Not a morning person

So, schedule wise the best time for me to workout is in the mornings. That being said, I have never been a morning person. Takes me forever to crawl out of bed in the morning. Who's got some good hint and motivational suggestions to help me get up and get moving in the morning?


  • nikitiki53
    I workout between 4-6am every morning because if I don't, I will be too lazy to do it later in the day! When my alarm goes off, I just remind myself that I want to fit into that sexy new dress I yeah, you totally need a sexy new dress!!!! You're welcome ;-)
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    I effing *hate* mornings! That being said, now that I workout in the morning they have become much better for me!

    I don't really have any pointers except when you go to hit snooze in the morning, think to yourself, I can hit snooze and skip my workout or I can get up and be awesome today. (It worked for me this morning when I really wanted to stay under the covers.)

    Once you have been getting up for a week or two it will get easier for you and you will actually find that your morning workouts wake you up and get you going for the day!
  • VryIrishGirl76
    VryIrishGirl76 Posts: 1,167 Member
    Just suck it gets easier....
  • the_oncomingstorm
    I workout between 4-6am every morning because if I don't, I will be too lazy to do it later in the day! When my alarm goes off, I just remind myself that I want to fit into that sexy new dress I yeah, you totally need a sexy new dress!!!! You're welcome ;-)

    I'll think about my new sexy dress.
  • _Calypso_
    _Calypso_ Posts: 1,074 Member
    I'm not a morning person either and I love my sleep.

    I was given a challenge about a year ago now to get up for one week..... I did it and have been getting up at 4:50a every day (minus weekends) since!! I wouldn't change it. I love my morning workouts now. I get it out of the way and I'm much happier and focused through the day.

    So ...I give you this challege... get up early for 1-2wks (they say 21 days makes/breaks a habit, so it may take you longer). Then hopefully you'll come to love yoru morning workouts too!!
  • celtbell3
    celtbell3 Posts: 738 Member
    Love my morning workouts! It is MY time. No one (usually) can take it away from me except for me. Get into the habit and you'll just start going to bed earlier in order to accommodate the new wake-up time.
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    I don't do it myself so I can't confirm, but I've heard drinking a glass of water right when you get up really helps to get you going in the morning.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I didn't think I was either but the afternoon in the summer was way too hot so I started getting up early and now am just accustom to it. It really does give you a boost of energy. I have my clothes laid out so I have to reach across them to shut my alarm off.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I workout between 4-6am every morning because if I don't, I will be too lazy to do it later in the day! When my alarm goes off, I just remind myself that I want to fit into that sexy new dress I yeah, you totally need a sexy new dress!!!! You're welcome ;-)

    I'll think about my new sexy dress.

    Can we get a pic :laugh:
  • Haltermania
    Haltermania Posts: 288 Member
    i have done too many 5am workouts for football i have retired from am workouts. evening workouts are eaiser for me
  • Haltermania
    Haltermania Posts: 288 Member
    I workout between 4-6am every morning because if I don't, I will be too lazy to do it later in the day! When my alarm goes off, I just remind myself that I want to fit into that sexy new dress I yeah, you totally need a sexy new dress!!!! You're welcome ;-)

    i give you an A+++ for your efforts waking up at 4 :flowerforyou:
  • KaylaBushman
    I find that I can't push myself as hard in the morning, I am too lethargic and slow. My work outs are much more efficient in the afternoons. Plus they help me sleep really well when I do them right before dinner.

    Not to mention the whole hating to get up in the morning. I literally sleep until the very last minute.
  • bumblebreezy91
    bumblebreezy91 Posts: 520 Member
    I'm a morning person, but I don't workout in the mornings because it takes me too long to get my appetite going and I don't do well exercising on an empty stomach. I do my best workouts in the late afternoon because I also get to workout with my boyfriend whose job has a different end time than mine, so that's a huge plus!

    I try to be in bed early. I drink water before bed and keep my bottle next to me all night so I have it during the night and then right away in the morning. Drinking water wakes up sleepy organs! Drink water!

    Limit caffeine. Turn down or cover up all lights in your sleeping area, even the little ones. I like to turn on a fan (even in the winter!) for white noise. I drink lavender or chamomile tea before bed and do things to wind down. If I am online before bed, I stay away from any debates or anything that will get me all anxious and angry and wound up.

    I keep my alarm close to my head. I have a loud, annoying alarm on my phone because once it goes off, I don't want to hear it again and I don't want to be late for things I have to do, so I'm less tempted to hit the snooze button! I'm not very good with self-discipline to get myself up (i.e. "Get up or stay fat!") because I'm all snuggly and warm and sleepy and I'm cool with staying fat forever if you ask me within a few minutes of waking up ;)

    If you have a lot of things to do the next day or anything you're worried about, write it all down so it's not all in your head and keeping you up at night.

    Try to wind down an hour before bed. If you need to do outdoor chores, come in early to drink tea and relax and prepare for bed. If you have to exercise late in the afternoon, try to give yourself a few hours between your regimen and your desired bed time.

    Do personal hygiene and household things! Lock doors, shut windows, check appliances. Brush & floss your teeth and use mouthwash. I know people who only brush their teeth in the morning. I can't do that. If I forget to brush my teeth before bed, my sleep suffers, I swear. I end up getting out of bed in the middle of the night to brush my teeth. Also, there's nothing worse than getting all comfortable in bed and realizing you forgot to pee, brush/floss/rinse, or check the doors/appliances to make sure everything's locked/off (maybe that's just me and my paranoia, though).
  • the_oncomingstorm
    Thanks for the input everybody!!