Hashimoto's Thyroiditis & weight loss

I was just wondering if there was anyone with Hashimoto's out there that can share their experience with losing weight. I have it and I'm not sure if it affects weight loss at all,


  • JaceyMarieS
    JaceyMarieS Posts: 692 Member
    I have it. I don't believe it has affected my weight loss at this point.
  • I have it and found out a couple years ago that my thyroid was basically not functioning. I stay on my meds and have lost 67 pounds, so no issues for me.
  • kmkel0
    kmkel0 Posts: 8 Member
    My thyroid levels are ok through medication but I find it hard to lose weight on calorie restriction alone. I need to do about an hour of exercise a day ( most of it brisk walking) otherwise I don't achieve weight loss, but that could be my metabolism.
  • LavaDoll
    LavaDoll Posts: 595 Member
    i have it and have been on the synthroid for over a decade.
    i am seeing a new endo next week to see about getting a change in meds - i am tired of being tired and there has been much progress on treatment plans since a decade ago.

    weight loss, i have found possible, but for me, i must incorporate much exercise, as i don't seem to lose anything at all just by changing diet.
  • MariettaDelene
    MariettaDelene Posts: 82 Member
    I was diagnosed with it just a few years ago. I'd put on around 40 pounds over the course of two years without much explanation and was feeling very lethargic, so I decided to have my blood tested. I'm currently on 125mcg of Levothyroxine. The docs told me to stay gluten-free, sugar-free and starch-free. I did that for a year and saw minimal weight loss. I then switched to the tried-and-true method - calorie counting and exercise. I completely ditched being gluten-free, though I do keep my carbs low and my protein high. I'm down 16 pounds from the 40 I'd like to lose.

    It's doable! Don't let the docs tell you otherwise.
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    i don't have hashis but i have hypothyroidism and sky-high TSH when unmedicated. i lost 27 kg last time, and i'm 8kg into repeating that.

    If you believe that your thyroid will stop you it will. But in reality if your meds are right and your lifestyle is healthy, your thyroid will balance and your body will behave as 'normal'.

    I support my thyroid by eating/taking kelp and coconut oil on top of the levo, but the healthy food and excercise are the biggest support
  • elisabej
    elisabej Posts: 30 Member
    I've actually added iodine to my regimen and have noticed a marked difference in my attitude, energy and weight loss ability. Taking too much iodine can be bad for you but I currently take 12mg and I don't eat salt and the daily limit for iodine is 150mg and so far I am monitoring myself for any side effects and haven't had any yet. I'm on Synthroid and without my iodine I was suffering from depression and had hit a major reverse in my weight loss, so unless something comes up I'm sticking with my iodine.
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    I've actually added iodine to my regimen and have noticed a marked difference in my attitude, energy and weight loss ability. Taking too much iodine can be bad for you but I currently take 12mg and I don't eat salt and the daily limit for iodine is 150mg and so far I am monitoring myself for any side effects and haven't had any yet. I'm on Synthroid and without my iodine I was suffering from depression and had hit a major reverse in my weight loss, so unless something comes up I'm sticking with my iodine.

    thats why i take kelp - full of natural iodine. When i lived in japan i was reed thin (borderline underweight). Japanese people are almost never diagnosed with underactive thyroids because they eat so much seaweed and other iodine rich food. You're so right - it has the best effects :)
  • Heather1899
    Heather1899 Posts: 179 Member
    I started at 312 and was about 240s when I got sick with a cold. It just wouldn't go away. Went to the doctors and in addition to some antibitoics she tooks some blood. She must have tested my thyroid, then tested it again and said I had Hashimotos and hypothyroidism.
    I was started on meds and feared that I would stop losing weight or even gain it all back. But...now I am 185 pounds. I wanted to get to 150 and that hasn't happened...but it might just be that this is the right weight for my body. I maintain 185 with no problems.
    I don't even count calories anymore, just focus on eating about the same stuff each day-which I like. Sometimes splurging on the weekend. Exercise 30-60 minutes 6 days a week.
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    oh... just ate a packet of seaweed and thought i'd recommend it to thyroid ppl...

