Staying positive when you DON'T loose

So for no particular reason, the scale did not budge this week. Even though, in my mind I had an awesome food week. I drank a ton of water. ( I have also worked 85+ hours, but who's counting). I was very cautious of my sodium. When I weighed in today (same time, same clothes as usual) I did not see the decent loss I felt like I would have. The scale did not move one bit.

Yes, I was initially disappointed when I got off the scale -but honestly, if I really mean what I have been saying the past 9 weeks - I AM NOT ON A DIET - I am changing the way I eat and view food, I still must consider this week as a success. I faced absurd work/life stresses without turning to food . I did not open the bottle of red sitting on my kitchen counter. I made healthy food choices. I breathed, I called my friends/family, I spent time (what little free time I had) with my husband and daughter.

This week was a a reinforcement of the way I hope to live the rest of my life. It proves to me that I CAN do more than talk the talk. No matter how much I might want the weight to just magically poof instantly away - I, WE all must look at the bigger picture - the quality/health/happiness of the life we live day to day. It is not a race with a finish line.

So I guess the point of this "posting is group therapy for Michelle" diatribe is that there are bigger victories to be had then just the numbers on the scale - we should/we MUST celebrate them all.


  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    Attagirl! Well put!.:flowerforyou:
  • MandyGirly
    Great post! I sometimes have a hard time remembering that myself. I get on the scale and see 0 results... and totally forget that I felt GREAT all week! Thanks for putting things in perspective!

  • ladybug91254
    ladybug91254 Posts: 232 Member
    I have recently had two different weeks where I did the same thing...did great eating/exercising but no loss. I just kept reminding myself of the same thing you said...this is a LIFETIME journey...not a diet. I also lost really good the following week so I really think that sometimes it just takes a bit for your body to catch up. Or maybe it's that time of month. Anyway, keep focusing on doing good and the weight will come off. Good luck!

  • AmandaR910
    Good post!
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    You are so awesome, Michelle. GREAT post! Hopefully you see that your success this week is your ATTITUDE....which is fully intact and seeing things more clearly. Fantastic job! HUGS!
  • ashbridge
    Thanks for the reminder!
  • indigloworm
    Great timing, I had a great food week but no weight-loss. Disappointed but trying to look at the situation in the way you have so it was nice for your post to reinforce that effort. Thanks!
  • tawny7
    tawny7 Posts: 276 Member
    Thanks for posting this. I definately needed the reminder that the number on the scale isn't everything!!