Why do I think about food ALL THE TIME?



  • cori314
    cori314 Posts: 38 Member
    Golly! I always think about food! More so when I'm trying to eat healthy to lose weight. My goal is to make it a habit so that I don't have to constantly try to figure what I should eat.
    I know I'm an emotional eater so I totally get that thinking about food is a coping mechanism that won't let you feel your feelings.
    Sugar free gum is definitely my go to distraction. I have a whole variety of flavors from different mints, cinammon and different fruity flavors just so that I have options depending on how I feel.
    I've come to realize, 90% of the weight loss battle is mental.
  • Josephine237
    Josephine237 Posts: 72 Member
    I'm constantly thinking about food. I wake up in the morning thinking about it and I go to bed at night thinking about it, wondering what I will eat the next day. I'm in a constant battle with my own mind about food. I eat and then start thinking about what I'm going to eat next. It's frustrating. I think about it whether I am hungry or not. For example, I just had lunch and I'm perfectly fine but yet I want to go in the fridge right now and eat something else so I am literally fighting with myself to stay out of the kitchen. At least I have been temporarily distracted by writing this post. I'm just tired of the battle wtih my head and the constant obsession with food.

    Does anyone have this same issue and if so, how do you deal with it?

    I used to never be satisfied and always felt hungry until I added more protein to meals and snacks..Now I'm rarely hungry.
  • zedmeaway
    zedmeaway Posts: 1

    Hope this post finds you well and truly. Let me guess, you're still battling with this..... Well Josephine, for your information and everyone else who has/is reading this, we call this: O.C.E.D. Obsessive Compulsive Eating Disorder. I have had this for four years. Today for example is my sixth day eating healthy; however, I am starting to itch :) It's like a need for drugs, the more you battle it, the weaker you become and give in.

    I am the same. I would consume within 30 minutes what an average adult would eat in a week, mind you it would only be 8am, and I would have the whole entire day to fit more in my stomach until I am about to explode.

    No need to brag on about it. Sad but true, there's no cure. I find that if I have breakfast my mouth won't stop operating throughout the day. So I skip breakfast and try eating A healthy meal anytime between 3:30-7:00pm and that is it. Everything else and all the advice given is a lie.

    My only advice is, once you (F**K UP, as I call it) have overeaten you can't aviod the guilt trip, just accept it, brush it off, and start again, for everyday is a new day. Oh and don't bother with telling the whole world, it only drags people into your problem, whom give you nothing but multiple advice, which causes confusion.

    If you need be please feel free to email me z.o.e.smith0302atg***.dotcom
  • kri1977
    kri1977 Posts: 63 Member
    Reviving an old thread but this is exactly how I feel but I never really overeat. My weight goes up and down but always in the BMI ranges, so I can control myself BUT i think about food the WHOLE freaking time. I have breakfast and think abotu "what's for lunch?" right after lunch I think about the snack and so on...

    Even now (10 pm) am sitting here, not hungry, but feeling like somethiing and it is a constant battle not to give in.

    How does one get rid of that? This has been going on all the time, I am conscious of it now but it has been there forever I guess...

  • kellyr730
    kellyr730 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm the exact same way - it drives me crazy because I work at home for the most part and am stuck at a computer all day so that's where my mind goes because I get so bored. I chew ice ALL DAY though - it's the only thing that even slightly helps because it's no calories but I know that's not good for my teeth. Distractions are good but I can't even focus on my work because I want to just keep thinking about going to get a snack :(
  • Zakiya05
    Zakiya05 Posts: 36 Member
    I do too! I used to just eat when I am hungry (Before the weightloss) but now, before each meal, I look at the calories, the fat content, etc. I calculate how much of the food I am eating. (Measure the servings out). I must check how much calories I have taken in, and if I should exercise more to burn off extras. It's bad, but a good thing I think. I mean, I'd rather think about food in the since of losing weight than not thinking about what I am eating and gaining weight back! :)

    Yes! I do the same thing. I am wondering how long I can keep this up before I say forget about. I don't think I can go on for the rest of my life calculating calories and ploting how much I need to exercise to burn it off. It can't be normal.
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    It's weird. I do to now.. but before dieting I never did... and it's been so long since I started I can't remember a time I didn't stop thinking about it :(
  • queenbree13
    queenbree13 Posts: 89 Member
    I konw what you mean. I'm always willing to eat, i think it's because i give myself the benefit of the doubt like "this won't matter cause i worked out this morning." When in reality it does matter.

    I do this too. All the time. Until I realized that the only thing I'm doing is ruining what I have already accomplished! The workout was hard enough, why eat again to make myself have to do the same routine the next day and be even more upset with the results I deserved.

    I think about food non-stop. It's an addiction and I'll admit it. I try to plan out my food, because if I'm on a schedule and know what I am going to eat next, I don't have to think about it.
  • 1longroad
    1longroad Posts: 642 Member
    I constantly think about food! I didn't think anyone else did this! I feel somewhat normal now!!

    So..... even though I am constantly thinking about food, I have been trying to channel it into searching for recipes that fit my macros and calories, I can use to replace old favorites, or ways to use up what I have on hand.

    So far it is helping, but it's still all about food. Wish I could be 'normal' and not fixate on food!
  • Tindo765
    Tindo765 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in the same boat as all of you. I think about food all the time weather i'm hungry or not and i'm always thinking about when i can eat again and how much i can eat before i have to stop because of calories. I'm really starting to get concerned about this as its a relatively new development.
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    I replaced food with sex.

    Works like a charm.
  • pienthesky32
    pienthesky32 Posts: 142 Member
    Bump for the answer to my obsession too. I feel ya honey.
  • atcross
    atcross Posts: 26 Member
    I think this is a symptom of calorie-counting. First of all, you've reduced your intake and that takes some time to get used to before the hunger normalizes. Then, if you're like me, you're carefully planning all your meals and snacks for the day so that you won't exceed your goal cal/day. Then you have to worry about how you're going to avoid temptation throughout the day and distract yourself when you get the munchies. I feel like my whole life revolves around food, and I can't have a normal social life (i.e. meeting friends for lunch, holidays, and vacations are fraught with temptation to overindulge and the consequent remorse). Calorie-counting is the only diet that works for me, but let's all admit it: it's a total drag!

    One thing that helps for me is to plan and prepare my meals for the following week each weekend. I make a huge pot of nutritious, high-protien, high-fiber soup and enter it in My Recipes so I know the cals/serving and I don't have to worry about dinners for the rest of the week.
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    I find it helpful to give myself food "deadlines." I try to always eat breakfast between 6-9, a snack between 9-12, lunch between 12-3, an afternoon snack between 3-6, dinner between 6-9, and dessert between 9-12. I know I can't eat anything else until the next eating "window" or I'll be hungry for hours, so it helps me have the willpower to wait.
  • hrnakshi
    I am facing it too.

    I never overeat, nor am I on a diet...but especially at work I constantly feel like eating and my focus seems to go to food more than on my work. I dont know why this is happening.I do not act on my thoughts so I do not binge or eat "in between"...or too often....but I keep craving to eat even if I'm not hungry...and its not for anything in particular... I just think of food and feel..." maybe I can have a few bites..." but i'm not hungry. I wasnt like this 10 days ago. It is a recent phenomenon.