    You get it in Asian shops or the asian part of the supermarket, it comes in strips, they're usually roasted and lightly seasoned. a pack is 10 calories and consuming seaweed boosts thyroid function
  • charleschip
    charleschip Posts: 31 Member
    I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's over the Holidays. Since then I've cut out red meat and cut back on most dairy and processed foods. I eat a lot of vegs, fruits, nuts, tofu, whole foods and some organic chicken and more mild fish. I've lost 14 lbs in a month but have seemed to plateaued a bit. I am not on any thyroid meds yet but this may change soon.

    For those who have lost a lot of weight and in general do ya'll find the synthetic thyroid has helped with weight loss, energy to work out etc? Thanks!
  • I do! I was diagnosed in 2010, after being absolutely exhausted and gaining almost 50 pounds in one year. I was put on Synthroid, which I do not feel has helped me in my weight loss, and honestly, I'm not so sure it helped me with my symptoms either! The biggest thing that has helped me is my diet...I eat very few processed foods or sugar, and three weeks ago decided to try to go gluten-free to see if I can push through my weight loss plateau. I work out four days a week, strength training/cardio HIIT, but think I need to bump it up a little, since I have only lost three pounds in several months. I do not eat a lot of red meat or starches, but love chicken, homemade soups, and veggies. Good luck!
  • loraine123
    loraine123 Posts: 2 Member
    I lose weight on 1,000 or less per day, following Dr. Karazian's diet recommendations, in general and I am vegetarian. Difficut though. I take Thyrostim - 2 pills twice a day. I also take the pills he recommends. Read THE THYROID BOOK.
  • So I am very new to my Hashimoto's I just got diagnosed a couple months ago after dealing with it for over 5 years. To my understanding Hashimoto's is different person to person. I noticed even when I was on a strict diet for the past 3 months eating high protein and little carbs and going to the gym every day, doing intense strength training and a hour of cardio! I was struggling to lose weight. Now since I got off the diet, I have gained 7 pounds like nothing in the past 2 weeks!
    Does anyone have any advice to give me, diet wise and overall about Hashimotos. I'm on levothyroxine 100mcg, and just started a T3 starting with a L can't think of it's name. Doctor is still playing around with the medication since I had just got diagnosed with it.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    I want to invite you guys to the Butterfly Chasers group, we all have Hashi's in there. :flowerforyou:
  • RozayJones
    RozayJones Posts: 409 Member
    oh... just ate a packet of seaweed and thought i'd recommend it to thyroid ppl...

    You get it in Asian shops or the asian part of the supermarket, it comes in strips, they're usually roasted and lightly seasoned. a pack is 10 calories and consuming seaweed boosts thyroid function

    Worth a try :)
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    oh... just ate a packet of seaweed and thought i'd recommend it to thyroid ppl...

    You get it in Asian shops or the asian part of the supermarket, it comes in strips, they're usually roasted and lightly seasoned. a pack is 10 calories and consuming seaweed boosts thyroid function

    Worth a try :)

    All I know is when I'm in Japan I have zero symptoms because of the iodine (mostly seaweed) in the diet... and I lose a lot of weight regardless of what I eat. I eat seaweed here and take kelp (reminds me: should go back on it) and try and recreate it a little. I'm always at my healthiest in Japan though, physically.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    I have it - just had an ultrasound and Endo appt. My thyroid is dead and non functioning. I am on high dosage of Synthroid (.175). The only thing I have noticed is that it is slower to lose but I am going for it while my levels are in check (before it goes haywire again lol).
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    if you have autoimmune thyroid disease eating seaweed or iodine supplements can be like throwing gasoline on a fire fyi.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    if you have autoimmune thyroid disease eating seaweed or iodine supplements can be like throwing gasoline on a fire fyi.

    :wink: I wasn't going to say anything...