Setting Weight Loss Goals by Percentage

Hi everyone! I'm pretty new, forgive me if this topic has been discussed before. I read an article recently about how to set a goal for your weightloss, and the author suggested choosing a percentage of your body weight that you want to lose every 6 months. She said that if you set a big goal, like say 60 pounds, you might get discouraged when you don't reach that within 6 months, and that it's fine to set an ultimate goal like that but most of your focus should be on baby steps throughout the process. She said setting percentages (I went with 10% every 5 months) can allow for the inevitable slowing down in weight loss once you've been working at it for a while.

From June 1 to today (5 months) I lost 11% of my June body weight and I was thrilled! Now I'm hoping to lose another 10% of my current weight by April 1 which will put me at my final goal. I know it's probably going to be trickier this period because of the Christmas treats my family is so dedicated to making and consuming, but I think I can stick with what I've been doing and maybe up the exercise to allow for the candy and turkey.

Has anyone else heard of going by percentage? Is this a good idea?


  • deadeyelou
    I've never really heard or that, but on 'Biggest Loser' they seem to focus on per centages, at a much quicker pace. Sounds like its working well for you, so if it works -- use it. Good for you. Keep up the good work! :smooched:
  • yomamatwo
    yomamatwo Posts: 7 Member
    Way to go Polkadot!! I've been on here for 2 weeks now and have lost 1 pound. My goal is to loose 65 lbs. I haven't set up a goal yet. But I will. I'm a diabetic and am on insulin. I was on Metformin (a pill) but am no longer taking ( per doctors orders) whoo hoo!! Now I'm trying to get this weight off and be diabetic free!! It can be done and I'm going to do it! I just need alot of support!! So keep up the great work!
  • badrianne
    badrianne Posts: 101
    That is interesting. I have never really thought of doing it that way. It seems to be kind of the same thing, just giving it a different name. I am about 143 at this moment. So, if I say that I want to lose 10% in however many months, I still know that I want to lost about 14 pounds in that time span. For me, I would still expect that number.

    But whatever works for you and keeps you from obsessing is wonderful!!
  • garedds
    garedds Posts: 251
    When I was in South Africa, I went a to a group called Weigh Less and it was about healthy eating. Anyways, they divided your weight loss by percentages and rewarded you with each 10% lost. At certian percentages, it was adding more food choices in, having a snack 3 times a week, ect. It was really good as it taught portion size and as you learned you were given more liberty in choosing foods. For example going from only high fibre, low fat foods to adding in med fat foods. Anyways, I know it helped me to lose when I was only looking at 10% as my next goal.
  • PolkaDot88
    PolkaDot88 Posts: 71 Member
    Badrianne - yes, it's not so much about helping you to stay focused or lose weight as it is about how to go about picking a goal and breaking down your goal into manageable pieces. Right now I'm like you, I'm definitely focusing on the number, but when these 5 months are up I can choose another number that's 10% of my weight. That way I'm losing steadily and healthily.
  • badrianne
    badrianne Posts: 101
    Ok, I understand what you are saying. That make sense!