Anxiety Makes this difficult ...


I am doing ok - but realizing that half the battle is simply from having anxiety. I have had anxiety nearly all of my life. I am a super aware & sensitive individual. Typically I am optimistic and see the good in everything, I have defeated/overcame many of the debilitating symptoms of anxiety - just ask :-) However I am learning that anxiety is making it difficult for me to believe I can do this. For one example I let it get in the way of my work outs - (fear of having a heart attack, dying. etc. ... I know it is unrealistic, but not for someone who is experiencing it -TRUST ME). Overall I am pretty headstrong meaning once I put my mind to it I am going to do it, and typically do it well. This for some reason though my inner Heckler - the anxiety - is getting the better of me. I feel as though by overcoming this obstacle and being able to choose healthy food choices, make the time to exercise and/or yoga, and over all taking better care of myself perhaps the anxiety could fade? Any one out there been there before? Any suggestions ...

Thanks for help!

~ Peace



  • itsmandible
    itsmandible Posts: 88 Member
    Exercising is always a big anxiety reliever for me. If I'm sitting around feeling anxious, wanting to curl into a ball, can't focus etc, going for a long run or hitting the elliptical or the bike HARD always leaves me feeling SO much better in the long run. Making sure you're sleeping the right amount has also always lessened symptoms for me.

    I'm just kind of rambling! I've totally been there before, anxiety is actually the reason I put ON extra weight, if you have more specific questions, feel free to ask!
  • RockinRizzo
    thank you for your post. I am looking forward to getting to that part in my journey. anxiety and insomnia have absolutely contributed to my weight gain :-( i was married june 2 2012 .... bought a house june 14, 2012 and literally feel like i gained about 15-20lbs soon after. i have had a terrible time shedding back off. somethings got to give.
  • jenna_watsonator
    jenna_watsonator Posts: 99 Member
    omg, i feel the same way! i had considered myself a cardio fan for quite some time but lately i've been hyper aware of my pulse and it freaks me out! makes getting a good burn in difficult
  • sami_83
    sami_83 Posts: 161
    Oh gosh I totally get it. I think (personally) the best thing for me is to play my cards close to my chest. I am eating much better nowadays but I haven't said anything about it to anyone, I just get on and do it quietly. And I exercise at home by myself. Got myself the lifting for women book, some weights and am just having a red hot go at it- turns out it's fun! I've also had a treadmill for a while and have been learning to run. Pushing myself is more enjoyable than I anticipated, plus I am spared the anxiety that comes along with being in public (social anxiety is my main thing).
    Just make small changes and go gently at first, and remember you're not alone in this! You can do it :flowerforyou:

    PS - YES to the pulse thing- that freaks me out so I don't focus on it. E.g. when I am on the treadmill I watch 30 Rock to keep my brain occupied. Sorted (mostly) :happy:
  • JoJo__Fit
    JoJo__Fit Posts: 258 Member
    I was that way too, It got so bad that I couldn't continue lifting. I just had a lot going on at the moment, so the gym was no longer my stress reliever it was my stress. I put the gym first before anything. I had to take a step back and re-evaluate what was really important. After taking a couple of days off, I was in a much better place. I also started taking 5-HTP & finding other ways to relax such as yoga. Now that I'm back into my normal routine, I can hit the gym hard and not feel that way. Our minds are very powerful you need to control your thoughts. Happy Thoughts only & Positive vibes will allow you to overcome the feelings you are going through. That out of place feeling is horrible, I hated not being myself. Now that I take things slowly and one at a time, life is so much easier and better.
  • jensiegel39
    jensiegel39 Posts: 163 Member
    I totally understand. I've a person who has suffered my whole life from anxiety and depression. Recently, I finally decided to go on anti-depressants, and I'm not sure if they're helping or all the endorphins from exercising, but I feel a lot better than usual. I'm sleeping better and just not as worried. If you're afraid of your heart rate while exercising, make sure to test it and make sure it's in the normal range it should be. This could alleviate your fears there. I was told a certain heart rate for myself, and so I just make sure it's where it's supposed to be. If it's too high, I slow down.

    Have you sought professional help? It may be worth checking into. It's nice to have someone to talk to and help me deal with this so it doesn't become debilitating. It may help you too.
  • jensiegel39
    jensiegel39 Posts: 163 Member
    Oh, and although I'm new to working out, I actually am finding the cardio exercises I do (the arc trainer and bike) to be sort of relaxing. And I listen to good music and lifts my spirits. It's almost like meditating and it's "me" time. A few times in the past few weeks when I felt stressed about other stuff, I went to work out and found it actually helped my mood because of the endorphins and whatever. It was just sort of peaceful. I also like my gym because it's usually not crowded.
  • mamadukes23
    mamadukes23 Posts: 36 Member

    I am doing ok - but realizing that half the battle is simply from having anxiety. I have had anxiety nearly all of my life. I am a super aware & sensitive individual. Typically I am optimistic and see the good in everything, I have defeated/overcame many of the debilitating symptoms of anxiety - just ask :-) However I am learning that anxiety is making it difficult for me to believe I can do this. For one example I let it get in the way of my work outs - (fear of having a heart attack, dying. etc. ... I know it is unrealistic, but not for someone who is experiencing it -TRUST ME). Overall I am pretty headstrong meaning once I put my mind to it I am going to do it, and typically do it well. This for some reason though my inner Heckler - the anxiety - is getting the better of me. I feel as though by overcoming this obstacle and being able to choose healthy food choices, make the time to exercise and/or yoga, and over all taking better care of myself perhaps the anxiety could fade? Any one out there been there before? Any suggestions ...

    Thanks for help!

    ~ Peace


    I too have Anxiety, with every aspect of life and somethings worse than others. I find if I have something or someone to help me cope it makes life a littke easier. Example I have 2 dogs to help me sleep at night so the thought of someone breaking in and killing me in my sleep doesnt run through my head quite as often. Maybe for your situation try having someone present while exercising to help you feel more comfortable if something were to happen? Feel free to add me if ever you are having an anxiety attack and just want to talk
  • thenewmoni
    thenewmoni Posts: 30 Member
    Have u tried passion flower? It helps with anxiety and insomnia and its natural.
  • shazaline
    shazaline Posts: 2 Member
    I know exactly how you feel! I've had anxiety since I was a kid, and it took me a long time to even get the courage to join a gym.
    I find distraction helps alot if your feeling panicky, so if you need to listen to music or watch tv to get you through a workout then do so. If you find yourself worrying about your workouts, start doing them before you have time to even start worrying about them.

    I still feel anxious heading to the gym some days, but I know it's just in my head and once I get started and into the work the anxiety fades. Eating healthier and getting into a good routine will make you worry less about all those issues and will make it all alot easier to deal with.
  • emeraldvssilver
    emeraldvssilver Posts: 23 Member
    I have really bad social anxiety. I'm learning to live with it and deal with the situations that come up. I still haven't joined the gym though, I just wouldn't want anyone to stare at me as I work out on the machines and it's a university gym so there's a lot of immature people who would just stare at you and laugh at you behind your back.

    So far I've bought an aerobics step and I workout in my room but I still feel really self conscious whenever I have to get a drink or go to the shower and my flatmates are hanging around. Especially since they're the 'you can have a cheat day' type rather than 'you can do it' type.

    I'm getting used to it and I'm adapting but it's slow progress.