times. Then I reached a point where I realilized that the weight I was at was dangerous and if I stop keeping track of what I'm eating and do the regain the weight back and more thing again, that it very well might kill me (that may sound dramatic, but this time around I ws 347lbs at 5.5"). I've been successful so far by taking things one day at a time and allowing myself the (very) occasional splurge day though what works for me won't neccesaily work for you, of course. It does get easier. Please feel free to add me.
  • Hi everyone! This is the first time I have posted anything on here. Not sure how to add the ticker either, but here's my story;
    I have always been a small person (5'3" and a size 4 or 6) and have gained weight here and there-the most was 20 pounds and always lost it by doing atkins. I love meat, cheeses and veggies so it was very easy and not such a big deal to cut out breads and starches. The problem is that I was either on "it" or "off" and was so hard to maintain. the older i got the worse it got. I went to college at 42 and you know what they say about the freshman 15? well double that number when you are over 40! I lost 24 pounds of it when I landed the dream job because of my degree and well it krept back on within a year and I gained even more. So here I was living off pizza, beer and whatever I could get my hands on. I actually had days that I swear I was trying to eat as much as I can just because food mrionic ade me feel good-and you all know that only lasts a few minutes!! I was up to 178 pounds and that was more than I weighed 9 months pregnant and 24 years ago!
    I wanted to lose the weight yesterday, like most of us do, and decided to go a bit drastic. I saw a Dr who does the HCG protocol (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) dont ask me to pronounce it! I could be here all day and try to explain it and how it works. But I will give you some quick answers-please dont get me wrong I am not here trying to sell it or be a commercial-just that is has worked for me and I want to share. I Lost 35 pounds in 43 days!
    1. read the book Pounds and Inches a new approach to obesity by Dr Simeons (just google it and you can download it for free)
    2. Only do it through a real dr
    3. be prepared to give yourself injections daily-they are tiny needles in your fat roll of your stomach
    4.the diet is very strict, expensive, and no cheating what-so-ever!
    5.you can do a 23 or 43 day plan and then wait 6 weeks to start again if you have more weight to loose
    6. the average person will lose about 1 to 1 1/2 pounds a DAY.
    Here is my thoughts on this-I do better when I have a strict plan, this made it so easy to follow because you just do what they say and it will work. If I didnt, I might as well just take the money I spend and just hand it to someone else!! You will learn how to eat afterwords by weighing yourself everyday and journaling. If you gain, then look back at what you ate and DUH! dont eat that again!
    The magic part of this diet is that once you finish maintenence you body is going to "RESET" your matabolism and your hypothalamus and that WILL be the weight you are supposed to be FOREVER! I still have a few pounds to go, but it is so teaching me how to eat and listen to my body. Eat when your hungry, stop when you are satisfied!
    Good luck and please let me know if you have any questions.
    Christy from Nebraska:drinker: cheers!