Hello 100 lbs to Lose!

Good Morning!

I have 100 lbs to lose, and I'd like to do it before I turn 40.
I'd love to connect with people interested in clean and active living!
I'm a 39 year old female in Toronto, Canada.



  • Hey. I'd love to connect. I'm 34 and a fairly new wife (April 2012) and new mom (January 2013). I had lost weight before meeting my husband, but got comfortable, gained about 20-30 back, then got pregnant and added 50 more. Ideally, I would lose 90+ lbs, but I know that I look and feel good even 80 lbs down from where I am now. We are currently trying to get pregnant with Baby No. 2 and I'd like to use this time of trying to focus on getting the weight off - that way, if we get pregnant, great, I can concentrate on eating healthy while pregnant so I don't dig an even bigger hole. If we don't get pregnant right away (like we did last time), I can use this time to focus on getting weight off. I'll try to add you as a friend if I can figure out how! Goodluck. You can do this and it's so great that you're giving yourself a good amount of time to get the weight off - slow and steady is definitely better.