Help with getting skinny arms??

I'm 18 5'7 and 194 lbs. in about a month and a half or so our school is having a military ball thing and I'm going. I really want to wear a strapless dress since that's the style you know? But if I bend my arm up, there's a "double roll " how do I get rid of this in a month and a half? I'm eating more healthy and I've list 2 pounds since last Thursday, but what exersises should I do on my arms? Advice and info is much appreciated :)


  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    You can't target fat loss. Doing more arm exercises isn't going to make your body use the fat from your arms, unfortunately. You just have to keep generally losing weight. That said, strength training is great and everyone should do it, so get yourself on a program. is a great resource for finding strength programs.
  • bethannien
    bethannien Posts: 556 Member
    Lift weights but you can't spot reduce fat. Focus on eating at a calorie deficit, exercise and do your best.

    Eta: I'm about to start NROLW. It's a great read and the program sounds promising
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    It is mostly a function of weight loss. However, you could improve it a bit by doing some moderate weight lifting 2-3 days per week. Some basic dumbbell exercises like bicep curls and tricep extensions/kickbacks.

    However, I would recommend taking up weight lifting full time and working your entire body. Not only will you benefit from an increased calorie burn, but you will also get stronger, improve your feminine curves, and stave off osteoperosis.
  • heykatieben
    heykatieben Posts: 398 Member
    ^^ Can you speak more on improving feminine curves? I could swear I'm a little curvier since weight lifting but I'm not sure why. Would love more info. :)
  • SweeDecadence92
    SweeDecadence92 Posts: 218 Member
    What on earth is a double arm roll?

    The maximum you could hope to lose, assuming you spend the next month and half rigidly sticking to your diet without "cheating" is 5-10lbs.

    There is nothing you can do to spot reduce fat in any one area only tone the muscle under it. You should look into a weight training programme for your goals. Bench press, rows, pull ups, overhead press etc are all good for building nice sexy toned arms.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    ^^ Can you speak more on improving feminine curves? I could swear I'm a little curvier since weight lifting but I'm not sure why. Would love more info. :)

    When you first begin to weight train, your body stores extr water and glycogen in your muscles, enhancing their size. This causes a gain of a few pounds and is known as "noob gains". The reason women get enhanced curves from weight lifting is because their hip abductors, thighs, and butt all benefit from this, increasing their hip-to-waist ratio.
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    ^^ Can you speak more on improving feminine curves? I could swear I'm a little curvier since weight lifting but I'm not sure why. Would love more info. :)

    When you first begin to weight train, your body stores extr water and glycogen in your muscles, enhancing their size. This causes a gain of a few pounds and is known as "noob gains". The reason women get enhanced curves from weight lifting is because their hip abductors, thighs, and butt all benefit from this, increasing their hip-to-waist ratio.

    ^^ and that in the long run makes us look like fabulous, strong goddesses :flowerforyou:
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    Strapless dresses are overrated ... I'm small, firm arms and have nothing to hid (well, I have some stretch marks near my armpits, but I don't really care about them so ...) ... I actually prefer long-sleeved dresses ... Yes, they can totally be elegant, it's like 1930's glamour ... Continue with your lifestyle change for the sake of your health and happiness, but consider the long-sleeved dress for this occasion (It's winter too, so it won't be weird), realistically speaking, if you are doing things in a healthy way, you probably won't be strapless-dress-ready (i.e. have your arms look the way you want) in a month and a half ...
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    ^^ Can you speak more on improving feminine curves? I could swear I'm a little curvier since weight lifting but I'm not sure why. Would love more info. :)

    When you first begin to weight train, your body stores extr water and glycogen in your muscles, enhancing their size. This causes a gain of a few pounds and is known as "noob gains". The reason women get enhanced curves from weight lifting is because their hip abductors, thighs, and butt all benefit from this, increasing their hip-to-waist ratio.

    ^^ and that in the long run makes us look like fabulous, strong goddesses :flowerforyou:

    Agree completely.
  • Thank you everyone:) and a double arm roll is like where when you have your arm to your side and bend your elbow and fore arm up and it enhances the fat on your upper arm and makes a line
  • I am a long way off skinny arms, but I have found that arm exercises have improved the look of my arms, sure I still have the bingo wing, but I also have a bicep and tricep, that gives the top of the arm the more shapely look that gives an impression of skinnier arms.

    You don't even need weights, do some tricep dips off a bench or tricep push ups?
  • 1dce
    1dce Posts: 238 Member
    ^^ Can you speak more on improving feminine curves? I could swear I'm a little curvier since weight lifting but I'm not sure why. Would love more info. :)

    When you first begin to weight train, your body stores extr water and glycogen in your muscles, enhancing their size. This causes a gain of a few pounds and is known as "noob gains". The reason women get enhanced curves from weight lifting is because their hip abductors, thighs, and butt all benefit from this, increasing their hip-to-waist ratio.
    Yep my butt is bigger and my thighs lol but I likes what's I seeee
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    I always hated the back of my arms too. There is fat there that just never seemed to go away. I added some weight training with light weights and it helped some. I slowly increased weights and I no longer have the double roll as you say.
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Also want to add I lost 2 inches off each arm last month. With no loss in scale weight.
  • I think long term of some medium low weight resistance type exercise like swimming and certain yoga positions help target specific areas